'Cause you're lovely

81 4 8

A/N: I love this chapter. You might need tissues.


Ricky's POV:

I don't know how many hours it's been since the anesthetics wore off but I feel a little bit more like myself now. I am still really tired and in pain but the nurse said that it's not easy the first day after surgery. It was really hard to take a nap though. I felt like I had a cold after the surgery and was super tired. I woke up once to throw up a little while ago and the the nurse on call said it's normal to do so after a big surgery where I had to fast so I just went with it and fell back asleep listening to the monitors.

Now, I'm mostly awake now l, so that's good.

And I want to try to eat something.

I'm starving and the only thing I've had in the last 24 hours is ice chips.

I'm just really sore and curious as to what time it is.

"'Cause you're lovely, baby you're lovely, Seanna." I hear a voice and a guitar strumming as I slowly open my eyes from resting them for a few minutes from trying to actually get some sleep which didn't work.

"You're still here, E.J.. Where'd you get the guitar? Is Seanna okay? What are all those monitors on her body? I didn't know that you could sing so well." I rub my eyes as best as I can and watch E.J move from her incubator to my bed in a matter of seconds.

"Seanna's doing fine. The nurses watching her put her in there to keep her body warm since you were resting. The monitor on her chest is regulating her breathing patterns. And the one on her arm is measuring her pulse and heart rate. The doctors are taking extra precautions since you have anxiety, mild depression, and high blood pressure. One of the nurses fed her a little while ago so she's content and napping for now. How are you feeling? I let you rest for a little while after you threw up since you've been so restless post-op. I don't know if you got much sleep though. You've been trying to sleep for hours and I didn't want to disturb you." I see E.J put the guitar he was holding on the edge of the bed and run his hand through my curls to make sure I am not freezing like I was earlier.

I think my body temperature is back to normal.

Someone placed the blanket from my apartment over my body while I was trying to sleep.

I think it was Nini or my dad since the nurses don't know about my favorite blanket.

"Still in pain even though anesthesia wore off, kinda want to try to eat something, and curious as to what time it is. Have you slept or ate yet? Were you sitting here the whole time while I was in recovery?" I make grabby hands for the ice chip cup since I still don't have the energy to get up yet.

I watch E.J grab the cup and feed me a few while he faintly smiles at me.

I miss this a lot.

I miss us.

I miss him telling me to rest and take care of myself instead of me being my stubborn old self and doing things when I am not feeling well.

I remember what I said in the operation room and I was being honest.

I wasn't sure if he would stay though.

And he did.

E.J actually looks worse than I do.

"It's 10:30 pm now. Seanna was born at 9:02 this morning. You still need to sign her birth certificate but the doctors wanted to wait till you were off fully off anesthetics and were awake to do so. So she doesn't have an official name yet. I've been here since the operation. Your dad brought me a sandwich for late lunch though. No one's met Seanna yet since she's been with the nurses a lot being taken care of or fed. The doctor who came in a while ago while you were trying to rest said you can eat some small protein like nuts or eggs. I can get a nurse to look for something since the cafeteria isn't open now. Glad the anesthesia wore off though." I half hear E.J.'s voice and half hear Little S screaming and crying.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu