Drinks with new friends

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Present Mic gathered everyone who was coming on the front steps. We all agreed to meet at the bar at 5 and eat together before drinks. I watched all the amazing pro heroes talk and smiled to myself. This was going to be the safest bar in the world.

" Hey (y/n), can I get your phone number? We have a group chat for all the teachers." Present Mic asked.

"Of course let me see your phone!" I replied, trying to match his energy.

He handed me his phone and looked at me nervously as I put in my number. He looked like he wanted to say something but wasn't sure.

"What is it?" I asked, tilting my head to the side and handing back his phone.

" Oh um, so you and All Might, are you guys, you know...." Present Mic finally asked, almost quietly.

The change in his voice was just as ridiculous sounding as the question to me. I began laughing, putting my hand on my chest.

"Absolutely not." I said between laughs. "He just took care of me when I was younger, he's more like a mentor or a parent."

"Oh of course, I hope I wasn't prying." Present Mic smiled again, his loud voice back full force.

"No, not at all. I can see why you would think so, you aren't the first." I said with a big smile as I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"Your Japanese is very good! I was so worried I would have to embarrass myself with my English skills." He said.

"Thank you so much! Toshinori taught me ages ago so I've had lots of time to practice." I replied.

I looked up and saw Aizawa waiting for his friend at the bottom of the stairs, watching us flatly.

"Well I best be going, I'll see you tonight (y/n)." He said, pulling my eyes back to him.

Oh wait, Present Mic." I started.

"Please call me Hizashi." He smiled reassuringly.

"Hizashi, what kind of place is this? Is what I'm wearing ok? I've just never been there." I asked with a slightly embarrassed smile.

"We always dress semi-casual, so your dress is perfect. It's the type of place where everyone fits in so anything works. We just dress nice to take a break from our hero costumes." He explained, waving as he moved towards his friend.

"Thank you, I'll see you tonight." I said waving back.

It was only about noon so I decided to do some shopping for my dinner at Toshinori's tomorrow. It had taken me a bit to find a shop with the ingredients I needed for my usual meals, but the food quality was so good compared to America that I felt it wasn't a hassle.

I decided to make my favorite comfort food, spaghetti with salad and garlic bread. I knew the vegetable packed sauce would be good for Toshinori. By the time I was done shopping it was already past 2. I decided to text Toshinori quickly, since I was close to his place.

Me: Hey Toshi I'm near your

place, can I stop and

drop off some groceries

for tomorrow?

Toshi: Yeah, stop by (y/n)

Door is unlocked.

I arrived at his house and opened the door. As I started loading groceries into the fridge I heard Toshinori having a coughing fit behind me. I looked back as he held the wound on his side and coughed blood up into his hand. For the first time today, the fake smile I'd been wearing slipped away. I barely even noticed the crash of thunder, but Toshinori heard it. He frowned as I passed him a towel and quickly filled a glass with water.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Where stories live. Discover now