Chapter 37

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"So where did you leave the alcohol?" Jenna asks as she throws her legs over Lynn's and leans back against the armrest. "I thought that it would be smarter to save it for later tonight." Lynn chuckles. 'What do you mean later tonight? It's almost eleven, I think that it's late enough to start drinking." Jenna grabs her glass of soda and quickly chugs it down. "Plus, I'm out of drinks." She smirks a bit uncomfortable. Then, the loudest and most weird sounding burp Lynn has ever heard comes out of Jenna. They look at each other for a second and then burst out laughing. "Fine, fine. Jeez you are insane. I'll go get the leftover beer to start us off." Lynn throws Jenna's legs off of her and stands up with a laugh. She walks over to the fridge and gets two beers from the sixpacks Jenna bought. She throws one at Jenna as she sits down. Jenna clumsily catches it and throws her legs back over Lynn's as she sits down. Lynn rolls her eyes and cracks open the can and holds it up. "To New Years." Jenna clicks her can against Lynn's and takes a sip. "That's what I'm talking about. Now we're partying!" Jenna yells. "This isn't a party okay? If I would hold a party it would be amazing." "Lynn, no offence okay, I love you. But I haven't heard you talk about other friends the entire time I have been with you." "Yeah well that doesn't mean I don't have any." Lynn huffs. "Well name two then." Jenna smirks. "Well..." Lynn thinks for a second, when she thinks of a friend she thinks of Jenna like this. Drinking together and having fun. She has never done this with her school friends. "Come on isn't there anyone you talk to at school?" "I do, but that's it honestly just talking." "Now that is something already, you guys talk so you're friends." "Well in that case my two would be Dahlia and Finn." "Who?" Jenna laughs. "Well Dahlia is a girl I have almost all of my classes with and we just talk a bunch and sit together. And Finn is a dude I met in my English class, we were partner on a project and kept talking from then." "Oh don't make me jealous." Jenna takes another sip. Lynn laughs and again, rolls her eyes. "Sounds like a great party though." Jenna giggles. Lynn gives Jenna's leg a jab. "Hey not everyone was a child actor. Sorry I'm not popular." "Oh come on, don't be like that. The thing is: you are very organized, so if anyone would want to throw a party and you are in charge of the planning. The party will be infinitely better." Jenna rubs her leg. Lynn smiles and looks at Jenna. "Suck-up." They both laugh and continue watching the tv.

Jenna makes a few jokes about how boring the show is, but Lynn catches her laugh multiple times. They keep drinking until the beers are empty and at that point they decide to switch to the champagne. They keep drinking and laughing until Lynn looks at the time. "Oh god damn, it's almost midnight! So are we going to do anything special for the countdown." Lynn says excited. "Well I did have something in mind but I'll keep that to myself." Jenna chuckles. "Oh come on, if it's something weird I swear I will kick you out." Lynn laughs. They keep talking while the time ticks away. The people in the street get louder and the amount of fireworks gets much higher, almost every second a bang can be heard from around the block. Lynn doesn't pay attention to the time until she hears people on the streets yell: "It's almost time!" this quickly causes Lynn to put on the countdown to see that she has three minutes left. "Okay quickly. Jenna pour some more champagne." Lynn puts her glass down and Jenna clumsily pours the two glasses. "Okay let's do this! Give a quick speech come on." Jenna says as she hands Lynn a glass. "What no, I can't speech." "Come on two minutes left quickly, quickly." Jenna stands next to Lynn. Lynn thinks quickly for a second then raises her glass. "Okay fine. A toast to this year, a lot has happened. In this last week we met, had some great experiences and some interesting conversations. Now I am excited for the coming year where we will get to have more experiences together." Lynn says with a proud tone. Jenna loudly gives Lynn a cheer and then they turn to the tv. "Here we go Lynn!" Jenna screams as they enter the last minute. Lynn feels excitement, it's still just a night that passes but with it comes the year. Lynn thinks about this year, and then how the next one could be. With Jenna. This will be great, very weird probally, but great.

"TEN" Jenna loudly yells. The countdown has begun. "NINE" they yell now together. "EIGHT" they hear the people on the streets count along with them. "SEVEN" in unison the entire city is counting down this year. "SIX" Lynn looks at Jenna with a smile. "FIVE" their eyes meet causing them both to laugh. "FOUR" Jenna throws her arm around Lynn. "THREE" they get closer to each other, yelling and laughing. "TWO" This is it, time for a new year. "ONE!" Here it goes! "HAPPY NEW YEARS!" Lynn screams at the top of her lungs, but Jenna grabs her face, pulls her close and kisses her deeply. The kiss is slow, sensual, almost perfect. But Lynn knows the reality behind it, it is a joke. Just Jenna messing around. Lynn does love the kiss, it feels perfect. But the reason for it is not perfect at all.

"Jenna no." Lynn softly pushes Jenna away, their lips part and Lynn opens her eyes, only now realizing how good it actually felt. "Why... why do you keep doing that." Lynn asks as she holds Jenna's shoulders, still holding her champagne glass. "It's a new years kiss." Jenna says with a small smile. "You know I don't want that Jenna, I kiss people I'm in love with, someone I'm in a relationship with. And I know you don't love me, you're messing with me." Lynn let's go of Jenna and puts her glass down. "How do you know." Lynn softly hears from Jenna. "Because you tease me with that all the time." Lynn chuckles softly. "No, how do you know I don't love you." Jenna's voice breaks a little, Lynn actually starts doubting if Jenna is kidding. But she is an actress, she knows how to act something like this out. "I know you Jenna, you're just acting. You're not in love with me, I know that." Lynn gives Jenna a small smile. "No! Who the fuck are you to decide who I am, or what I feel! How can you decide for me if I love someone." Jenna explodes, she is angry. Unlike anything Lynn has seen from her. "W- what." Lynn stumbles. "I honestly thought you were different from my ex. I actually believed it. But just like him, you decide what I'm feeling! How the fuck can you know what I feel!? Who I love!" Jenna screams at Lynn. Lynn's heart drops, she doesn't know what to say. Lynn feels Jenna scan her, she can tell how Lynn is confused. "I love you Lynn! I fucking love you, or at least I did. Before I knew you were just as much as a manipulating bitch like my ex!" Jenna storms away from Lynn. "Where are you going." Lynn manages to get out. "I'm going back home, I really thought we could stay together but I am going!" Jenna yells as she walks towards Lynn's closet. Lynn stumbles over to the couch and falls down. She is in shock, confused. She hears Jenna pack her things, but she can't find herself to go stop her. She can't force her to stay, definitely not after this. "She loved me." Lynn softly says to herself. She holds her head in her hands. Lynn tries to process it until she hears footsteps. Jenna was leaving, she had packed her suitcase and she is going to walk out of here. Out of Lynn's live. Lynn has ruined her friendship with Jenna.

Jenna walks into the hallway and puts on her shoes, Lynn has one more change to plead for Jenna to stay. So she quickly runs over to the hallway. "Jenna! Please don't go, I am so sorry I didn't know. I'm sorry about what I said and did." Lynn stands in the doorway into the living room and looks at Jenna, she is crying. Not a little, tears are falling down her eyes, her eyeliner is running down her cheeks. "Please Jenna, stay. It's nighttime, we can talk about this." Lynn pleads to Jenna, she can't loose her, she just can't! "What is there to talk about Lynn. "I said I'm in love with you and you said you definitely weren't. I'll just leave you okay. I wish you and your mom the best, but I know I won't be there for it." Jenna says I a more monotone voice, she sounds broken, hurt. Jenna puts on her jacket and grabs her suitcase. Lynn wants to say more but she can't find anything to say, before she knows it Jenna opens the door and stands in the doorway. "Goodbye Lynn. I hope you'll still find someone, just try not to push them away this time." Jenna says with eyes full of tears. Then she steps out, and closes the door. That was it, Jenna is gone. Lynn lost her, Lynn just lost her best and only friend.

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