Chapter 46

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Lynn slowly feels a finger, trailing from her palm to her bicep and back. "Hey." Lynn whispers as she opens her eyes, looking down at Jenna in her arms. "Hey, we've gotta get ready soon, our reservation is in a few hours and trust me, it will take a while to get there." Jenna smiles. "Then I guess we should, damn this bed is so comfyyyy though." Lynn says, cuddling up into the pillow a little more. "I know, I know. But trust me, you can't be late here or our table will be gone in seconds. So come on!" Jenna says, getting out of bed and pulling Lynn up with her. "Okay, okay!" Lynn laughs, getting out of bed. "Okay Lynn, you know I like how you're always you, but I would really love to see you in one of my dresses. It would look so good on you!" Jenna says, walking out of her room to her closet. She searches through some dresses as Lynn walks in, admiring the crazy amount of dresses and other close that are hanging there. "Jeez, how many clothes do you need!" Lynn chuckles. "What? After some events I buy the dresses I was wearing, so I get to keep them in case of a nice event. I think now is a perfect time to wear one." Jenna says continuing to search. "Here." Jenna pulls out a black dress. "I wore this to the SAG awards, it is a little tight but I felt so pretty in it, I bet you will too." Jenna holds up the dress for Lynn. "Wow it is...low cut." Lynn looks at the dress. "I know, it is also really push up, so I have something nice to look at during dinner." Jenna smirks, laying the dress out over a small couch she has. "Come oooon, why do you have to be so dirty!" Lynn laughs as she feels herself turn red. The dress does look nice, it wouldn't hurt to put it on, it's a nice night out in LA. "You love it, here I'll put on this one. But I will need your help for it because it's complex." Jenna holds out a pinkish dress that Lynn recognizes. "You wore that to the Golden Globe awards right?" "Yeah I did, or at least one that looks like this, I had the bottom shorten so that it is a little more practical." "I know it looks great on you. So at least we'll both have something to look at." Jenna smiles at Lynn's comments and then grabs her dress of the hanger. "Now let's get dressed, me first okay?" Jenna starts putting on the dress before Lynn can even respond, she has to help with some strands of cloth that run from her front and come together at her back. Lynn had to secure them together so that in Jenna's words 'I won't flash one in public.' Lynn got al flustered and nervous by the comment but she laughed. Once Jenna is finished she helps Lynn with putting on her dress, she had to take off her bra so Jenna got her some covers so that she also 'won't flash one'. Once they're both dressed they admire themselves in a big mirror Jenna has in the closet. "Okay now for our hair and makeup." Jenna opens a door that leads to a small closet with an entire makeup station. "How many rooms does your place have!" Lynn is amazed. "Quite a few." Jenna laughs, sitting down and pulling a few drawers open. She starts working with brushes and combs to fix her hair and makeup. Lynn watches as Jenna does it, after a while Jenna stands up "Your turn." She smiles. "Thanks, hey I was wondering, could you get my hair like new years eve?" "Yeah of course! No problem." Jenna puts Lynn down on the seat and starts working. After a little bit of struggling Lynn's hair straightens out. Lynn asks if Jenna could also do her makeup now that's she doing her hair anyway and Jenna agrees with a laugh. After a while they're both done. "Wow, we look good." Lynn says as she admires themselves. "Good? We look drop dead gorgeous!" Jenna says with a wide smile. Lynn agrees, the dress is a bit tight but Lynn hasn't looked this fancy, well ever. Even the dress she wore on new years wasn't like this. "Well I'll make sure there is an Uber waiting for us outside." Jenna grabs her phone from her room and they walk downstairs together.

After waiting they walk outside towards the gate, Lynn feels a bit weird walking over the streets like this but it gives her an confident feeling that she doesn't feel often. Jenna opens the gate and they get in the Uber. Jenna tells the driver the address and they make a little small talk about their dresses and Jenna even gets recognized as Wednesday Addams which makes Lynn giggle. Then they're off, driving over the busy highway as the skyline of LA becomes clearer and gets closer. The drive is long but luckily their driver is nice so they talk for a while during the drive. Eventually they get to the place, thank the driver, and get out. The restaurant is in a hotel a bit north of the city, they walk inside into the lobby and towards the restaurant where they have to wait in a line for a few minutes. As Lynn looks around she sees people dressed even fancier then them, Lynn really thought they would be overdressed but she was wrong. Lynn is around people that are probally much, much richer than her. With a way higher status too, and yet she is here.

"Good evening, name of reservation?" the hostess says from behind a small stand with the guestbook, Lynn thinks it looks classy but presumes it's normal in restaurants like this. "Ortega." Jenna says in a polite tone. Lynn adjusts her posture a bit as she hears Jenna talk with such class. The women behind the stand checks the name and then with a smile, asks them to follow her. They walk through the busy restaurant and eventually they end up at a nice table towards the centre of the restaurant. They sit down and Jenna orders them a bottle of nice sounding wine. "Wow, this is nice." Lynn softly says, looking around at the nicely decorated room and all of the nice looking people. "Yeah it is, one of the more expensive restaurants here but I've heard that literally almost everything on this menu is good. So I guess it'll be my moneys worth." "Yeah I guess too, everything looks good." Lynn says scanning around at all of the table with plates of food on them, she sees a big variety but Jenna was right, it all looks delicious. "Well, I guess I have a post to make then." Jenna smiles a bit nervously.

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