The U.A. Sports Fest

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The training flew by, and finally it was time for the sports festival. The last few days I just tried to focus on the students' training, but I couldn't shake the anxiety that my dad would find me again. I hadn't told the others, even Toshinori, but shortly before coming to Japan he had found me again. I was already packed to move when Toshinori offered me the job here. My father had left a letter at my door, teasing me about the game of cat and mouse we had been playing. In the letter he reminded me that he would always find me, and that I would regret disobeying him all this time. As a hero, I felt guilty that I was too much of a coward to face him. He is a malicious villain, and his crimes have only escalated over the years. I felt responsible, maybe if I had just obeyed he wouldn't be causing all these problems. That's what his notes always said when he found me anyways. I knew that eventually I would have to face him, and I didn't know if I could win.

Aizawa, Hizashi, and Toshinori all fussed over me since I told them. I worked hard to keep up a smile so they wouldn't worry. Aizawa and Hizashi were picked to be the announcers for the sports festival, and they insisted I sit with them. After I wished the students good luck I went and joined the boys in the observation room. I sat on Aizawa's lap and kissed him as Hizashi started everything off. I had never watched the sports fest before so I was quite excited to get to see it from up here.

I smiled at Hizashi as he announced the classes, hyping each up. Midnight was the umpire, and she seemed to be loving every second of it. When she announced the student pledge I stared wide eyed; It was Bakugo.

"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win." He said flatly.

I put my hand over my face and sighed, before whispering to Aizawa.

"At least he knows what he wants."

He nodded with a slight chuckle. The first competition would be an obstacle race. I grinned as Hizashi attempted to get Aizawa into the announcements.

"And we're off to a racing start! How about some color commentary, mummy man?" Hizashi yelled.

"How did you talk me into this?" Aizawa replied with a sigh.

"What should we be looking out for at the beginning of the competition?" I was impressed that Hizashi was still trying.

"The door." Aizawa said, sounding bored.

I watched the pile up start as everyone tried to push through. Todoroki did a great job, using ice to get through. As kids finally started to filter through I was surprised to see Mineta doing quite well. Suddenly there were giant robots blocking their path. My mouth fell open in shock when Hizashi said they were from the entrance exam. These were insane! Todoroki froze them all, leaving a path to get through. Just as the other students got excited they all started to fall. He had frozen then mid fall so they would collapse before anyone else could get through. These kids were incredible! I hadn't even noticed I was standing now, until I heard Aizawa chuckle behind me. I sat back down on his lap and continued to watch. Hizashi was getting more and more excited as he announced and suddenly swung his arm straight towards Aizawa's face. I yelped slightly as Aizawa and I ducked our heads just in time.

"Watch it!" Aizawa growled as I giggled at his annoyed look as we continued to watch the match.

These students were all so impressive!

"Class 1-A has learned not to hesitate. They've seen what the real world is like, and they know that they have to act quickly to survive." Aizawa said in response to Hizashi's amazement.

"In the world of heroes it can be hard to get popular without a flashy quirk.... Isn't that right Eraserhead?" Hizashi said.

"I don't know what you're talking about, you idiot." Aizawa growled back.

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