Dorm Life

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I woke up to the sun streaming through the window, bathing us in warmth. Hizashi was awake, sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. Aizawa was still snoring lightly as he clung to me for dear life. I rubbed Hizashi's back gently and he turned to me surprised. He wiped away his tears as he gave me a weak smile.

"Zashi baby, come here." I cooed softly.

He laid against me and nuzzled into my neck, still sniffling. I held the back of his head as I leaned my face against him.

"Zashi, I'm so sorry." I whispered sadly.

He looked up at me confused and cupped my face in his hand gently.

"You have nothing to apologize for baby." He said softly.

I stroked his hair gently as he took a deep breath.

"It just crushes me that I couldn't protect you." He sighed.

"You know that I don't blame you right? I don't blame either of you." I whispered.

"I know you don't baby, he just hurt you so badly. I can't imagine what you went through." He sobbed quietly.

"I'm glad you can't, I hope that you never can. If you had been there he would've tortured you to crush me, and it would've worked." I said with a sigh.

"I love you baby, I can't lose you again." He sighed.

"You didn't lose me Zashi, you just misplaced me. I will always come home to you." I smiled at him.

I gasped in shock as Aizawa kissed me deeply. I smiled warmly as he pulled away and looked at me lovingly.

"You're the most incredible person I've ever met." Aizawa said gently.

I held them both in a tight hug, ignoring the pain in my chest. When they pulled away I whimpered slightly at the ache. Aizawa picked up in his arms carefully and sat me in the wheel chair. Hizashi handed me a glass of water and a pain pill as Aizawa began making breakfast. I admired him as he worked, he looked so handsome no matter what he was doing.

"Do you think we could make dinner with the kids tonight?" I asked excitedly.

Aizawa frowned at me hesitantly. I rolled my eyes and grinned at him playfully.

"I'll just watch and guide from my chair I promise!" I said quickly.

"I suppose that will be fine." Aizawa sighed.

"What should we make baby? I can go shopping." Hizashi asked excitedly.

"Definitely spaghetti!" I answered with a chuckle.

"I'll go as soon as we eat." Hizashi said with a nod.

"After breakfast I'll help you with your bandages before we go meet the students." Aizawa said with a smile.

I grinned from ear to ear as I nodded. As we ate I was excited to find the burns on my hands only slightly tingled as I held my fork. Once the boys had cleared the dishes Hizashi kissed my forehead gently.

"I'll be back soon, I love you." He said softly.

"Drive safe Zashi! I love you too." I smiled back.

I watched him leave as Aizawa sat up all the bandages at the table. He turned to me with a sad smile as he unbuttoned my shirt. He sighed as he looked at the deep purple bruising. I held his face gently in my hands as I looked into his eyes.

"I'm ok Sho. It will heal. I'm home now, I'm safe." I cooed softly.

He nodded as he took a shaky breath. He changed the bandages quickly and stood to check his work. Once he was satisfied he kissed my forehead gently. He glanced at the clock before turning back to me.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang