Back to Work (Aizawa pov)

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I was the first to wake up today. I watched (y/n) intently and she smiled and purred in her sleep. This was the first night since the attack that she had slept through the night peacefully. There were no signs of fear or discomfort on her face as she held us both close. I stroked her hair gently as I watched her with a warm smile. She looked so beautiful, her dark black hair falling around her face in soft curls. Her fingers were interlocked with Hizashi's as they held each other close, her other hand resting on my chest. I could see the sun just beginning to rise through the window, painting the clear sky.

I laid silently as I admired (y/n) and Hizashi until the alarm went off. (Y/n) sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily as I pulled her into my lap. I nuzzled into her neck and hugged her tightly. She giggled as she hugged me back. Hizashi stretched with a yawn and I pulled him against us. He grinned as I kissed his cheek softly.

"Good morning Sho." (Y/n) purred in my ear.

"Good morning you two." I replied with a smile.

"Do we have to go to work? Couldn't we just stay here all day? Curled up in Shota's lap." Hizashi pouted.

(Y/n) laughed as she held my face gently. My heart soared at the sound as I watched her eyes shine.

"That is tempting Zashi, but I'm ready to get some real work done in training today. Plus I have to figure out what we should do with our problem children." (Y/n) chuckled softly.

She laid her head against my chest with a content sigh. Hizashi kissed us both before standing with a stretch. I nuzzled into (y/n)'s neck and kissed her gently as she giggled.

"You are so beautiful kitten." I murmured against her skin.

I held her tightly against me as I kissed at her collar bone, enjoying her soft moans. I sat up and smiled at her as I brushed some hair behind her ear.

"So what is your plan for the problem children?" I chuckled softly.

"For now I'm going to team them up, which I'm sure they will hate. At some point I would like to train against them as well." She said thoughtfully.

I looked at her shocked. She chuckled as she shook her head.

"I don't mean all the time I'm just curious to try using the wind to contain Bakugo's explosion. Midoryia is a lot like Toshi, and I think I could be helpful in his understanding of his quirk because of that." She explained as she stretched.

"That makes sense, I know you're cleared to resume full activities. It's just hard not to worry about you. I know you are fine, I'm sorry." I stammered.

"It's ok Sho. You're worried cause you care, I appreciate that." She replied as she flashed me a reassuring smile.

I watched her as she began to get dressed. Today she wore a sky blue dress. I pulled on my own hero costume quickly before following her to kitchen. Hizashi handed each of us a cup of coffee as well as giving (y/n) a glass of water.

"Kitten, I was thinking maybe we should do the game night this weekend. What do you think?" I asked with a grin.

A smile creeped across her face that made my heart skip a beat.

"I would love that Sho!" She said excitedly.

"We should just do dinner with the kids too. We can just invite Midnight and All Might to join us." Hizashi added with a grin.

"I agree! Let's do it Saturday in case we end up staying up too late." (Y/n) added excitedly.

"Sounds good to me. We better get to class though." I answered as I looked to the clock.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя