And Now The Fun Begins

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I woke up at 3 am as usual. I decided to get ready early to try to calm myself. I spent most of last night preparing a cd for class today. I planned to have the students spar and thought some music would be a nice touch. I got dressed, wearing the yellow dress from Toshinori. I kept my makeup pretty simple since today would be a workout. I put my hair up into a simple bun. I made a quick lunch for myself, as well as Toshinori and Aizawa. I grabbed my phone and realized I had a text. I looked at my phone confused, it was from Aizawa.

Eraserhead: (Y/n) it's Shota,

I hope this isn't

Weird... Are you


I looked outside and realized my nightmares had caused quite a storm. Was he really worried about me? I decided to text him back.

Me: Hey Shota! Yes

I'm ok?? Are


Eraserhead: Yes I'm ok (y/n)

Sorry if I worried

you. It's nothing.

I felt bad that I had worried him. I hoped he believed me. I definitely wasn't going to tell him the truth. I took a deep breath trying to clear my mind. Aizawa was amazing, but there is no way someone like him would be interested in someone like me. There was no need to worry him with my problems like I was some kind of damsel in need of rescuing.

I tried to throw myself into planning for the day. Before long I was out the door, walking to work. I was so excited to get into an actual lesson today. As I got to the steps I saw Toshinori talking with Aizawa. I looked at them with a confused smile as I walked up to them.

"Good morning Shota, good morning Toshi!" I said excitedly.

"Good morning (y/n)." They both responded at the same time.

I giggled as I hugged Toshinori.

"So today is your first day to take the reins in class right?" Toshinori asked, hugging me back.

"Yes I'm very excited, I even made a new CD to play while the kids spar. I decided to start the playlist with a joke, so I'm pretty excited to see if anyone finds it funny." I said laughing.

"A joke?" Aizawa asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You'll just have to see in class." I said with an evil smile.

"Oh I brought you both lunch again, here you are." I added, handing them each a dish of food.

Aizawa bowed to me as he took the dish.

"Thank you very much, you are too kind." He said.

"Yes she is, Ha Ha, I swear she has a heart the size of Texas." Toshinori said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes at his dumb Texas joke. I poked him in the arm.

"Maybe I'm just trying to fatten you guys up so I can kick your ass huh?" I said with a laugh as I playfully hit his arm.

This time Aizawa laughed. I hadn't heard him really laugh before. It was a low comforting sound that made me feel like I could melt into a puddle right there.

"I want to go set up, but I'll see you at lunch Toshinori, and I'll see you in class Aizawa!" I said as I waved, walking inside.

Once I was in the classroom I took a deep breath trying to get rid of the blush in my cheeks. How could one man be that cute? I straightened up my desk and also straightened my hero costume under my dress. I had a big bowl with each student's name that I sat up at the head of the classroom. Aizawa arrived and sat at his desk. I could feel his eyes on me as I sat up my boom box with my new CD. I glanced at him and he was staring at me with a slight smirk. When I caught his eye he blushed slightly and opened his mouth, as if to say something. Before he could say anything the door opened and students began filling in.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Where stories live. Discover now