The Dreaded Work Studies

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The week seemed to fly by at an alarming speed. Classes all felt like a blur as we pushed the students harder and harder for their work studies. Most of the students had interned at agencies we didn't approve, so for many of them the search was slow going. One evening we were chatting with Toshi before going to deliver messages to a few of the students.

"Mirio took young Midoriya to meet Nighteye. He is hoping to do his work study there." Toshi said in a strained voice.

"That's amazing news!" I said, feeling instantly relieved.

"Why is that such good news baby?" Hizashi asked confused.

"Nighteye and I share the same views on sacrifice in the name of justice. He pushed Toshi to retire as much, if not more, than I did. I doubt he would encourage these children to run headfirst into battle." I explained with a grin.

"Yes (y/n), but you're forgetting something. Nighteye hasn't spoken to me since he left the hospital all those years ago. On top of that, its been implied by Nezu that he was training Mirio to inherit my quirk." Toshi said with a sigh.

"Surely he will respect your choice All Might." Aizawa said soothingly.

"I hope so, but he isn't a big fan of my choices so far." Toshi said sadly.

I patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"Midoriya is an incredible kid. Part of me wishes he hadn't gotten your power and the burden that came with it, but I cant deny that he was the right choice." I said softly.

"Nighteye is a professional, I'm sure he wont let old disagreements affect his relationship with Midoriya." Aizawa said confidently.

I hugged Toshinori tightly before we left for the student dorms. As Aizawa, Hizashi, and I walked I smiled warmly remembering meeting Nighteye for the first time.

"When I first met Nighteye, it was at the hospital after All for One had injured Toshi. Gran Torino called me from the hospital and I caught the first flight here. It was my first time in Japan, and I was scared and nervous as Toshi was still unconscious. Nighteye picked me up at the airport and comforted me the entire ride to hospital even though I could tell he was just as scared. He held my hand as we both cried at Toshi's bedside until he woke up." I said warmly.

"It sounds like they were close, how could they just not talk all these years?" Hizashi asked confused.

"When Toshi woke up he could barely move, but all he could think of was getting up and getting to work. We begged him to stop. I was in shock, crying at his weakened form as he tried to leave. Nighteye begged him the most. I know he was sad, but in the moment he was angry. He told Toshi that one day he wouldn't be able to work and the world would shift because he refused to let anyone take on the extra load. Turns out he was right, and now they are both to scared to face the other, much like children." I explained with a sad sigh.

"I hope that they can reconnect now through Midoriya. That kid has a habit of not minding his business." Aizawa chuckled as he rested his hand on my lower back.

"You're right Sho." I replied with a smile as we stepped inside the dorms.

The students were all talking excitedly with Midoriya, seems like Nighteye accepted him. They all talked about the frustration of being unable to find an agency. I wish they could see that wasn't a bad thing. I was surprised to see that Midoryia didn't seem as excited as the rest about his work study. Iida noticed us listening in and bowed with a polite smile.

"Ms. (l/n), Mr. Aizawa, Present Mic, nice to see you." He said in his normal overly formal tone.

"Relax yo! We aren't in class, we are just here as messengers ya dig?!" Hizashi said loudly.

The Storm Within (aizawa x Female reader X Present Mic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora