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(Aizawa POV)

As we stared into each other's eyes we were suddenly interrupted by steps outside. All I could think about was pulling her against my body, her lips on mine. As I left I felt a blush in my cheeks and hoped she didn't see. I sighed deeply, walking back to the teachers lounge. When I got back All Might and Midnight were already gone. Hizashi was the only person there. He raised an eyebrow at me and crossed his arms.

"Alright, what's going on Shota? I can tell something's on your mind." He asked as I sat across from him.

"I'm worried I've messed things up with (y/n). Between my behavior at the bar and avoiding her all day I'm not sure why she is even speaking to me." I decided to answer honestly.

He looked at me puzzled.

"Why in the world would you avoid her all day?! She has been so kind to everyone, but especially you." He asked in shock.

I blushed, I hadn't thought this through.

"You're blushing, the stone faced Eraserhead is blushing." Hizashi said, laughing in disbelief.

"I don't know man! She's under my skin. Last night I..." I paused pulling on my scarf while he looked at me, his mouth hanging open.

"Ugh, last night I had a dream about her. Every Time I looked at her today I thought of it, so I was trying not to look at her." I groaned.

Hizashi burst into laughter and I glared at him.

"Are you telling me, that you've already fallen for (y/n), and that you are so flustered you keep acting like an idiot?" He asked, still laughing.

"Yes, she must hate me. I know I upset her today. I apologized just now but the room was still tense after but..." I stopped.

"Well what is it? I'm on the edge of my seat!" He said.

"The entire time all I could think of was kissing her." I sighed defeated.

This time Hizashi didn't laugh, he just looked at me sadly.

"(Y/n) is really under your skin huh Shota?" He asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I just feel like I keep messing everything up." I whispered, looking up at him.

He shook his head at me.

"Just be yourself, I can't imagine a kinder soul than (y/n). She keeps giving you chances, just be thankful." Hizashi said to me.

I nodded and took a ragged breath before standing to leave.

"I need to head home Hizashi. I'm patrolling tonight so I should go take a nap first." I said.

He followed me to the door and waved as I walked away.

The entire drive home all I could think of was (y/n). Everytime I looked at her my heart did flips in my chest. I looked at my passenger seat and thought of her sitting there last night, crying and vulnerable. She had felt safe with me but today she was back to fake smiles. Except when she laughed at lunch, that one felt real. It sounded like music to me.

I sighed deeply as I parked in front of my apartment. I went inside and fed the cat before collapsing in my bed. I thought about how cute she looked today. When she bent down to give me my tea on the floor, I thought my heart might explode. She was so sad in that moment and I caused it, but that didn't stop her from showing me kindness. I didn't deserve it. I finally dozed into sleep, imagining her curled up against me.

That night I did my patrols. I tried to just focus on my work. The next day I got to class early, so I could be there before (y/n). I hadn't noticed the day before, but the flowers I got her were sitting on her desk. I smiled to myself as I grabbed them. I quickly took them to the teachers lounge and refilled the water in the vase. When I got back to the room (y/n) was sitting at her desk. She looked up at me confused when I walked in with the flowers in my hands.

"Oh , um, good morning (y/n). I just wanted to refill the vase with water for you." I said pulling at my scarf.

"Oh good morning Shota! Thank you so much!" She said, grinning at me.

My breath caught in my throat as she said my name. I tried hard not to blush. I noticed she had music playing in an old boom box and grinned.

"A boom box huh?" I asked.

"Oh yes sorry, I didn't know you would be here so early I can turn it off." She said reaching for it.

"No no, I like it." I replied before she could turn it off.

She smiled at me gathering up her notes. Today she and All Might would be teaching the class without me. They were doing a training exercise.

"I, uh... Good luck today (y/n)." I said awkwardly.

I felt like I could die of embarrassment. She smiled at me but I noticed a look of sadness hidden in her eyes. I wish I could just hold her until the pain went away.

"Thank you! Oh I brought you lunch again. I hope you don't mind. Present Mic said you don't really bring lunch." She said holding out a dish for me.

I couldn't believe she would do something so sweet for me. I bowed while taking the dish.

"Thank you (y/n), this is incredibly kind."

When I looked up I noticed a slight blush in her cheeks. I grinned, she was just so damn cute.

"Have a great day Shota, see you around!" She said as she left to help All Might set up for class.

I felt like the day couldn't go fast enough as I waited for lunch. When I finally made my way to the teachers lounge Hizashi and Midnight were already sitting there, as well Cementoss. I heated up my food and joined them.

"You actually brought food?" Cementoss asked in shock.

"No you missed it yesterday, (y/n) has taken it upon herself to start feeding him." Midnight laughed.

"Yeah and our favorite grump can't seem to get enough of it." Hizashi added with a laugh.

"It tastes good." I shrugged.

"Uh huh." Midnight laughed more.

"We wouldn't know, Eraser won't share!" Hizashi added.

I rolled my eyes taking a bite. It tasted amazing, but I already knew it would. I looked at the empty chair where (y/n) had sat yesterday, chewing quietly.

"Earth to Aizawa!" I heard Hizashi yell.

I looked up confused causing the three to laugh more.

"Heavy mind?" Cementoss asked simply.

I sighed deeply.

"Yes I just worry I'm going to keep offending her." I replied, staring at my food.

"Stop worrying so much, Eraser. (Y/n) clearly sees something in you. After all, we didn't get lunches today." Hizashi said, pretending to be offended.

I rolled my eyes again and everyone went back to discussing classes. Before I knew it the day was over and I was home in bed.

I woke up around 3 am as I usually did. I went to the window, opened it and inhaled deeply. I heard thunder rumbling and saw the sky was dark with clouds. It was beautiful, but I frowned. I hoped this was just a storm and not (y/n). I started to worry as the clouds continued to swirl.

"I hope she is alright, I don't want to lose her." I said out loud as if it was a confession.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Where stories live. Discover now