Chapter 54

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Soft light rays fall onto Lynn's eyes as she slowly starts waking up, rolling around the bed a little before shooting up "Jenna?" Lynn looks beside her: no Jenna. She gets out of bed and walks into the hallway: nothing. Jenna also wasn't in her closet but Lynn did throw on some jeans and a grey sweater. As she walks down the stairs she hears music 'the way you look tonight'. She walks into the living room to see Jenna scurry around the kitchen. The music drowns out Lynn's footsteps so she takes the opportunity to sneak up on Jenna. "Never imagined you as a Frank Sinatra fan." Lynn suddenly says, taking Jenna by her shoulders. Jenna jumps with a small yelp before looking behind her. "God you scared the living crap out of me Lynn. Don't do that!" Jenna groans. "Good morning to you too. So what's up, what's with all the music and stuff." Lynn asks, leaning against the counter. "Well you encouraged me to try cooking more often, so I will. But I woke up two hours ago and didn't want to wake you up with all these noises so I thought that maybe some music would drown the sound out." Jenna says, continuing with whatever she was doing. "That's nice of you, so you thought that this would be the most fitting?" Lynn chuckles. Jenna turns down the music on her phone "Well this is just my playlist, I can't help that I think this is a pretty song." Jenna shrugs a bit uncomfortable. "Yeah I just never imagined you as a fan of this sort of stuff." Lynn smirks. "Well if you have to know it's because I want this to play on my wedding." Jenna says. With that Lynn's heart drops slightly. Wedding? Marriage? The two of them? What is Lynn thinking, Jenna just mentioned her wedding song, that's all, she didn't name her or anyone in that matter. "What don't you like it?" "No no I do...I love it, was just surprised you do too." Lynn says. "Well I guess I'm still full of surprises." Jenna smirks, putting on some oven mitts. Lynn watches as Jenna pulls open the oven and pulls out a big tray of...bread. Lynn looks confused at Jenna as she throws it down on the counter. "You made bread?" Lynn asks. "Yeah, I was scrolling through some recipes this morning and I found this, and I had the time so I went to the small supermarket nearby, which I honestly never knew existed before today, and I got the ingredients. And now voilà, bread." Lynn takes in a big whiff of the smell, it is delicious. "Wow, can I try some?" Lynn eagerly asks. "You'll have to wait a little longer Hutton. It needs to set for a while." Jenna says. Throwing the oven mitts off. "But don't you worry, because I am going to tell you something." Jenna says, waving Lynn to come with her as she walks to the couch. Jenna plops down and Lynn sits next to her, now curious to what Jenna has to tell. "You know how I got a surprise planned for you today?" Jenna smiles. Lynn slowly nods, looking at Jenna with curious eyes. "Well, I got it all sorted out. And in a few hours you'll get to see what it is. I had to do a little convincing for this to be possible, but I managed." Jenna says. "Well? What is it!?" Lynn says. The way Jenna is keeping this from her is torturous. "Now that's the surprise Lynn. You'll have to wait until it arrives." "So it's coming here? Is it an object or something to do?" Lynn tries to interrogate Jenna "You're not getting any hints Lynn!" Jenna laughs, standing up and walking back to the kitchen to clean her mess. "Oh come on you can't do this to me!" Lynn begs, walking after her. "Too bad, trust me. I know you'll like this surprise, otherwise you really don't like my shows." Jenna says with a small wink. Lynn thought that with a little hint she would be able to guess what Jenna was planning but a hint this little only drives her mind insane with all of the possibilities.

After Lynn trying to get more hints out of Jenna for a while, Jenna finally changes the subject by slicing a piece of bread off for both of them. "Here, why don't you keep quiet for a little and eat." Jenna laughs while shoving the slice into Lynn's hands. "So demanding." Lynn jokes. "Aww you love it, now shut up and eat." Jenna says with a roll of her eyes. Lynn smiles at Jenna before taking a bite, and god it tastes just as good if not better as it smelled. "Oh my godddd." Lynn says, her mouth full with bread. Jenna laughs softly and also eats. "Jenna this is delicious, you did amazing." Lynn throws an arm around Jenna as they sit back down on the couch. They finish their slices and Jenna grabs seconds for both of them, putting the rest of the bread away for later.

"So now back to the surprise." Lynn says after finishing her breakfast. "What is it!?" Lynn groans. "You have to have patience Lynn, trust me this will be worth the wait if I guessed correctly." Jenna says while glancing at her phone. "Oh looks like it's almost here actually, so you don't have to wait much longer." This only gets Lynn more nervous, is it something big and special or something small and nice? "God you just love tormenting me." Lynn groans as she watches Jenna grin with glee. "Maybe a little, but hey I think I'm allowed to get you back after you ignored me for a week!" Jenna laughs. "Oh is that what we're calling it now!?" Lynn laughs offended "I can't help that you just looked like you were acting! How could I know you liked me." "After the karaoke bar." Jenna says, her laugh has turned into only a small smile. Lynn has to think for a second but remembers again, when they were drunk and going to sleep. "You said you loved me when we got home." Lynn says, feeling even worse because she wrote it off as some drunken fun Jenna was having. "Yep, I acted like I forgot the day after to avoid any embarrassment, but I couldn't control myself that night." Jenna says "I just had too much to drink and no filter, it just blurted out." "Jenna...I'm so sorry." Lynn puts her hand on Jenna's thigh. "No that's okay, I get why you thought it wasn't genuine." Jenna softly smiles. Lynn then feels a soft vibration from underneath Jenna, her phone. "Well guess what is waiting for us outside?" Jenna smiles while looking at her phone. "Yeah what is it!?" Lynn asks again, now more nervous than ever. "Come on, go see for yourself." Jenna smirks. God why is she so good at tormenting Lynn with secrets. So Lynn bolts up from the couch towards the door, straightening her clothes a little just in case it's something fancy and opening the door.

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