They say sit up straight, toughen up

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A/N: if you know which Joshy B song this is from I love you.

Four days after EJ's hangover.


E.J's POV:

It's been less than a week since my hangover/mental breakdown and  I know for a fact that today I have to be on set from 8:00am-10:00pm.

I'm just glad the paparazzi didn't get pictures of my midnight adventure in Hollywood getting drunk as a skunk.

Nothing is trending besides more hate tweets.

I'm the fucking star of 'A Billion Sorrys' and I owe Ricky a billion sorrys.

He's never going to forgive me for what I did with Anastasia though.

I didn't even tell him the full story about what happened in her trailer.

He doesn't need to know any more information than what I've told him.

I guess it's just relieving to know that I told him something instead of hiding the fact that I am a cheater for 9 months until he goes into labor.

Actually scrap that shit news, he probably won't even let me in the labor in delivery room because of my mixed bisexual feelings that I had when I saw Anastasia in her trailer.

I'm never going to fall in love again.

I'm a mess.

I'm a cheater.

"Angel, c'mere girl. Daddy needs a hug." I forcefully scoop my baby girl up off the kitchen floor after she's finished her breakfast.

Our hug lasts longer than expected but it's okay because I am still waiting for Pearce to get out of the shower.

The car to head to set won't be here for another half hour anyways so he has time to get ready.

I know that I should eat breakfast so I am not eating craft services food all day long but I haven't been hungry since the breakup.

Lately, I've been a wreck.

I ignored 10 of my mom's phone calls after getting more hate tweets on Twitter.

I cried while drinking some root beer that Pearce bought home from the supermarket the other night.

And whenever we go out for errands or just for a walk downtown I wear sunglasses so that paps can't see my tired and red bloodshot eyes.

I haven't even bothered to read the tabloids or my social media tagged posts yet.

I can't be on my phone without seeing someone say that I'm a cheater and that the random boy in the pink hoodie deserved better.

"Hey, I double checked the script for the scenes we're shooting, it looks like the scenes you have are with Ross and a few minutes with Nick Jonas. It will be okay today. Just avoid HER and HER trailer." I look behind me from grabbing the milk from the fridge while Angel is laying on the floor napping and see Pearce walk into the kitchen shirtless drying off his hair.

"Why don't you hate me, Pearce? I cheated on a pregnant man with my ex and almost got her pregnant too." I look over at him with teary eyes as he dries his hair off with a towel.

"Well I've done worse things than cheat on a pregnant man and almost have sex with my ex." I listen to him rhyme as I roll my eyes at him and throw him a Marvel shirt to put on with the boxers he has on.

"I've known you for a while now and I know for a fact that you have not done anything worse than I have." I let my baby girl who is my on set emotional support animal while he's looking through the laundry for pants.

"Would You Love Me Now?" A RJ Mpreg AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora