So I put on a show, slap on a smile

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A/N: Ricky is 5 months along on this day.


E.J's POV:

I am going to see Ricky.

I need a car though.

An Uber from L. A to Pasadena is quite expensive.

And I am only supposed to use my Uber cards and driver for work purposes.

"E.J, you have four scenes with Bitchstasia today. Are you ready? I'm here for you if you want to talk after." I hear a gentle knock on my trailer door and jump out of my seat when I notice that Meg is already dressed and had her hair and makeup done.

I was supposed to be in the hair and makeup trailer 20 minutes ago but I freaked out and went straight to my trailer first.

"You scared me, Meg. I thought you were HER. You have a nickname for her too?" I lightly laugh and fake a smile.

"Sorry, I should've knocked louder or let you know that I was coming to your trailer. Hey, what's wrong? I can tell that you just fake-smiled at me. I don't like seeing people sad. Do you need a mental health day? I can cover for you or do extra scenes and say you're sick." I watch Meg close the trailer door and react to her by putting my head on my vanity desk.

"I need to see Ricky and apologize. Meg, my agent thinks this whole Anastasia, Ricky, and I mess could be a good PR stunt for the media. I need to see Ricky NOW and apologize!" I mumble into my blanket hoodie which is the big blue one Ricky gave me as a gift when he announced his pregnancy.

I must have forgotten to take it out of my trailer or do something with it when we took our break.

It's also really nice weather out so I don't know why I am wearing a blanket hoodie.

I guess it's so I put on a show, slap on, smile, and let everyone know that I am doing absolutely fine. And that I will be on set today just like I am every other day. Just like my agent wants me to do all the time.

It's all an act.

Now I understand why Hollywood changes people in the worst ways.

"Okay, take a deep breath and also take this blanket hoodie off. It's causing you to sweat and become dehydrated and stressed." I sit on my chair and let her take the big blue blanket hoodie off of me as if she is my mom.

"Are you hungry? I know you are thirsty. You were wearing too many layers in this hot trailer that barely has any A/C going. Let me get you some water from your mini fridge. You should restock it." I barely listen to Meg and nod my head.

I don't know if she understood me.

I slapped on a smile and I am putting on a smile today.

"I need to see Ricky. I need to apologize. I need to know that he's doing fine." I ignore her questions while she places a bag of Cheez-Itz and a water bottle in front of me.

"Eat and drink, first. You can't see Ricky like this. You need to shower first. You need to prepare an apology speech. You need to stop stressing out and remember that you made mistakes. We all make mistakes, no matter how bad they are. You got to move on and live in the present. Stop thinking about HER. E.J, are you even listening to me?" I hear someone snap in front of me and notice that Meg is still in my trailer.

"Yeah, sorry. I was overthinking again." I drink half  of the water bottle and watch Meg look at me concerned.

"Just admit it. You weren't listening to me half the time. E.J., let me tell you something a bit personal about myself. It seems like you think you are the only person on 'A Billion Sorrys' with some really messed up drama that's getting to your head." I nod my head and give her a chance to speak since I ignored her half the time to think about my Ricky problem.

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