The Letter

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(Aizawa POV)

I sighed, watching (y/n) walk inside as I answered my phone.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Moving in already? I just won 10 bucks haha."

"(Y/n) told me already. You two really are so childish."

"Oh come on Eraser! You know you love me!" He said with a laugh.

"Uh huh, sure. How about you come help move?"

"Sure I can do that. Woah wait. Are those storm clouds?" He asked, sounding concerned.

I looked up to the sky and saw he was right. As I stared at the sky I saw a couple storm clouds turn into a black sky. The thunder and lightning started as the wind whipped violently.

"I'm on my way!" Hizashi shouted as he hung up.

I sprinted inside and up the steps. I found her door and burst in. She was standing at the table. Her eyes were full of fear as wind and electricity crackled around her. The papers on the table were scattered from the wind around her. I shouted her name, but she couldn't seem to hear me.

I erased her quirk and grabbed her, pulling her away from the table. She spun around terrified as she instinctively reached to her back for her staff. Luckily for me, it wasn't there.

"(Y/n)! It's ok I'm here. It's just me." I tried to comfort her.

She stopped and looked up at me. She was trembling in my arms and she wrapped hers around me.

"What happened kitten?" I asked cautiously.

She pointed to the table, burying her head in my chest. I followed her point and saw a single small envelope in the middle of the table. The only thing on it was her name, written neatly across the front.

Just then Hizashi ran in the door, followed by All Might. Hizashi came over to us cautiously.

"(Y/n), I'm going to give you back your quirk now ok, take a deep breath and sit with Hizashi. It will be ok kitten." I said gently against the top of her head.

She nodded in agreement and Hizashi led her to the couch. He held her against him and looked at me confused. I walked to the table with All Might and picked up the letter carefully. All Might nodded to me and I opened it from the bottom, in case the police could get any evidence from the envelope. I pulled out the letter inside and read it slowly.

Well well (y/n). Hasn't this

Game been fun. You just

Had to go and make our

Little chase more interesting

By completely moving countries, and after I had

just worked so hard to find

You! I promised I would

Always find you didn't I?

It's time you stopped this childish hero game and

Came home. Daddy misses

You so much! You can't

Avoid punishment forever!

You will pay for your

Disobedience. I'm sure

I'll see you soon kiddo.

Don't fight to much now,

Wouldn't want me to get

Angry would you?

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora