Chapter 1

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"Great! Just great!" Lynn groans as she hits the cheap and old microwave. She sits down on the couch with a sigh. Lynn sits there for a second looking outside at the grey clouds in the sky.

Lynn lives in a pretty decent sized apartment in the middle of a small city. Even though she lives alone, there is the living room with a small kitchen in it that's divided by a bar, a bedroom with a queen size bed, a small bathroom with a shower and sink, the walk in closet with all her clothes on the end of the hallway and a small study room. She is happy with all the room she was able to get for a pretty decent price because her mom knew the previous owner.

"Guess I have an excuse to check out the new restaurant around the corner." Lynn shrugs. She puts on her shoes and coat before grabbing her keys from the bowl on the shelf at the coat hanger. As she walks out Lynn takes a deep breath taking in the cold winter air. She walks out the building and around the corner, Lynn smiles as she can already see the sign of the new restaurant that has recently opened. Lynn walks inside and sits down at a small table in the corner of the room. She orders a club sandwich and some orange juice. "This looks nice." Lynn says to herself with a small smile as she looks around the room. Her food gets brought to her table after a few minutes. Lynn doesn't like going out alone, but she doesn't really have any friends she hangs out with outside of school or work. "Excuse me is this seat taken?" a sweet voice asks. "No go right ahead." Lynn responds without really looking to the woman asking, expecting her to take the chair across the table to a different table. But the woman doesn't do that, instead she sits down and puts the suitcase she is carrying next to the table. Lynn looks up at the woman that's smiling at her from across the table. The young woman sticks out her hand over the table and Lynn's food. "Hey, im Jenna. I hope I didn't disturb you." Jenna says as Lynn shakes her hand with a still slightly confused look on her face. "Oh no of course not, I was just not expecting you to sit down." Lynn looks at Jenna with a feeling that she has seen her somewhere before. "And your name is?" Jenna giggles as she puts her arms over each other on the table. "Oh yeah of course im sorry. Im Lynn. Lynn Hutton" Lynn says a bit embarrassed while she laughs stupidly. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Lynn." Jenna says still keeping strong eye contact. "Sooo- may I ask why you sat down?" Lynn asks while tilting her head slightly. "Yeah of course, I just came in and saw you eating alone so I tought it would be nice to join you." Jenna explains while using her sweet and tender voice. "Well thank you that's very nice." Lynn says while looking Jenna up and down. "Im sorry but do I know you from somewhere." Lynn asks in a shy but sweet voice. Jenna laughs as she looks down at the food Lynn was eating. "Yeah, you probally do. Im an actress." Jenna responds looking at Lynn a bit shy. "That's right!" Lynn says exited. "You're Jenna Ortega!" her face lights up as she realises who she is actually sitting across from. "In the flesh. "Jenna says with a slight smile. "Oh, that's great. I love you so much!" Lynn blushes as she realises what she just said. "I mean your acting and stuff of course." She says trying to save it. Jenna laughs and looks into Lynn's eyes. "Well thank you that's very sweet of you." Lynn thinks for a second before returning the look into Jenna's eyes. "Wait- what are you doing here then? I mean it is New Years in a week , shouldn't you be home with family or friends?" Lynn asks curious. "Oh yeah well I wanted to go somewhere a little more silent and see if I could find something to do there." Jenna looks out the window at the street in front of the restaurant. "How about you then? What are you going to do with new year's?" Jenna asks returning the question. "I- don't really have any plans. I tought I'd might celebrate it alone this year." Lynn looks at the table with a bit of disappointment. "Oh." Jenna says feeling a bit sorry for her. "Well, I just came here today and I don't really have a place to stay, maybe I could crash at your place and celebrate it with you. If that isn't weird to you!" Jenna suggests. Lynn looks up at her and smiles. "Really? You don't have a place to stay. Well, I live alone so I could make some room. And it would be nice to celebrate with someone else." Lynn almost squeals with excitement. "Great! Well, then that's settled! Thank you!" Jenna smiles relieved as she watches Lynn take a final bite of her sandwich. "It's my pleasure. I can show you it now if you want." Lynn wipes off her mouth with a napkin. "Yeah, sure I have no other plans." Jenna says. Lynn calls over a waiter and asks for the bill. She pays and then stands up. "Let's go then!" she says with excitement. Jenna stands up with a little hop before grabbing her suitcase, Lynn smiles as Jenna looks up at her before Lynn leads the way out of the restaurant.

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