I know better than to wait on heartbreak

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A/N: Ricky is 8 months and two weeks along


E.J's POV:

It's the middle of October and almost Halloween time.

Instead of looking for a costume to hide my celebrity appearance, I am helping Ricky move into his apartment.

Kourtney recruited me to be a part of moving duty so that Seanna and Ricky have a home ready when they come back from the hospital.

And guess who got recruited to move heavy boxes and carry furniture duty?


I put the apartment and job search on hold so that I can help Ricky out again.

I will do anything to gain back his trust even if it means that I have to carry heavy things and forget about Pearce and my cat, Quinny.

"I told you for the thousandth time, Nini. I don't want to talk about what happened at lunch so shut up or else!" I hear Ricky shout from the front door while I am building a bookcase in the corner of his living room.

"Ricky, you need to sit down and stop yelling. Your blood pressure is going to go up and then you'll need your pills," I hear Nini's voice from behind as I watch him avoid everyone else that is helping me move his belongings into the apartment.

"No, I am not sitting down. You are the one who got me out of the apartment in the first place. I did not come to my new apartment just to sit back down. Stop telling me what to do!" I hear Ricky shout then watch him knock over a box of baby toys.

"I got it," I walk over to the toys and glance at him while doing so.

"I'm going to Seanna's nursery. Don't talk to me, Nini. I don't need your guidance. I am not a child."

I watch Ricky as Ricky slams the door behind him while Nini, Red, Kourtney, Gina, Howie, and Ash stare at it in silence with me.

"I am so ready for this to be over," I watch Nini sit on the couch that I just carried in and start crying and reaching out for Gina's touch.

"Babe, please don't cry. You are making me sad on this happy day. You are doing your best to support Ricky and I love you for doing so," I watch Gina go over and lean toward Nini's side to kiss her.

"I tried to get Ricky out of the apartment by scheduling a lunch date for him with his dad downtown, and well it didn't go as planned. Gi, babe. I'm doing everything I can to support him and get him out of our apartment. Nothing works. He only leaves to get takeout if the baby wants a midnight snack. I don't know what to do and I put grad school on hold for him. He's my best friend and now he doesn't even want to talk to me. I am a terrible friend. Last week we fought and this week he hates me because I asked him how his lunch was with his dad. This is going to be a long fall season," I hear Nini sob on the couch while I finish cleaning up the toys Ricky knocks over.

While everyone else goes back to minding their business and unpacking boxes, I sneakily walk back towards Seanna's nursery and knock on the door as quietly as I can.

"What do you want from me now, Nini?" I watch the nursery door open slightly and see my very pregnant ex-boyfriend holding onto a stuffed bunny in his hand.

"Oh. It's you. Uh sorry, E.J. You can come in," I watch him hold the door to let me in then shut it while he walks back to sit in his comfy new rocking chair.

I walk in and lean against Seanna's changing table then look over at Ricky who has tears in his eyes.

He is grasping onto that bunny for dear life.

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