Chapter 10

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As Lynn starts to wake up, one of the first things she notices is the absence of Jenna next to her. She shoots up and looks around her room, nothing. She jumps out of bed and walks out of her room, when she comes closer to the living room she hears all kinds of noises. When she enters the room she smells something burned, badly. "Jenna?" Lynn asks as she turns around the corner to the kitchen where Jenna is standing. "Oh, you're awake." Jenna says as she turns around while trying to cover the stove by standing in front of it. "What are you doing?" Lynn asks suspicious as she looks at Jenna who is standing in front of her putting on a guilty smile. "Oh nothing don't worry about it." Jenna says as she tries to wave it off. "No I am going to worry about it, it smells like you're burning the place down, what are you doing?" Lynn asks again before pushing Jenna aside, as she looks at the stove she sees what appear to be pancakes. "Oh Jenna." Lynn says as she covers her mouth trying to hold in her laugh. "Ah come on I'm no super chef." Jenna says offended from behind Lynn. "No, no it's really nice, I appreciate the gesture, really." Lynn says before turning around to hug Jenna in comfort. It is only when Jenna hugs her back she realises that this is the first time they have actually hugged besides the cuddling. "Why don't I finish them and then we can have breakfast okay?" Lynn asks as she pulls away from the hug but still holds Jenna by her shoulders. "Okay fine, I'll go get dressed then." Jenna smiles before Lynn turns around to try and save the now burned pancake in the pan. Lynn spends a little to fix the batter before making some new pancakes. When Jenna comes back she is wearing a pair of light blue jeans with a white shirt on. On top of that she is wearing a dark grey jacket over her shirt. She sits down at the bar and Lynn puts their plates with small piles of pancakes in front of them as she sits down. "Wait I think you grabbed the wrong one." Jenna says as she points to the burned pancake on top of Lynn's pile. "No I didn't, you made this for me so I am going to eat it." Lynn says with a warm smile. "Lynn, that really isn't necessary. I know I'm bad at making food." Jenna says a bit down. But then Lynn looks her straight in the eyes before cutting of a piece of the pancake and eating it. Jenna looks at her with an open mouth as Lynn eats the burned pancake. Lynn can't help but chuckle slightly, but the pancake is really not that bad, except for the burned parts it tastes pretty good. "You are insane you know that." Jenna laughs "Thank you." She says softly after that. Lynn swallows the piece with a smile. "Well leaving out the burned to crisp part, it tasted actually good. You just need a little practice that's all." She says before taking another bite. Jenna just laughs before starting to eat herself, they eat in silence for a few minutes but every time they look at each other they start to laugh for no reason.

When they finally do finish their breakfast Lynn cleans of the plates, she can feel Jenna staring at her while she is turned around. "You know, you look kind of cute with messy hair." Lynn hears out of nowhere from behind her. She turns around with an flustered expression to look at the smirking Jenna. "Excuse me?" Lynn says trying to confirm what she just heard. "I said that you look cute with your hair messy." Jenna repeats with a smirk, and then it hits Lynn, she is being teased once again. As her face goes from flustered to annoyed Jenna burst out laughing, Lynn can see the tears in her eyes as she looks up once more to take another look. "Was that really necessary?" Lynn says loudly as she throws her hands up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But you look so funny when you're nervous." Jenna laughs. Lynn crosses her arms pretending to be mad but she can't help but forgive Jenna immediately, in a way she doesn't do often. "I wasn't nervous, I was just surprised that you would say that after we have just slept together." Lynn says, Jenna's laughter has calmed down and she is just widely smilling at Lynn. "Can't I say you look cute? You're my girlfriend so it's no problem." Jenna says to tease Lynn once again. "Let's use the normal term of friend before people hear it and suddenly I see 'Jenna Ortega with her new girlfriend!' all over the news." Lynn says as she let herself fall down on the couch. "Oh yeah because that would be so terrible to date me." Jenna says still sitting at the bar. Lynn just decides to keep quiet before she says anything else Jenna could use to tease her. "Really trust me, if we were to date you definitely wouldn't be my worst." Jenna says annoyed after a few minutes, as Lynn looks up she can see Jenna looking at her phone with furrowed eyebrows. "Why is that then?" Lynn asks curious as she sits up. "well I have this annoying ass ex who can't leave me alone, he is constantly trying to make me feel bad and stuff." Jenna says as she puts down her phone. Lynn stands up shocked as she hears that, she walks over and puts a hand on Jenna's arm for comfort. "I am so sorry to hear that." Lynn says, Jenn looks up at her and puts on a fake smile. "Well it's better than when we were actually together. He would constantly gaslight me and insult me for no reason, I just never had the balls to leave him until some of my friends helped." Jenna looks away again as she tells this, Lynn's jaw drops as she hears what Jenna has gone through and she pulls her in for a hug, a tight one. "I can't imagine what that must have been like, I am so, so, so sorry!" Lynn says during the hug. "Thank you Lynn, but it's okay." Jenna says before pulling away from the hug and standing up. "No it is not!" Lynn says almost offended at how Jenna brushes it off. "When did this all happened?" Lynn asks. "Well we broke up last week actually, that was the main reason for me to get away from home for a while." Jenna says with a small chuckle, Lynn can see how much this is really hurting Jenna even though she tries to hide it. "Can we just not talk about this now? We just woke up and I'm still pretty tired." Jenna says then with a sharp tone. "Yeah of course, im sorry." Lynn says softly as Jenna sits down on the couch and stares out the window. "I am going to get dressed then." Lynn says before walking to her room. Her head is spinning as she hasn't seen Jenna hurt like this yet, she can feel it herself for some reason, she doesn't really know why but it almost feels like she is feeling a part of Jenna's pain. She quickly gets dressed in some grey jeans and a baggy white sweater. As Lynn walks back out of her room she wants to ask Jenna more questions about her ex but she knows that it would be the best for both of them if she didn't.

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