Final Exam

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I woke up to the feeling of Aizawa and Hizashi kissing all over my face. I groaned and rubbed my eyes.

"Good morning kitten." Aizawa purred in my ear.

I whined as I buried my face into his side. I could hear him chuckling as he stroked my hair gently.

"We have class today baby." Hizashi cooed.

I sighed deeply as I stretched. I had gone a little too hard when we trained yesterday, all of my muscles ached.

"I'm up I'm up." I grumbled.

As my eyes fluttered open my breath caught in my throat at the sight of the two of them leaned over me.

"Why are you both so beautiful?" I groaned.

Aizawa laughed and I watched intently, enjoying the peaceful sound. As I started to stand up I winced slightly. Hizashi must have seen it because he immediately scooped me up into his arms. I sighed as I laid against his chest.

"Hey, are you ok baby?" He asked, concerned.

"I'm ok Zashi, just sore." I said with a smile.

"We need to be more careful training kitten." Aizawa said concerned as he caressed my face gently.

"I'll be fine after a hot shower don't worry you guys." I said with a chuckle.

Hizashi carried me to the bathroom as Aizawa started the hot water. I sighed in relief as I stepped in and let the hot water stream down my body. By the time I was done showering both of the boys were already dressed. I watched them intently as I dried my hair. They both looked so amazing. Aizawa looked up and caught my eye with a smirk.

"You're staring kitten." He chuckled.

"How can I not?" I replied with a laugh.

Aizawa kissed me deeply, holding my face gently in his hand. I moaned against him as I pressed my body against his. He pulled away with a warm smile as he brushed some hair out of my face. I sighed as I started to get dressed.

"I'm excited to tell the students about the training camp." I said with a smile.

Hizashi pouted slightly as he looked over to me.

"I still wish I could come. A whole week without you both." Hizashi whined.

"You'll be ok Zashi, I'm sure the time will fly. I'll have my phone too." I reassured him as I kissed his cheek.

He smiled at me as he nodded. Once we were ready the drive to school felt short. As we walked to the doors I kissed Hizashi's cheek gently before wishing him goodbye. He smiled at us warmly as we walked to the classroom. Aizawa and I stepped in hand in hand. I noticed the students grinning at us, clearly shocked by Aizawa's sudden warmth.

"Good morning Mr. Aizawa and Ms. (L/n)!" The said cheerfully.

"Good morning you guys!" I replied excitedly clapping my hands together.

"Good morning, it's almost time for summer break." Aizawa started.

"Don't think that means you get to slack off!" I teased.

"There will be a one week training camp during summer break." Aizawa said with a sigh.

The students began to cheer excitedly as they planned all the possibilities. Aizawa activated his quirk, effectively silencing them instantly.

"Those that don't pass their final exams will have summer school." He added flatly.

I watched as a few of their faces fell.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Where stories live. Discover now