86. Surprise, Surprise...

948 22 41

Melody's P.O.V.

I open my eyes sleepily to the feeling of Marshall rubbing soft circles around my shoulders with the tips of his fingers as I lay with my back agaist his chest.

"Good morning," I mumble sleepily and snuggle closer into him, I just feel so comfy right now.

"More like good afternoon," Marshall chuckles behind me and moves my hair away from the nape of my neck before placing a kiss there. "It's like 1pm, he says against my skin.

"What?!" I exclaim incredulously. "Damn, we overslept like that?!"

"You overslept, baby. I've been up for hours now."

"Why didn't you wake me up then?"

"I just figured your pregnant behind probably needed some rest," Marshall says seriously, and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, well, now my pregnant behind needs some food, cause I'm starving," I grumble and start to get out of bed.

"Hold up, Mel, stay right there. Imma order some room service to be brought up."

"Okay, cool. Let me go take a shower in the meantime."

"Go ahead, baby. Are you good, you feeling fine?"

"Yeah, Marshall, I'm alright why..."

"No morning sickness or nothing?"

"No, I mean, I haven't really experienced that with this pregnancy. The only reason I even knew something was up was because my period was late, so I went to the doctor."


I turn my head slightly and give Marshall a quick kiss on the lips before sliding out of bed and heading to the adjacent shower. By the time I'm all done in there, our food has arrived from room service, and Marshall and I sit down to have a very late breakfast.

As I'm chewing my food, I notice that he keeps staring at me.

"What?" I finally ask him with a little laugh.

"Nothing," he shrugs and reaches across the table to hold my hand. "Did I ever tell you how happy you make me, Mel?"

"Occasionally," I smile. "But you can tell me again if you want."

"You make me very fucking happy. And listen baby, yesterday I might not have reacted how I was supposed to react when you dropped the big news on me, but that's just I was freaked out. I'm real fucking excited that we are having another baby, you know."

"I know, Marshall," I smile and take another bite of my pancakes.

"I just still wish you woulda told me that before. I would've took you to my doctor before we left."

"Marshall, I promise you, I'm fine, and the baby is fine."

"Yeah well, we are still going to my doc first thing once we get back to Detroit. Gotta get you some of them prenatal vitamins and shit."

"Oh Lord," I sigh as I playfully rolls my eyes. "I can already see where that's going..."

The super overprotective Marshall is back. He had been that way back when I was pregnant with Lyric too, and as happy as it makes me that he cares so much, I already know that he is going to drive me crazy for the next few months, and I am not wrong.

Over the next 7 months or so, Marshall is on my ass at all times, and he treats me like I'm made of glass.

Not that it's really a reason to complain, but sometimes he can be a little overwhelming.

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