Storm at the USJ (part2)

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When the warp villain separated us I grabbed onto any student close to me and held tightly. When I could see again I was standing on a boat with Asui. We looked around quickly. We found Mineta floating near the boat. Midoryia was in the water swimming towards the surface when a villain started to swim towards him. Asui grabbed him with her frog tongue and pulled them all to the boat. I squatted down while we caught our breath.

"Alright guys, this will be our first strategy test." I said, looking over them for injuries. They all seemed fine, physically at least.

"They aren't climbing on the boat, probably because they don't know your quirks, so how do we get out of this?" I asked, pretending not to be afraid.

The kids looked terrified, I grabbed their hands to reassure them.

"Guys we got thrown out here with miss (l/n), she will protect us, ribbit." Asui said.

I nodded and so did Midoryia.

"Exactly, we can get out of this plus All Might will show up soon! So let's hear those ideas. My quirk isn't very useful in the water so what else can we do."

As we brainstormed I could hear fighting throughout the entire building. The students were all fighting to protect each other. If they can just hold on, help will come. Finally we came up with a plan. Midoryia shot a powerful blast into the center of the water, creating a whirlpool that sucked the villains down. Asui leapt over them all carrying us and grabbing Midoryia just in time. Suddenly Mineta was filling the water with his purple balls, sticking all the villains together.

We landed and climbed to the shore. I beamed proudly at them.

"That was amazing you guys, perfect!"

"We should go help Aizawa!" Midoryia said, looking towards the fighting in the center.

"No way, top priority is getting you kids to safety." I answered quickly, shaking my head.

I wanted to go help him more than anything. I knew that the right thing to do was to protect the children.

"We could just check, and maybe pull a few enemies off the edges to lighten his load! Besides that might be safest because everyone is scattered. If we were near Aizawa we could help each other." Midoryia explained.

I looked around. It didn't seem like there was a safer option anyways.

"Ok, we will check but you guys will stay behind me and continue looking for an opening to escape. At the first sign of trouble you will run away while I cover you. Do you understand?" I asked, gritting my teeth.

We snuck quietly and peeked up at the battle. At first everything was going well. Aizawa was handling all the villains with no problem. Suddenly the main villain lunged at him and I thought he dodged, but then I watched him nearly collapse from pain. I stared in shock as I realized his arm was nearly destroyed. He still continued to fight, but suddenly a large creature attacked him from behind.

As soon as he was hit I felt something explode inside me. Violent thunder cracked outside as I pushed the kids back slightly. Over the sound of thunder, I could hear Aizawa's bones breaking. I was about to leap forward when the warp villain suddenly appeared. I waited a moment, staying hidden. I wanted to help Aizawa but my top priority was keeping the children safe. I tried to listen to the villains speak over the sound of my racing heart and Aizawa's grunts of pain. Wait, did they say they wanted to just leave? I looked back at the kids feeling a slight relief, but I was uneasy. It didn't make any sense for them to just leave.

"We will make this hurt." I heard the villain say.

He lunged at Asui with an insane speed. I reached to shove her away, but the villain was quicker. His hand closed on Asui's face, but nothing happened. My eyes snapped to Aizawa's bloody face. Even now he was still fighting, he had erased the villains quirk. The Nomu smashed his face into the ground again and this time, he didn't push back. I felt myself scream as I swung my staff like a baseball bat at the quick villain who dodged again. Behind me I heard Midoriya scream as he attacked as well. When his powerful punch hit however, he hadn't hit the villain, but instead somehow the monster had blocked it. The Nomu attacked Midoryia, but Asui pulled him out of the way with her tongue. As the villain reached back towards Asui and Mineta, my entire body crackled with electricity. I swung again, getting between him and the children. This time I shot my lightning through the staff. He was pushed back from the impact and squirmed at the electricity. Before he could charge us again, the door burst open. I felt relief for a moment then I felt a deep fear. It was Toshinori. These villains were going to be quite the match for him.

Suddenly the Nomu punched me and I could feel ribs cracking. I barely felt the pain, all I felt was rage. My eyes found Aizawa's broken body on the ground and I grabbed the kids running towards him. The villains were distracted by Toshinori, this was my chance. I threw myself over him pushing the kids behind me, and assessed the situation. I could hear Toshinori talking, reassuring the kids that he would protect them. I screamed again in rage as some of the lower level villains tried coming after us. I fired lightning at each of them, knocking them away.

I looked down as Aizawa coughed up some blood. He was watching me with a slight smile. How could he be smiling right now? I pulled him against me protectively, much like a cat. I hadn't noticed before, but I was crying. Wind and rain whipped around me and my ears and tail weren't hidden. My chest was starting to hurt so bad I could barely breathe.

"Hold on Eraser, I got you." I said, grabbing him gently.

I looked into his eyes one more time before pulling him onto my back. I wrapped my tail around him to keep him against me. I walked back with the kids heading towards the exit.

I looked sadly at Toshinori as he passed me. I wanted to help him, but my injuries were becoming worse and I knew I would just be in the way. The kids helped me carry Aizawa. I looked down and saw my shirt was wet. I didn't have to look to figure out why it was wet. My rib had punctured the skin, I could feel the bone tugging at the ripped skin with each movement. I took a deep breath and kept walking, dragging Aizawa on my back.

"Your ears..." Midoryia started.

I glared at him and he shut his mouth quickly. It took everything in me not to look back at Toshinori as I heard the fight picking up.

"I have to go back." Midoryia said suddenly, running towards the fight.

"Midoryia don't you fucking dare!" I yelled harshly.

He looked at me sadly, but he kept running. My eyes darted around wildly trying to decide the right move. My vision started to turn black around the edges, and I looked at Asui and Mineta. I had to get them to safety. Toshinori wouldn't let anything happen to Midoryia, at least I hoped. We were nearly to the doors when I heard students yelling from above us.

"Come help us! He's heavy!" Asui yelled up.

The students came and Uraraka used her quirk to make Aizawa weightless. I held him against me tightly feeling the blood from his face matting in the back of my hair. The doors burst open again, the other heroes arriving.

"Thank god, please save Toshinori." I said to myself.

As soon as I stepped outside into the rain, I collapsed. I could hear yelling all around me. The last thing I remembered was the feeling of Aizawa's body being lifted away. My body screamed in pain as I slipped into unconsciousness. I smiled at the rain on my face.

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