Time to Pick Some Names

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As I slowly woke up, I realized Aizawa was still asleep. I smiled as I watched his peaceful face. Suddenly the sky lit up behind me, and I carefully climbed out of bed. I couldn't stop the excitement on my face when I realized what was happening. It was storming and for once, it had nothing to do with me at all. I checked that Aizawa was still asleep as I carefully pulled on some shorts. I stepped out onto his balcony silently. I smiled at the sky with closed eyes as the rain spattered my face.

I have always loved storms, but I often didn't get to enjoy them because I was the cause. The rain smelled so nice. I listened to the deafening sounds of thunder and rain on the rooftops. After just a few moments I was soaked, but it felt comforting. It was as if the sky shared my pain.

I jumped slightly as I heard the window open quickly. I spun around and saw Aizawa on the phone looking concerned. I tilted my head to the side with a confused smile.

"Hizashi called and woke me up, he said you weren't answering and the storm was crazy." Aizawa explained as he looked me over.

My face fell, I felt so stupid. I wasn't used to people knowing, so no one ever worried when it stormed except Toshinori.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't even think about it!" I replied.

"You're scaring me kitten, what happened." He asked as he began to step out to join me.

"No no, I meant I didn't think about the fact you guys would worry! This isn't me I feel great! This is just a storm. I just don't normally get to enjoy storms you know." I explained.

"The storms not her she's fine. I'll see you later." Aizawa said before he hung and tossed the phone inside.

My wet hair clung to the side of my face as I watched him stretch. I smiled sheepishly at him.

"I'm not used to people knowing, so I didn't even think to tell anyone I was ok. I was just so excited." I apologized again.

He nodded in understanding as he put his hands on my waist.

"It's ok kitten, I love storms too." He replied as he kissed me gently.

His wet hair glistened as water droplets dripped down his face like perfect diamonds. I stared at him open mouthed for a moment. He tilted his head confused as he brushed some hair behind my ear.

"You look...." I started breathlessly.

"What?" He asked as he searched my eyes.

"You look... Perfect." I said in awe.

He chuckled as he ran his fingers through his now soaked hair. Aizawa laid down on his back and motioned for me to join him. I laid close against him, resting my head on his arm as we enjoyed the rain on our faces.

"This... This is peace." He said so softly I could barely hear over the storm.

I smiled and we laid together in comfortable silence for what felt like forever. Eventually I sat up, and he followed.

"We have to get ready for class Sho." I told him.

He nodded and we both walked back inside. We both stripped off our wet clothes and he chuckled as I shook my tail dry.

"I'm kinda thinking about skipping the dress today." I said as I pulled on my hero costume.

Aizawa looked at me excited.

"What did you have in mind?" He asked with curious excitement.

"Well black leggings for sure, but I'm not sure if I should wear black or just a colorful sweater." I said as I looked through my drawers.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Where stories live. Discover now