Chapter 33

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"Okay so first of all I want to decorate, a few balloons here and there just to set the mood." "A woman of simple tastes." Jenna giggles as she sits down at Lynn's bar. She is wearing a pink hoodie with some very baggy sweatpants. "So what, I don't want to clean a bunch of decorations up after." "No, no I understand. Just personally I always go a little...bigger." Lynn walks into the kitchen and looks in the fridge. "Okay so what do you want for breakfast today. I can make eggs and I'm pretty sure I still have some bread laying around." "Well if you wouldn't mind, I actually thought because it's new years we could order some breakfast." Jenna smiles as she grabs her phone. "Order breakfast?" Lynn says confused. "Yeah yesterday I saw this restaurant that delivers early in the morning and they have these divined looking pancakes." Jenna says "Here, look at that!" Jenna hands Lynn her phone to show picture of some very fluffy pancakes with chocolate sauce drizzled over it. "It does look good, but are you sure. Maybe it's not good to order food three times in one week, plus going out to eat once." "Oh come on, I'll pay okay. It's the last day of the year so let's celebrate it." Jenna clutches her hands together and looks at Lynn with begging eyes. "Okay, okay. Go for it." Lynn laughs. Jenna squeels as she grabs her phone back to order. "Okay while we wait, the decorations are in the basement. We can go get them real quick." "You have a basement? And it's only now that you show me?" Jenna grins. "Why do you have to make everything dirty?" Lynn says as she rolls her eyes. "What makes you think that was dirty?" "Because of that horny stare you have." "Oh watch the language Hutton." Jenna laughs.

Lynn grabs her coat and shoes from the hallway and puts them on. "Are you gonna come with or what?" Lynn asks. "Yes please." Jenna is still grinning from ear to ear. Lynn waits for Jenna to get ready and then they leave. They walk down the stairs but instead of going out the front door they walk down another set of stairs. They end up in the basement, it looks like something straight out of a horror movie with the lighting. "Wow this looks great." Jenna says sarcastically. "Yeah I don't come down her often. It really creeps me out." "I understand, this is scarier than some of the 'Scream' sets I've been on." They walk down a long hallway with doors on each sides, at the very end before a bend in the hallway Lynn opens a door. "Well this is it." Lynn says as she flips on the lights, the basement is small and there are a few random things spread along the walls. Lynn opens a closet in the back and pulls out a box. "Here we go, balloons, a few stickers I always put on the window and some napkins." Lynn says searching through the box. "And if I'm correct. Lynn pulls out a second box. "I once got this from my mom but the concept behind it that I never had to go out to buy any of these again." "Buy what? What's in it." Jenna curiously tries to look over Lynn's shoulder but is unable to. Lynn turns around and shows a box of glasses, all of them have a year on them. From 2010 until 2030. Lynn finds the correct pair and puts them on. She smiles widely at Jenna who can't help but burst out laughing. "You look crazy!" "I feel crazy." Lynn laughs. "Okay this is good, let's go back." Lynn says as their laughter falls down So they do, they walk back up the stairs with Lynn carrying the box. They walk back inside and put the box down on the table. "Okay what do you want to do first? Balloons or stickers?" "Oh I want to do the balloons." Jenna says exited as she grabs the bag of golden and silver balloons. Lynn grabs the pile of stickers and starts laying them out. 'Happy New Year!' they eventually form.

Lynn starts by putting up the H and A before she hears the bell. "Oh breakfast!" Jenna runs over to the door and buzzes the delivery driver in. Lynn falls down onto the couch as she waits for Jenna and the food. Lynn feels exited, as if she was going on a fieldtrip as a kid or going to the zoo. Jenna gets the food and walks back into the living room. "God this smells great!" Jenna says as she unpacks to plastic boxes. They both open it and it looks amazing. Lynn has never ordered breakfast but if it all looks like this she'll never do anything else again. They start eating before saying another word. The pancakes are better than any Lynn has ever tasted and the chocolate is so strong and delicious. It doesn't take long before both of them have finished it. Lynn sits back with a wide smile. "Jenna, I love you for finding this! This was these were the best pancakes I have ever eaten." Jenna sits back with Jenna. "I told you didn't I. I think we can agree by now that I am always right!" Jenna chuckles. "Sure, sure whatever you want. Let's just get back to decorating okay?" Lynn smiles as she pats Jenna's shoulder. She stands up to throw everything away. Jenna sits back for a little longer before standing up and walking back to her balloons. "You are pretty slow." Lynn smirks. "What do you mean slow?" "Only three balloons. That's not a lot." "Right, like you would be faster!" Jenna says offended. "I know for a fact I am." Lynn smirks even wider seeing Jenna get riled up like this. "Oh you're saying that you're better blower than me? Didn't expect to hear that from a girl like you." and gone is Lynn's grin as she sees that smirk back on Jenna's face. "Jeez Jenna! Why do you have to ruin everything!" Lynn yells slightly laughing. Lynn just goes back to her stickers, continuing to hang up the letters until she finally slaps on the exclamation mark. "Well I'm done. How is it going with you?" Lynn says before turning around. Jenna's feet are now covered in balloons. She seems out of breath and light headed. "Jenna did you really try to prove that you're fast." Jenna looks at Lynn with a determined smile. "I am not slow. Don't forget it."

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