Author's Note

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To my dearest readers,

Terima kasih banyak-banyak sebab sudi baca karya saya yang pertama ini sampai habis.

Terima kasih sebab pilih buku ni walaupun mungkin buku ni bukan yang terbaik. 

Terima kasih sebab bersama-sama dengan saya sepanjang waktu saya menulis buku ni.

Seriously, I don't think I ada kekuatan untuk habiskan menulis kalau tak disebabkan you guys.

This whole phase of making this book have been such a roller coaster ride for me. 

I acknowledge it. Sometimes, I feel so discourage to finish this book. The burnout was real. I don't think writing a book would be this hard, but damn..IT WAS HARD.

I learn so many things throughout this process of finishing this book. I'm grateful for every single thing yang I dapat ambil sebagai pengajaran and experience. 

This book may not be the best, but I'm proud to put it out there.

Sekali lagi, terima kasih kerana sudi baca buku saya. You guys are truly the best. The amount of support I get is insane and I couldn't thank you guys enough.

Good news tho, I've planning to continue making more books, so stay tuned for that.

But for now, my journey stops here with this book.

I hope you guys love the ending! I hope you guys love everything!

Please give me feedbacks about this book. Tell me every opinion yang korang ada untuk this book or for me. I appreciate it so much if you can do this for me. I really need to know hahah

Anyway, Dalam Lamunan Kita kini sudahpun menutup tirai dan saya sebagai author juga ingin mengundur diri.

Terima kasih semua. I love you guys so much.

I'll see you again, insyaallah.

Yours truly,


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