Chapter 23

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"Oh my goooooosh. This is delicious!" Lynn says after taking the first bite of her steak. "I told you didn't I.'' Jenna smiles before also taking a bite. She seems less affected but she still clearly likes it. "You did, you were right. Which is pretty rare." Lynn takes another bite of her steak. Jenna was about to take a bite but stops as she hears Lynn. "I'm sorry but I think I am right most of the time. I picked the karaoke bar." "And you got us so drunk that we sang on stage." Lynn laughs. "Ehm, well I got you that dress! And you told me you liked it so I was right about that, and not only your dress by the way, also that cute outfit and what you're wearing right now. All picked by yours truly." Jenna points at Lynn's outfit. "Okay with fashion you're right, a shame you didn't become a fashion designer but an actress." Lynn takes a sip of her champagne, the mix of tastes in her mouth are amazing. "Well actually, being an actress wasn't really my dream," Lynn looks up at Jenna as she says this. "don't get me wrong I love it. But I've also always wanted to do something with music. Being an composer is what I dreamt of when I was younger until my mother posted a video of me doing a little acting on Facebook or Twitter when I was younger. Since then I got an agent for auditions and a few years later I was the main character in a Disney show. So yeah, a lot has happened." Jenna tells. Lynn is in shock, she never knew Jenna's acting story and it wasn't even her dream. "So a composer huh? You wanted to make music." "Not wanted, I still do. Maybe later in life or when my career slows down a little, I can try to fulfill that dream." Lynn reaches for Jenna's hand over the table. "Jenna listen to me, promise me that you will do that." Jenna starts laughing but Lynn squeezes her hand. "Jenna, promise me." Lynn says in full seriousness. Jenna stops laughing and looks Lynn in the eyes. "O- okay, I promise." Lynn lets go of Jenna's hand and continues to eat. "Why do you care so much about my dreams anyway." Jenna asks after a moment of silence. "Well first of all, I care about you. I don't like to admit it but you are my best friend currently. And secondly, my mom dreamt of traveling the world, she loved doing that and it made her happy. But when my dad passed she stopped traveling to take care of me. And now that she doesn't need to take care of me anymore she thinks that she is too old for it." Lynn explains, it's hard to talk about her mom like this let alone her dad. But if it helps convince Jenna to chase her dreams it is worth it. "Wow I didn't know. How about you then, what are your dreams in live?" Jenna says after taking a sip of her champagne. Lynn has never really dreamed of anything but one thing. "I honestly want to settle down, I want to find someone I can love and trust, I want to marry them. Live together and do things together. And maybe even make a family." Lynn looks down at her plate, she is almost finished but she is so full, she shouldn't have ate so much probably she has always ha- "Sounds perfect." Lynn looks up to see Jenna giving her a warm smile. "It's not something I hear a lot but I think I would like the same thing. After dating for a while I think I that I'm ready for the one you know." Jenna finishes her fish and wipes of her mouth. "Yeah I do, I think the one would be someone I could always rely on to cheer me up and make me feel good for me." Lynn puts her cutlery on the plate and pushes it a little further from her. "I could see that, you clearly need someone to be there for you." Jenna smirks. "Oh ha ha, but don't forget who saved your ass multiple times this week alone." Lynn rolls her eyes and finishes her champagne. "You're right, you're right." Jenna laughs. "I don't know about you but I'm pretty full." Lynn says after putting down her now empty champagne glass. "Yeah me too, I'll get the check and then we could head home." Jenna calls over the waiter to pay. After paying and thanking the waiter they stand up and head outside. It's dark out and the winter air is so cold they can see their breaths. "Oh god I knew I should've brought my jacket." Lynn groans as she feels the cold air hit her body. "Ah come on, it's not that far." Jenna says a she leads the way. Lynn has to jog a little to catch up but it at least warms her up, even if it is ever so slightly. "You know, this has been the first dinner one on one I had in a while that was not a date." Jenna looks up at the sky which is clear, showing some stars and the bright moon. "This is the first one on one dinner I ever had that was not with my mom." Lynn chuckles, it's a bit sad but Lynn never went out on dinner for dates, not that she went on many. "Well did you like it." Jenna asks. "Yeah the food was great and I always love talking to you. And I also like learning about you, a composer? Never thought about you in that way." Lynn laughs. "In what way did you think about me then?" Jenna asks in a more seductive voice. Jenna looks at Lynn with that stupid smirk. Lynn just rolls her eyes and keeps walking, Jenna laughs beside her but she ignores it. They turn the corner and can see the entrance to Lynn's place. They walk up and enter her apartment. Jenna kicks off her shoes and let's herself drop down on the couch. "Jeez, I'm tired." She groans as she leans her head back. "Yeah I know but we have to get this make-up off otherwise it will irritate tomorrow." Lynn says walking over to Jenna and standing in front of her. "Fine mom." Jenna groans again as she gets up, she gives Lynn a smirks as she walks past her to the bathroom. "Mom!? Wow I'm sorry that I care about you!" Lynn yells, she has to laugh about it but it did hit hard. "I know you do, but you have already raised me so don't worry." Jenna says before walking into the bathroom and closing the door. Lynn smiles and sits down, a few minutes later Jenna exits the bathroom, Lynn goes into her closet to get some clothes and then also goes into the bathroom, she takes off her outfit and make-up. Lynn exits the bathroom, with Jenna's outfit in her arm. "where do you want me to drop this?" Lynn ask as she enters her bedroom. "Just throw them in my suitcase, I'll get it all sorted when I get home." Jenna says already in bed on her phone. Lynn does as she says and also gets in bed after turning off the lights. "Goodnight Lynn." Jenna whispers as she snuggles up to Lynn. "Wait before you go to sleep. I was wondering, do you think we'll keep in touch after you leave?" Lynn asks after the idea popped into her head with Jenna talking about when she goes home. "Yeah of course dummy, you are a great friend and we will keep on talking, even after I go home. Maybe you could even visit once or twice." Jenna says. "Yeah thank you Jenna, Goodnight." Lynn relaxes and gets comfortable. "Night." Jenna murmurs before the drift off to sleep.

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