She heard that I got a death threat.

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A/N: 3 months pregnant = 13 weeks. One week later from the last chapter.

I'm sorry if this chapter makes you cry. It's part of the Hollywood aspect in his life. I love a good character breakdown after they've been strong so long.


E.J's POV:

I miss Ricky so much.

If I didn't stick my dick in his and forget to use a condom on the second night we had sex then we wouldn't even be in this situation.

If Ricky didn't ask me to take his virginity away from him for the first time than we wouldn't be on this long break, I asked for.

If Ricky and I were still a private couple not in the media, I wouldn't be here looking at my twitter timeline, I would be driving to Pasadena to go on a date with him.

I hate myself for kissing Anastasia and leaving a condom and my cum in her trailer.

If anyone asks for the truth, I was thinking of Ricky when I almost had sex with her. I didn't intentionally want to cheat on him. It was a spur of the moment thing and my past came back to haunt me.

I went to her trailer that day because I wanted to have a nice talk after Quinnie bit her shoulder at the table read.

Not go to her trailer to bring back old memories.

"Hey Ricky, I miss you so much. Can we please meet up to talk?" I hold onto my phone and hover over his contact that still has many hearts under his name from Valentine's day.

I heard his voicemail and it made me want to talk to him sooner rather than later.

Even though, I cheated on him with my ex, I still love him.

I just didn't believe him when he announced that he was pregnant in my trailer.

"Hi, Ricky. It's me, E.J. I'm ready to talk. Call me." I hold onto my phone but don't press dial.

I'm too scared to call him after I've cheated on him and almost had sex with my ex.

I will tell him about Anastasia's acting career soon.

It's been a long time since I last talked or seen him and I don't have any way to get to Pasadena right now since we're still filming.

Instead of calling Ricky, I call my mom who is in Canada.

My parents got a divorce when I was 5 but I still have a close bond with my mom.

I just don't call her enough.

"Elton, we need to talk." I put my phone to my ear and hear my mom's stern voice from the other side of the phone.

Oh no.

The last time we had a stern talk she was worrying about me when I first moved to LA.

I'm closer to my mom than I am to my dad.

"Nice to hear from you too, mom. How are you?"

"Not so great. Why are you getting hate and death threats on Twitter, sweetie? What happened to that pretty boy, Ricky you were dating?  What did you do to him? I told you that Hollywood is not a safe place to become famous. Why'd you have to pick acting over your father's law firm?" I listen to my mother speak and wonder what she is talking about.

"What are you talking about, mom? What threats?" I put her on speakerphone and log into my Twitter account that I haven't used since I stopped uploading Youtube vlogs.

I took a break from Youtube to focus more on auditions and Ricky many months ago.

Now, I'm not currently with Ricky and I need to talk to him.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now