Chapter 12

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"But how about we go home and relax some more." Jenna says then before leading the way to the exit. "Really? So soon?" Lynn asks as she walks after Jenna. "Yeah we did everything so I think that that is an completed trip." Jenna says. Lynn looks around them until her eyes fall on the one ride they didn't do. "How about that then?" She says as she points over to the so called 'Love Tunnel'. "Oh at first I was not supposed to get all flirty with you and now you want to go have a romantic ride with me." Jenna smirks. "No! All I'm saying is that it is the last attraction we haven't been in so it wouldn't really be an complete day if we just left without doing it." Lynn explains already regretting she even suggested it. "Sureee, just make sure you don't fall for me too hard." "With those cooking skills of yours that will be no problem." Lynn snaps back, Jenna just smirks as she walks over to the love tunnel, Lynn follows quickly while thinking about all the things Jenna is going to tease her with. They buy their final tickets of the day and wait in the line until it's their turn. "You know this might be weird but I'm kind of exited, I have never done something like this." Jenna shivers as a cold breeze blows over the fair. "Same actually, but hey, now we can do this together! That's also fine." Lynn smiles. Jenna smiles back but Lynn can see a little discomfort behind her smile. When their cart finally arrives it looks like an valentines gift made by a 5 year old: Hearts all over it, little cupid wings on the back and 'love' written all over the sides. Lynn let's Jenna enter first and sits down beside her before the cart shakes a little and starts moving.

As they enter the first part of the ride it's almost exactly as you would imagine it, pink everywhere, hearts and royalty free romantic music. They both look at eachother before bursting out in laughter. "God this is terrible! Do people actually enjoy this?" Jenna laughs out. "I guess so, but personally I don't find a shaky ride through a teenage girls diary romantic." Lynn giggles, she doesn't know why she used that metaphor but it was the first thing that came to mind, Jenna looks at her also wondering the same but she starts laughing again. As they enter the next part they go through these plastic strokes, this part looks like they tried to recreate heaven with a lot of clouds and little cupids. "Again how is this romantic?" Jenna chuckles out in confusion. "I honestly have no idea, but I also think that this was made for maybe some middle schoolers who want to be romantic with their 'baby'." Lynn does a very bad job at imitating a teenage boy saying 'baby' at the last part but she can tell that is what Jenna laughs the hardest about so she doesn't mind.

"Ooooh, I know what happens next." Jenna points towards the next part which is just a dark tunnel with an mischievous grin. Lynn's eyes widen as she has also heard that this is the point of the ride where the couple kisses, and not knowing what Jenna is whiling to do she tries to play it off. "Oh yeah? W- what is it then? I wouldn't know." Lynn lies very unconvincingly. "Oh don't worry about it," Jenna slides her hand on top of Lynn's "I'll show you." She says with an wider grin than Lynn has ever seen on her. Lynn gulps as they enter the darkness, she doesn't hear much but she feels Jenna getting closer by the second. "Jenna? What are you doing?" Lynn asks with an nervous chuckle. "I said don't worry about it." Jenna whispers, Lynn can feel her breath inches away from her face, and when she is about to ask again what Jenna was doing she feels her lips press against hers. Lynn barely has any time to react before Jenna pulls away, the tunnel starts to light up again and as her eyes find Jenna's face which has her now pretty familiar wide grin on it, she knows what happened, it was a joke, another stupid joke to make Lynn squirm. Jenna burst out laughing harder than ever and Lynn feels herself blush, from embarrassment but also from something else, was it because Jenna kissed her? It couldn't be, right? Lynn's head was spinning while Jenna was crying with laughter.

As the cart stops at the start Lynn first gets out, feeling disorientated she grabs the closest rail. "What the hell was that Jenna?" She asks as Jenna approaches her still laughing. "You didn't know what would happen so I tought I'd show you." Jenna chuckles. "That was really immature of you Jenna." Lynn huffs as she walks away. "Oh come on, it was funny, has no one ever kissed you before?" Jenna asks in a baby voice. "Only people who wanted to show affection, not as an stupid joke." Lynn says as she grabs her phone to order an Uber. "Ok ok, I'm sorry Lynn. I just saw the opportunity and I had to take it." Jenna says now in a more serious voice. "Fine just don't do it again, we can go home now that we are finished." Lynn says without looking up from her phone. "Ok I won't kiss you like this again, I promise." Jenna says as they sit down on a wooden railing outside of the fair to wait for their Uber. When it finally arrives they get in without saying a word and Lynn looks out the window for most of the ride home, she thinks looks back on the kiss, it's a pretty blurry memory already but for some reason she can still remember how soft Jenna's lips felt, and how she could taste the vanilla lip balm she had on. Lynn quickly shakes the thoughts out her head, it was Jenna, her Jenna, and she did it just to tease her. It would be for the best if she just forgets it and tries to focus on making something more from the rest of the day.

As they arrive at the doorstep of her appartement Lynn thanks the driver and gets out of the car, she holds the door for Jenna who is also quietly walking. They follow the route what now feels like it's becoming a routine to walk upstairs together. When they enter Lynn's apartment and take of their shoes and coats Jenna walks towards the toilet while Lynn sits down on the couch. She rubs her templates as she just can't get that kiss out of her head, what did it mean? To Jenna it seemed like nothing but she only knows a kiss if it is from someone she loves like her family or ex partners.

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