Fury (Aizawa pov)

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I opened my eyes groggily. What is that sound? My head felt like it was exploding from my hangover. There was that sound again?

"Eraser!" Was that All Might?


"Sho!" I heard Hizashi yell.

I grabbed my scarf as I bolted out of the room. (Y/n) was standing behind the couch with her eyes glued to the TV. Wind whipped around her violently as electricity crackled through her hair accompanied by the thunder outside.

I wrapped her in my scarf as I erased her quirk and pulled her to me. As I spun her around I was confused to see an incredible rage in her eyes. I held her against my chest as I felt her heart beat begin to slow down. I looked at the TV confused. The news was on and they were showing a picture from the night before. I recognized two of them as members from the league that attacked the USJ. There was a third man with them who I didn't recognize. He was a tall man with shaggy black hair.

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is happening?" I asked concerned.

Toshinori sighed deeply as he looked at (y/n) sadly.

"Aizawa, this is Storm." He said as he pointed at the screen.

I blinked in shock and knelt down to meet (y/n)'s eyes as I released her.

"Hey kitten, let me into your head. What's happening?" I asked gently, in nearly a whisper.

She looked up to me and the rage in her eyes gave me goosebumps.

"If he hurts my students, I'll kill him myself." She said in a chillingly flat tone.

I could see fear and insecurity in her eyes, but it was drowned out by incredible fury. Hizashi looked at the TV confused as he moved to her side.

"Baby listen, we will be right there. Between all of us we will protect the students." Hizashi reassured her gently.

I watched a gut wrenching sadness flash across her face and mix with the anger.

"I'm sorry you guys keep having to do this." She said with a sigh.

She pulled away and walked to the bathroom silently. I took a step to follow her but heard Toshinori behind me.

"Give her a minute Aizawa. She won't be ready to talk yet." He said sadly.

I turned to face him as I pulled at my face.

"What happened? Why was the league there." Hizashi asked.

"The hero killer Stain. He was captured last night after an attack in Hosu City. There was also a few students injured. There was a Nomu involved and they believe the league was connected to the hero killer." Midnight explained.

"Iida." I said quietly.

Toshinori nodded grimly.

"Also Todoroki and Midoryia." He added.

I felt rage bubbling up inside me. How many innocent people will this man hurt just to crush her?

"Aizawa, Hizashi, you both obviously have a connection with her that I don't. I'm just telling you that I've seen this before and she will need time. When she is ready to talk she will need you. In her eyes the full responsibility falls on her." Toshinori told us quietly.

I felt a gut wrenching sadness as I listened to the thunder outside.

"She will have us here you guys." Midnight reassured us.

I could hear the shower running as music played from her phone.

"She is going to fall into a hole if we don't hold on to her. She is angry but she is also scared and she blames herself." Toshinori said as he wrung his hands.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Where stories live. Discover now