Merry Christmas Eri!

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I woke up slowly with a stretch. The boys were still fast asleep so I snuck out of bed quietly and made my way to Eri's room. Satisfied with her soft snores I snuck back to the kitchen. I decided to start breakfast for everyone. I was struggling with each step as the pain from the weekend finally started to bother me. Now that the heat had passed everything was uncomfortable. Aizawa kissed the back of my head as he came out to help. He must have noticed my slight limp because he grabbed me by waist and looked over me concerned.

"What's wrong kitten?" He asked softly.

"After this weekend I'm just a little, you know, sore." I sighed.

"Oh, of course. Go take a bath kitten, relax. I can finish up breakfast before the kids get up." Aizawa offered, kissing my forehead softly.

"Are you sure? I can help finish up first?" I replied.

"No problem at all kitten. Go soak and relax. " Aizawa nodded.

"Ok, but can you do me a favor? I don't want to worry him so please don't tell Zashi." I sighed.

"Don't tell me what?" I jumped at Hizashi's voice behind me.

I turned a bright red and hung my head.

"Why don't you take her to the bath Zashi. I will finish breakfast you can help her with a bubble bath." Aizawa grinned.

Hizashi looked over confused but nodded in agreement. I giggled as he scooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bathroom. Hizashi turned on the water and started to undress me. I winced slightly as he pulled off my pants and he looked up at me concerned.

"Is this what you didn't want to tell me?" He asked softly.

"I just didn't want to worry you Zashi. I'm just a little sore, I will be ok." I answered, holding his face in my hand.

He looked so sad as he looked up at me. My heart wrenched in chest.

"I was too rough (y/n). I hurt you." He sniffled.

"No no Zashi! This is not your fault, its not anyone's. This was just nature. I am ok I swear." I cooed softly.

I noticed the tub filling and pulled him up to hug me. I started to pull at his clothes as I kissed him.

"Join me Zashi baby. I want to be close." I purred between kisses.

Hizashi wiped his nose and nodded to me, picking me up and cradling me against his chest. He stepped into the water and sat down slowly. I hissed slightly as the water covered me and I could see Hizashi nearly in tears. I sighed in relief when I was fully submerged. I laid against Hizashi's chest and traced my fingers across him softly.

"Please don't be sad Zashi. I'm just sore, I will feel way better after a bath. I wanted this." I tried to reassure him.

"I just can't believe I wasn't more careful. I hate seeing you in pain. I haven't been able to protect you once, and now I've hurt you." He sniffled back.

"Zashi baby come here." I purred pulling him against me.

"You gotten hurt over and over. I keep saying no one is going to hurt you again, then they do and I am useless." He sobbed.

"Useless?! Hizashi Yamada, look at me. Do you genuinely believe I would have survived without you. I would have ran away at my dad's letter. Even if he didn't kill me I wouldn't have wanted to live. The recent attack at the park. I was paralyzed, I could not escape. You have been there for me every time! Even at the USJ as I collapsed I remember I could smell you near me." I said sternly.

"Shota could've protected you better than me. His quirk is much more useful." He continued.

"I need you both. I don't want to live in a world of rain without sunshine. I love you so much Hizashi. You are my sun and my moon and stars. You are the bright lightning across a dark stormy sky. I run into situations head first. You should never feel it is your responsibility to keep me from any and all harm. I need you here to hold me after. To make sure I want to recover." I purred softly.

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