Oh, how I miss you

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A/N: lots of sicky Ricky in this chapter ;/


Ricky's POV:

It's been two weeks since E.J and I had sex for the first time, and I feel awful. I have a stumach virus and my back hurts.

Not a good combination.

E.J and I actually had sex twice. Once on Saturday night and once on Sunday night when his roommate left again.

By the second time, I got used to everything and doing it to him.

I wasn't scared or nervous anymore but I knew that my best friend, would ask what was up if I came back to Pasadena in pain so I never told her about the second time we did it. She only knows about the first one.

I also feel bad for E.Js cat Angel.

She has to be stuck in the bathroom while we are in bed naked together.

But it's better for her to be in there because I'm allergic and can sneeze at anytime.

It's hard for me to take off work to see my boyfriend in LA or even take a break since it's just Nini and I working at Just for a Melody right now.

We haven't put out hiring applications yet since we're young and trying to figure out the business stuff.

"Ricky, are you sure you'll be fine by yourself? I can always close up the school and take care of you. I asked Gina if she could come in and do a special dance lesson for the kids but she is teaching ballet class today. Your dad is out of town with his boyfriend. I can't get a hold of him." I see my best friend/ co-worker walk into my master bedroom holding a cup of tea and pack of saltines.

We live together and work together. We even graduated together from Pasadena College of Theater and Arts with a degree in music education, minor in business, and focus in social work, hence why we opened up our own business. We used all our saving to buy the small building and buy used instruments and sheet music.

On most days Nini isn't as over protective and mom-like as she is today.

It's annoying.

"Neens, I'm fine. Thanks for the tea. Go to the school and teach. Hopefully I can keep it in my digestive system for a while. I don't know what kind of virus this is but I don't like it at all. I wanna be back in the classroom teaching kids guitar." I whimper as she sits on the side of my bed feeling my forehead for a fever.

My stumach is rolling like a ball in a hurricane and I've already thrown up my breakfast and lunch today.

I had a breakfast burrito for breakfast with ham and cheese and sushi for lunch.

Thankfully, our little music school doesn't open till 3pm today since it's mostly after school and summer school programs.

I'm stuck in bed under a bunch of blankets wishing I was back in bed with my boyfriend again on Valentine's day.

"Will you call me if you need me or get sick again or need something? I'm your roommate. I allowed to worry about you." I watch her frown as she rubs my back to comfort me.

"Yes. Go teach your voice lessons before the kids start complaining about their teacher being late and then we get bad reviews on Yelp," I whispered to her after taking a sip of my Jasmine tea that I requested earlier when she said I should drink something.

I swear I'm gonna throw up this tea in an hour and then my stumach will be empty again.

I hate being sick on days my kids are counting on me.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now