A Stormy Night

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!!Trigger warning proceed with caution!!

I woke early in the morning, excited to get everything settled today. I slipped out of the bed quietly to avoid waking Hizashi who was still snoring lightly beside me. I showered and dressed quickly and by the time I walked to the kitchen to make coffee Aizawa was walking in with a warm smile. I looked up confused when I heard knock at the door leading to Shinsou's dorm. I opened it quickly and gave him a warm smile, ruffling his hair.

"You don't have to knock kid. You live here too. This is your living room as much as ours." I said with a grin.

"Oh sorry miss." He replied nervously.

"It's ok. I just want you to feel comfortable." I said softly.

He nodded in agreement and shouldered his bag before sitting at the counter and fidgeting with his hands.

"You hungry?" Aizawa asked with a grin, flipping eggs in a pan.

Shinsou looked up excitedly and nodded. I smiled warmly at Aizawa as he fit into this fatherly role so naturally. I decided to leave them and go wake Hizashi with soft kisses. He dressed quickly and followed back to the kitchen where Aizawa was dishing up plates. I noticed Shinsou trying to hide a small grin as Hizashi kissed Aizawa's cheek and wrapped his arms around his waist sleepily. Aizawa and I ate quickly while Hizashi tried to get Shinsou hyped up for the day. I chuckled under my breath at Shinsou's expression, which looked so similar to Aizawa's.

"We have to go meet with Nezu before class. Aizawa and I will also have to go to the hospital after school. Will you guys be good?" I asked with a warm smile.

"Of course baby!" Hizashi nearly shouted.

"Yes miss." Shinsou agreed, much quieter than Hizashi.

"Before we go, I picked up something on the way home. This is for you kid. Our numbers are already in it, I just wanted to make sure you had a way to get ahold of us. If you don't like it I am more than happy to exchange it later." Aizawa passed a cell phone to Shinsou, who looked like he might start to cry.

"This is amazing! Thank you so much Mr. Aizawa!" Shinsou said through a grin.

I kissed Hizashi's cheek and gave Shinsou a hug before walking out the door with a wave. Nezu was able to file the paperwork quickly and before we knew it, we were officially the parents of two children. I felt like I was walking on air as we went to class. Class was quick and easy because instead of training, we let the kids have the period to plan for the upcoming school festival. I was glad we gave them the entire period, because even in that time they hadn't managed to come up with an idea. I still couldn't wipe the grin off of my face as we walked to the break room for lunch. When we stepped inside I yelped in shock at a confetti canon raining down on us. I looked around with a confused smile and saw everyone was here, including Principal Nezu. There were cupcakes sitting at the table as everyone grinned proudly at us.

"We would all like express our deepest congratulations on your ever growing family! I'm sure we all agree you will be fantastic parents. Congratulations to all three of you!" Principal Nezu said cheerfully.

Hizashi came and wrapped his arms around me as I held both the boys close.

"Thank you everyone! We are so excited. We are grateful we get to watch our family grow with all of you, our trusted friends, our family." I said with a grin.

Everyone clapped as I blushed a deep red. My face hurt from the permanent smile plastered on. I held the boys hand and we celebrated and laughed together with all of the teachers. When it finally came time to go to English I bowed respectfully and thanked everyone once more before heading to class. When English was over I called Midoryia to my desk as the other kids left.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Where stories live. Discover now