The Wild Pussycats

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I woke up and pulled Hizashi tightly against my chest. I peppered his face in kisses as he groaned awake. He pulled me on top of him and kissed me deeply. Hizashi sighed as he broke away and tucked some hair behind my ear.

"I'm really going to miss you two." Hizashi groaned.

"We will miss you to Zashi, we will be back before you know it!" I reassured him, holding his face in my hand.

"I know." He gave me a slight smile.

I hadn't noticed Aizawa was awake until he was kissing Hizashi's cheek gently.

"Good morning Sho!" I said excitedly.

"Good morning." He murmured back against Hizashi's throat as he continued his kisses.

I smiled warmly at them as Hizashi groaned happily. I stood and stretched as Aizawa held Hizashi tightly. I dressed quickly and went to start the coffee pot. I grabbed a poptart and decided to pack a box into my suitcase to take with. As I walked back into the room I saw Hizashi pouting as he got dressed. Aizawa was already dressed in his hero costume as he rubbed his face sleepily. I quickly packed away the poptarts and the three of us walked to the table. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat on Hizashi's lap as I sipped it slowly.

"I still have no idea what we are doing." I said excitedly as Aizawa sat down with his coffee.

"Well no one is supposed to know, but I suppose it doesn't hurt for Hizashi to hear. We will be training with the wild pussycats." He said with a grin.

"The wild Pussycats?" I asked confused.

Hizashi looked up at me shocked. He pulled out his phone and looked them up to show me.

"They're all cats!" I said excitedly.

The boys both chuckled.

"That's why I'm surprised you didn't know who they are." Hizashi laughed.

"I think they are going to love you." Aizawa said softly.

I blushed as I read an article about them.

"Well I think I'm going to love them too!" I said excitedly.

Hizashi pouted the entire drive to the school. I sat in the back seat with him and cuddled against him. When we arrived at the school he looked at me sadly as Aizawa opened the door.

"Come to the class with us to wait for students." I said as I grabbed his hand.

He nodded excitedly as he got out of the car and picked me up. I giggled as I wrapped my legs around his waist. Hizashi carried me all the way to the classroom before setting me down. I noticed Backagou walking towards the classroom with a smirk as I smoothed out my dress.

"Good morning Backagou! You excited?" I asked cheerfully.

"It's just training." He said annoyed with a shrug.

I chuckled as he walked inside the classroom.

"Where's Vlad King?" I asked as I turned to Aizawa.

"They will be meeting us there. You could say we have different teaching styles." He said flatly.

I looked at him confused and he looked around to make sure there were no students before continuing.

"We will be leaving the students at the start of the woods and they will walk to the camp while fighting training dummies." He said with a mischievous smirk.

I laughed as I held his face.

"Look at you, finally being the hard ass." I chuckled.

Aizawa chuckled back and the three of us walked into the classroom to wait for the rest of the students. I chatted with the students excitedly as the boys sat at the desk and talked quietly. Once all the students arrived we walked to the bus and loaded our luggage. As the students all took their seats I turned to Hizashi.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora