Mommy Dearest

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(Trigger warning and 🍋🍋🍋)

Saying goodbye to Aizawa was harder than I ever thought possible. I worked hard to keep on a happy face, but there was no doubt he could see right through me. Nonetheless I kept up the smile through our goodbyes.

"You'll be home in a few days kitten, and I will hold you and not let go." Aizawa purred between kisses.

"I know Sho. I'll be back in no time." I answered with a grin.

I held Hizashi's hand tightly as we boarded the plane and waved to Aizawa as the door shut. As soon as the door closed I buried my face in Hizashi's chest and sobbed. He picked me up and carried me to a couch, laying me against his chest. I wiped my face as I sniffled. Hizashi was watching me intently, but also looking around the plane in awe.

"I've never been on a private jet like this baby." He said sheepishly.

"I've never been on a normal plane." I chuckled back.

"Really?! That's crazy!" Hizashi replied in shock.

"It's safer this way. I'm more comfortable and less likely to lose control of my quirk. Planes and lightning don't mix well." I explained.

"That makes sense yo! Sometimes I forget how rich All Might is, he wears like 2 outfits and they look like they are from a clearance store." Hizashi chuckled.

I laughed with him as I got comfy on his lap, nuzzling into his neck.

"I suppose it all seems normal to me. He has been putting money into my account every month since he found me. I don't even know how much, but my card has never declined once. Even though I knew the money was there, I never really used it." I explained.

"You probably made money with your own hero work too huh?" He asked thoughtfully.

"A little. I was underground so I wasn't popular or anything. Plus I took the cases no one wanted. I rescued children and people with no money. I worked in America's slums. Everyone else was busy off looking for glory and fame." I answered.

"You are amazing, you know that?" Hizashi said in awe.

I looked over his face and was surprised to find I was purring. My heart was racing as I looked over him lustfully. What the fuck?

"Are you alright baby?" Hizashi asked confused.

"Yeah I think so. I don't know. I want you so bad." I groaned.

Hizashi blinked in shock as he looked me over.

"Are you sure baby? Not that I'm complaining, but you've had a lot going on. Are you sure you're ready?" Hizashi asked gently.

He's right. My head should be clear, I should be focused. I knew he was right but my body craved him so badly it actually hurt.

"I don't know, but I don't want you, I need you. I need you so badly." I groaned as I started to writhe on his lap.

My skin burned and ached, just waiting for him to touch me. I sighed in relief when he obliged running his hand down my body.

"More!" I whimpered, pulling on his arm.

Hizashi blushed as he reached his hand under my hero costume and rubbed my clit slowly. My whole body shook as I moaned.

"What if someone sees us baby?" Hizashi asked nervously.

"I don't care." I moaned, grinding against his hand.

I whimpered and closed my eyes. It felt good, but I needed more. I felt like I couldn't breath. I had an aching pain starting in my abdomen as I panted.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Where stories live. Discover now