Valentine's Day Special

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(we are taking a break from our story to celebrate valentine's day! Hope you enjoy this! If this isn't your thing that's ok, this will hold no relevant plot and you can skip it without missing anything important. Thank you for reading.)

As I woke up I stretched out in the warm bed and realized I was alone. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The bed smelled like a combination of them both, I felt like I was drunk on the smell. Suddenly I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of bickering from the kitchen. I opened my eyes as I sat up confused. I walked out to the kitchen as I pulled my hair into a ponytail. As soon as I walked out they stopped arguing and both gave me a large goofy grin.

"Good morning kitten. Happy Valentines day!" Aizawa said cheerfully.

"Happy Valentines day baby." Hizashi cooed as he kissed my cheek.

Aizawa scoffed slightly and I looked at him confused. He grabbed plates from the counter and started carrying them to the table.

"I made pancakes so we could eat before school." Aizawa said proudly.

"Yeah well, I made chocolate chip muffins and cut up fresh fruit." Hizashi said, sounding a little smug.

"Good morning boys, and happy valentine's day." I said confused as I sat.

I began to eat cautiously. Why are they being so weird? The food tasted amazing though.

"I made us a reservation for dinner tonight baby." Hizashi said proudly.

"Oh thank you Zashi that's so sweet." I said with a smile.

"I got popcorn and candy and snacks so we could have a movie night." Aizawa added excitedly.

"That sounds great Sho! Thank you! Also thank you both for breakfast this is great." I said as they both beamed proudly.

"We had better get ready, I don't want to be late for class. We should all dress nice today since we aren't training." I said as I stood.

"That sounds like a great idea baby!" Hizashi said excitedly as he jumped up to follow me.

Before Hizashi could reach me Aizawa scooped me up and carried me to the room. As he sat me down I watched as Hizashi and Aizawa shot each other a dirty look. Ok then?

"We should wear the turtlenecks again kitten." Aizawa said.

"Yeah do you have a turtleneck sweater Zashi?" I asked with a grin as I dug out my yellow one.

Hizashi dug through his clothes until he pulled out a white knit turtleneck with a smile. We all wore dark jeans and our turtlenecks. I giggled as Hizashi picked me up and held me against him. I wrapped my legs around him as twirled the hair in his ponytail around my finger. I smiled at Aizawa as I admired how good he looked. His hair was pulled up into a messy bun and I noticed a twinkle in his eyes as he smiled at me.

"We can't forget the cookies I made for the class!" I said as we walked to the door, Hizashi still holding me against him.

Aizawa handed me my bag and my staff before grabbing the cookies from the counter.

"I got them kitten don't worry." He cooed softly as he opened the door for us.

The entire drive to school Aizawa and Hizashi kept a hand on me at all times. I grinned as I watched them confused. Are they being weird because it's valentine's day? At the school I walked between them holding their hands as we walked up to the door. I saw Toshinori talking with Midnight quietly. He was blushing and stammering ass Midnight grinned at him. I smiled warmly as Toshinori said it's and waved excitedly.

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