Meet the Family

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Eri slept through the night despite the obvious nightmares haunting her. Aizawa went early and got us breakfast so he could return before she woke up. As Eri began to wake up, she clung to me tightly while looking around disoriented.

"Hey, it's okay Eri. You're still in the hospital.... You're safe." I cooed softly as she trembled.

Eri whimpered slightly as she finally focused her eyes on me. I stroked her hair gently until she calmed down and stopped shaking. I gave her a warm smile as her stomach rumbled.

"Hungry?" I asked.

Eri nodded hesitantly as Aizawa offered her a hand with a reassuring smile. She climbed off of my lap slowly and followed him to the table. Eri began to pick at the food slowly as the doctor stepped into the room and smiled warmly at us before sitting at the table with us.

"I come with good news. The blood tests show no signs of infection or disease. We believe the high fever was due to the strain the quirk put on her body. We need to continue to monitor her, but this is a good sign." The doctor explained with a grin.

"That's wonderful." I said excitedly.

"Does that mean I can go home soon?" Eri asked curiously.

The doctor looked up sadly as I rested my hand on her shoulder.

"Not quite yet sweetheart. They need to keep an eye on you a little longer until they are certain you won't get sick again." I answered gently.

"And then I can go home with you and Eraser?" She asked innocently.

"Yes, once the doctors clear you." Aizawa answered softly.

The doctor looked between us intrigued before standing with a nod.

"Please let us know if you need anything at all. I will keep you guys updated on any changes in her condition." The doctor said with a polite bow before leaving.

As we continued to eat Eri looked up curiously.

"What happened to grandpa?" She asked softly.

I glanced to Aizawa in a silent question. How many questions were we going to answer? What information was she ready to hear?

"He was moved to a hospital. He is getting the best treatment available." I answered cautiously.

"That's good. He was always nice to me. Grandpa told Kai to take care of me.... He didn't know what was happening when his health got worse." Eri explained nonchalantly.

I worked to hide the shock from showing on my face.

"What about Kai? What happened to him?" Eri asked.

I swallowed and took a deep breath before answering.

"He was taken to the most secure prison. He wont get out." I said softly.

Eri nodded understandingly.

"How about you Eri? How are you feeling today?" I asked gently.

"I feel better today, thank you." Eri said flatly.

"Is there anything you like to do for fun Eri?" Aizawa asked with a grin.

"Maybe something your grandpa would do with you?" I added, trying to distract from memories of her life recently.

"Me and grandpa used to play checkers, when he wasn't to sick. Sometimes in the beginning he would read to me." Eri answered with a nod.

"Would you like to play checkers today?" Aizawa asked calmly.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Where stories live. Discover now