Waking up

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(Aizawa POV)

I could feel something wiggling on my legs, but I couldn't see. I froze for a moment trying to figure out what was going on. I heard a faint beeping and realized where I was immediately. I could smell a hospital from a mile away.

I couldn't move my arms, and it felt like my entire face was bandaged.

"Are you awake man?" I heard Hizashi whisper.

"Yes, why are you whispering?" I asked slowly.

"Oh right the bandages, you can't see. (Y/n) is asleep right now. She's curled up on your legs and I didn't want to wake her. The doctors said to leave her there because once she laid down your heart rate improved." He explained.

"Is she ok?" I asked.

I was grateful Hizashi couldn't see my face.

"Yes, she was discharged last night. She hasn't left you since. I'm going to get the doctors, but man, why didn't you tell me she was a cat." He answered with a slight chuckle.

My stomach dropped.

"You aren't supposed to see! She is going to be so upset." I whispered back.

"Relax man, everyone knows. We already talked about it." He said.

I heard him step out of the room. When he came back I heard extra footsteps.

"Ok Eraser, we are going to remove the bandages from your eyes, and see if your sight was damaged. Are you ready?" A stranger's voice asked.

I nodded and tried to focus on the comforting weight on my legs. As I felt the bandages fall I slowly blinked, looking down at (y/n). Thank god I could see, because this was the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.

"I can see her." I whispered to the doctor who nodded, satisfied.

"We will come back a little later to do a full exam, when we do we will have to move her, but for now she needs to rest as long she isn't bothering you." He said, looking up at me questioningly.

"No she's perfect, she can rest." I answered.

The doctor nodded at me satisfied and left the room. I finally forced myself to look away from her sleeping face to look at Hizashi. He was grinning at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Her." He said simply.

I looked at him confused and he sighed.

"The very first thing she did when she woke up was come here. In the attack she moved the storms to protect you. She took a hit from the Nomu that broke her ribs and her rib punctured through her skin. Despite that she carried you all the way outside before collapsing. Even once she had collapsed it took two people to pry her off of you." He explained.

I stared at him shocked before looking back at her sadly.

"You said she must not feel the same way, well I say you really are an idiot Shota Aizawa." He said with a chuckle.

"Why would she do that?" I asked defeatedly.

Hizashi shook his head and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Wouldn't you have carried her out? That's why she did it, man." He said.

I just continued to stare at her. I could hear a light rumbling thunder outside as she writhed in her sleep.

"Has she been doing this the whole time?" I asked, concerned.

"Yes, All Might said she always sleeps like that. Apparently her nightmares get pretty bad." He answered quietly.

That is why it always storms at 3 am. I sighed and wished I could hold her. Neither of my arms would move. She suddenly gasped and sat up, before falling back down in pain. Hizashi rushed to her side and helped her to sit up slowly. I watched as she gritted her teeth in pain, before thanking him. She looked up at me and gasped when she saw me watching her.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon