Chapter 45

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"God you're so messed up!" Lynn says covering her face with her hands. "What? I can't help that I've got such a high libido." Jenna giggles, jumping onto her bed and rolling around in it a little. "God, I've missed this bed. You have a great place Lynn but this bed is just pristine, top of the top." Jenna lets out a soft and relieved sigh. Lynn smiles and sits down on the edge of the bed. "Wow." Lynn says as she feels the softness of the mattress. She glides her hands over the soft and comforting covers. "It's great isn't it. I'm going to sleep so well tonight, or maybe not. Depends on you." Lynn hears how Jenna is smirking behind her. "God you're terrible." Lynn laughs, letting herself fall back onto Jenna's bed. "You love it." Jenna giggles. Lynn turns on her side and looks at Jenna. "Yes I do, I love you Jenna Ortega." Lynn says with a small smile. Jenna blushes and looks down at the bed for a while "Why can't you just shut up." Jenna says before kissing Lynn on her cheek, it's a soft kiss but Lynn loves it. "Now I don't know about you but I'm tired, very tired." Jenna yawns excessively. Lynn giggles and gives Jenna another loving look "You're right, we should probally get some sleep in, that plane was not comfortable at all." "No it wasn't. You could change downstairs if you want, I'll wait here." Jenna says as she stands up. "No that's okay, I'm too tired to unpack my suitcase for clothes, right now I want to feel this cover engulf me in warmth. I'll just sleep in my underwear." Lynn says, Jenna was already halfway at taking her clothes off, she quickly pull her sweater over her head and looks at Lynn with big eyes. Jenna then runs at Lynn and hugs her tightly "Thank you." Jenna softly says against Lynn's chest. "For what?" Lynn says a bit confused, hugging Jenna back. "For being comfortable around me." Jenna says as she turns her head to the side, pressing herself as close to Lynn as she can. "Of course Jenna, I love you and I trust you." Lynn smiles against Jenna's head pressing her lips against it. Jenna lets go and sits down on the bed. "Are you really going to watch me like that." Lynn smiles. "Yeah I am, if you don't mind." Jenna says. "I don't, it's just funny to see you sit there, waiting for me." "I won't be waiting for long, if you don't hurry up I will rip those clothes off of you." Jenna smirks, back to her own teasing self. Lynn smiles and rolls her eyes. She starts taking off her sweater, she can feel Jenna look at her, but Lynn doesn't mind, not anymore. Lynn takes off her shirt next, she is left in her bra. She is a little to embarrassed to look at Jenna right now so she continues to her pants, she takes them off and finally her socks. Once she looks up, Jenna is looking at her in awe. Lynn lets out a nervous giggle. Lynn walks over to the bed and Jenna gets under the covers and opens them for Lynn. No words were exchanged but Lynn can tell Jenna likes the sight of Lynn likes this, not only in her sexual way but Lynn sees the love in Jenna's eyes, this means something to her. Lynn crawls in bed next to Jenna. as soon as she does, Jenna pulls herself close to Lynn. Hugging her tightly, Lynn smiles and wraps her hands around Jenna. "I love you Jenna." "I...I want to thank you for coming with me." Jenna stumbles, Lynn knows it is not what Jenna wanted to say. It's the thought that counts, Jenna is trying to improve, Lynn knows it will take a while but she'll get there.

They cuddle for a while, not saying anything. Just looking out over the room and sometimes looking in each other's eyes. "I can get lost in your eyes." Lynn murmurs. "You've got to stop acting so cheesy!" Jenna laughs. "What? You're my girlfriend now, so I will act as cheesy as I want." Lynn laughs. Jenna thinks for a second. "You're my girlfriend, now really. We've been depicted as a couple on other people's social media, but not mine." "Yeah that's true. Do you want to do something about it then?" Lynn asks. "How about," Jenna traces Lynn's arm with her finger "tonight at dinner, we take a selfie. I post that to my Instagram and Facebook. Then everyone knows for certain, you are my girlfriend and I'm proud of it." Jenna says, she does avoid eye contact as she talks about these sappy things. "You know that something like that would really make it official. Are you sure you want that?" Lynn asks a bit worried. "I do, I want people to know that I'm with you." Jenna softly smiles, looking up at Lynn with her big sweet eyes. "See this, this is why I love you." Lynn kisses Jenna on her forehead. They look at each other after the kiss, Lynn can see the shimmer in Jenna's eyes. Then Jenna moves up, she presses her lips against Lynn's. Their kiss is slow, sensual and everything Lynn wanted. She loves these slow kisses because she can feel the passion behind it.

After they both pull away from the kiss, both of them with swollen lips and small smiles on their faces. They embrace each other again, pulling each other close. "Let's get some rest before tonight, don't want us to look tired for the big official reveal." Lynn laughs, Jenna chuckles with her. "Yeah, you're right. Sleep well Lynn," "You too Jenna." Lynn holds Jenna close as she watches her fall asleep. Lynn looks at her for a while, again thinking about how lucky she is with Jenna. She is perfect and she deserves the world. Lynn wants to give that to her, even if it takes the rest of her life. She wants to make Jenna feel loved. Lynn falls asleep as she imagines her entire life with Jenna by her side, now it is all she wants in life.

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