Ultimate Moves

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I grumbled and rubbed my eyes as I woke up. I sighed deeply as I sat up and pulled at my face.

"Good morning kitten." Aizawa said softly.

I felt terrible. I had nightmares all night and I felt more exhausted than I had before sleeping. I rubbed my temples gently and sighed at the crack of thunder.

"Good morning Sho." I said quietly.

I stood slowly and took a few steps towards my chair. Aizawa moved to help me but I held up my hand.

"I can take a few steps, I promise I'm getting into my chair and you can push me all day, but these steps are mine." I sighed.

Aizawa looked at me shocked, but nodded in agreement. He sat a plate of delicious looking food at the table as well as a pain pill and a glass of water. I took a careful bite. My hands were shaking more than usual, I couldn't tell if it was my burns or just exhaustion. Hizashi kissed the top of my head cheerfully and I smiled at them both.

"Good morning Zashi." I grumbled as I drank down the water quickly.

Aizawa was already bringing me more water and I smiled at him warmly.

"You know me so well." I sighed with a grin.

Aizawa chuckled as he started cleaning up the kitchen. I rubbed my good eye and groaned. They both looked at me concerned.

"I wanna get ahead of this now. I'm in a bad mood, neither of you did anything wrong and neither of you can fix it. I just gotta go through it today." I sighed.

"I understand baby, let us know if you want anything specific from us." Hizashi said with a gentle smile.

"You guys are both so perfect, it's hard to look at you. It's like the light radiating off of you is going to blind me." I giggled.

"You're so cute." Aizawa said dreamily.

He blinked in shock when he realized he'd spoken outloud. I chuckled and shook my head.

"I think I would like to shower before class, if it's not too much trouble to help me get in I would really like to shower alone." I said cautiously.

"Not too much trouble at all baby." Hizashi grinned.

I stretched in my chair as Aizawa sat a cup of coffee in front of me. I drank it quickly and smiled at them.

"Can one of you take me to my dresser, I really just want to do as much as possible myself today." I asked sweetly.

Aizawa grinned widely as he pushed me over to my dresser. I picked out a green dress and grabbed a hero costume. Aizawa looked at me confused and I sighed.

"I know I won't need it, but I just really want to dress like normal." I explained.

"I get it, i always feel better when I'm wearing my goggles." Aizawa nodded.

He pushed me to the bathroom and helped me undress. Hizashi started the water and sat everything out for me. Aizawa removed my bandages, only covering the wound on my chest. They each held me gently as I stepped in. Once I was standing steadily I nodded to them with a grateful smile and they left.

"Just yell if you need something." Hizashi said.

"Oh shit wait, will one of you grab my phone I forgot it. I would love some music." I asked sheepishly.

Aizawa brought my phone in and looked at me intrigued.

"What are we listening to today kitten?" He asked excitedly.

"The one called angry, I want some rock." I said with a nod.

He put the music on with a grin and left me to shower. I sighed in relief as the music filled my head. I showered slowly so I wouldn't hurt my chest. Being alone for a moment felt incredibly refreshing, but at the same time I missed the warmth of their presence. Once I was rinsed off I yelled for them to come back in. Hizashi grabbed me a towel as Aizawa stood against the doorframe, looking me up and down hungrily. I smirked at him and shook my head.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz