Chapter 3

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 Lynn walks in the room and turns the light on. "Well, this is it." Lynn says with a little shrug as she looks into her familiar bedroom still feeling sort of weird knowing that an famous actress is going to be sleeping in her bed. Jenna walks in after her with her suitcase and puts it in the room next to the door. "It looks great Lynn thank you so much." She says. "well, I will get the couch ready so I can sleep there, you can shower if you want- I have a spare towel hanging and I'll just stay in the living room." Lynn says as she walk a little further into the hallway and pointing to the door with the bathroom behind it. "Yeah, thank you." Jenna smiles. Lynn walks into the living room and closes the door behind her. She cleans up the trays and glasses and gets a pillow while thinking about Jenna and how lucky she is she met her. She has a feeling that Jenna is a lot of fun and that she will enjoy her time with the cute actress.

After Lynn hears the shower turning on, she changes into an oversized shirt and a pair of basketball shorts that she mostly wears when she's sleeping. After hearing the shower turn back off and waiting a few more minutes to make sure that she doesn't walk in on a nude Jenna. She waits for a few more minutes to make sure to give Jenna the time to get comfortable Lynn walks back to her bedroom. "Hey Jenna I just wanted to say goodnight before you go to sleep." Lynn says as she opens the door and walks in. Jenna is still standing in her underwear as she is rummaging through her briefcase, Lynn turns around quickly as she sees the half-naked Jenna.

"Oh my god im so sorry!" she says embarrassed, she can feel herself turning bright red as her cheeks warm up. She can feel Jenna turn around towards her "It's ok Lynn, this just the same as seeing me in a bikini or something. And that is just normal" Jenna says like it's nothing special. "I guess but this just feels different." Lynn slowly turns around and looks Jenna straight in her eyes making sure her gaze doesn't trail down. "im just very comfortable with my body and I don't think it's weird to see someone in underwear or a bikini. And I don't really get why people do- you wear a bikini when you're swimming and that's not weird, and underwear is just a bikini made from different materials" Jenna shrugs. "Oh, well I just wanted to say if there is anything I could do, all you need to do is just ask." Lynn says still blushing slightly. "Well, it felt weird to ask earlier today because we were still pretty unfamiliar but I think I have gotten to know you pretty well throughout today." Jenna starts. "So I have this weird and stupid thing- and you should say it when you thinks it's weird, but it's this thing where I can sleep better- if I am close to someone, you know like hugging and stuff." Jenna says clutching her fists as she is scared to ask the question thinking that Lynn would think it's weird or even childish that she wants to sleep next to someone. Lynn takes a step forward and still looks Jenna in the eyes. "That's not weird or stupid. I honestly think have the same thing, at least I have the feeling- I've never actually slept or cuddled with someone except my mom when I was still very young- but that's different." Lynn laughs shyly. "Really!? Oh thats great!" Jenna says as her face lights up with joy. She returns Lynn's look now almost jumping from excitement. "I don't know about you but im pretty tired." Jenna laughs as she calms down having a relieved look on her face. Lynn laughs with her as she crawls into bed feeling a bit awkward and Jenna follows her still being shy and not really knowing what to do. "Just lay however you want, okay? Just imagine me as a big pillow" Lynn laughs reassuring trying to lighten up the mood. "Ok then." Jenna gulps as she puts her head on Lynn's chest and her hand on her belly. Lynn also gulps before she wraps her arms around the smaller Jenna. Lynn feels a bit weird at first, but she quickly grows to like the feeling of having Jenna in her arms- it feels nice to have someone so close to you and Lynn kind of feels like she is protecting Jenna. "Goodnight Jenna." Lynn whispers down to Jenna even tho they're the only two people in the room. "Goodnight Lynn, thank you for a great day- and for letting me stay here with you." Jenna whispers back with a smile. Lynn feels a warm feeling in her chest as she hears Jenna say that. "Oh it's nothing." Lynn says with an shy chuckle as she feels her heartrate rise slightly. "No it is- you let a random girl stay with you, that's not nothing to me. Really- thank you Lynn." Jenna says as she rubs her head on Lynn's chest to get comfortable. Lynn is unable to say anything in response but Jenna has already fallen asleep. Lynn rubs Jenna's back slightly before also dosing of to sleep.

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