Chapter 19

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As Lynn fades back into conscious she feels movement beside her. She opens her eyes and with the slight light provided by the upcoming sun which shines through the curtains of her bedroom Lynn sees Jenna tossing and turning, she remembers about yesterday and how it ended. As she rolls over to look at her clock it's only five thirty in the morning. She stands up and quickly tucks Jenna in to stop her from moving before walking into the bathroom to clean off her make-up. She throws her clothes into the wash and puts on some sweatpants and a sweater. "Why am I awake right now." Lynn asks herself as she walks into the kitchen to make some coffee. After her loud coffee machine stops Lynn grabs the cup and hopes Jenna isn't didn't wake up from the noise, Lynn walks out onto her balcony where through some already forming clouds she can start to see the light from the sun just barely mix with the morning sky. Lynn drinks her coffee until she is startled by the noise of Jenna stepping onto the balcony. "Oh sorry did I wake you up?" Lynn apologizes. "Yeah kinda, but it is probally for the best, I need time to get over my hangover. What happened last night?" Jenna chuckles as she sits on one of the stools and holds her head. "You mean you don't remember?" Lynn asks. "Not all of it, but I do clearly remember one thing, that you clearly aren't as good as Bill Medley." Jenna smirks at Lynn. "Hey I didn't want to do it in the first place, you talked me into it, and the alcohol helped." Lynn also smiles as she looks at Jenna, she is still wearing her dress even though it has been slid off her shoulders, she still has her make-up on which is has been wiped all over her face at this point, and her hair is a complete mess, but Lynn likes it, she likes seeing Jenna like this. "Okay then, how about you take a shower first as you clearly need it." Lynn says "And then I'll go while you make sure that you get drink some water, and then I will make us some breakfast okay." Jenna nods as she stands up and walks over to the bathroom with her head still in her hands. As Lynn hears the shower turn on she looks at the streets below her, more people start to appear, the sunlight starts making the streets look brighter but as usual the light is being blocked by some grey clouds.

"Your turn." Jenna says as she enters the living room in grey sweatpants and a blue sweater, she grabs a cup and fill it with water before gulping it all down within seconds. Lynn walks towards the bathroom and turns on the shower. After she finishes she puts on the comfy clothes she had on before and ties her hair in a tail. "Okay what's it going to be today?'' Lynn says as she walks into the living room. "Ehm Lynn, you might want to see this." Jenna looks at her phone with her mouth hanging open. Lynn looks over her shoulder to see an article of one off those celebrity news pages, but the title and picture are what sends a shock through her body. "Jenna Ortega and her girlfriend spotted singing on their date. What!? Date!?" Lynn reads, the picture shows the two off them laughing while up on the stage at the karaoke bar. "I mean we could have expected it." Jenna says as she exits the site to show even more articles about them. "I am pretty famous and I was literally in the spotlight." "I mean I guess, but why is this so popular?" Lynn asks. "Well as a celebrity, I have a lot of fans, fans who sometimes are a little over curious about my life. So pictures like this get uploaded and the re-uploaded until it goes viral." Jenna's phone gets a notification, it's a message. Jenna clicks on it and when it opens it is Jenna's ex going to town about the recent pictures. "Oh yeah I guess he also isn't to happy to see you again." Jenna smirks. But the smirk fades as Jenna actually reads the messages. Lynn can see that they are tearing her apart, so she takes her phone out off her hands. "Come on, we need breakfast." Lynn says trying to divert Jenna's attention. She puts her phone down next to her as she grabs some bread and a toaster from the cupboards. Jenna smiles but she is still a bit off, Lynn hates seeing her like this and she wants to do anything she can to make her feel better. "You really hate him don't you?" Lynn asks. Jenna looks at her and nods softly, Lynn can actually see Jenna's eyes starting to look like she is about to cry. So Lynn takes Jenna's phone, puts it up to Jenna's face to unlock it, and for some reason she decides to call Jenna's ex. Jenna is shocked about what Lynn is doing and she is frozen looking at Lynn. "Hey there, yeah, no Jenna isn't here right now. You can probably guess who this is, yeah I'm Lynn the girl that is lucky enough to be dating Jenna. It would be the actual stupidest thing to let her go, she is pretty, she is funny, she is smart and incredibly good in acting. So you sir are the most idiotic person in the world for breaking up with Jenna. Have a nice day." Lynn hangs up the phone and puts it down. Jenna is looking at Lynn with an expression that hard to read, she is pretty frozen up. "Well he was not happy." Lynn chuckles to lighten the mood. Without a word Jenna stands up and hugs Lynn tightly, Lynn hears her sniffle a bit as Jenna plants her head against Lynn's chest. "Thank you Lynn." She says softly. Lynn embraces Jenna and rests her head on Jenna's. "Always." She smiles.

After they hug for a little longer Jenna let's go and wipes her tears with her sweater. "But honestly you are crazy!" Jenna laughs. Lynn also starts laughing, she is crazy, but she wants to be crazy, if that is what it takes to cheer Jenna up, Lynn will be the craziest she can be. "Now I don't know about you but I'm hungry." Lynn smiles, she puts two pieces of bread in the toaster and start making some coffee. They sit down together and start eating breakfast. Lynn still has Jenna's phone and can feel it going wild because of all the messages from Jenna's ex. So they finish breakfast and clean up the mess, by this time it has become light outside and the streets are getting busy again. "So I couldn't help but notice that you are pretty pend up after all this with your ex.'' Lynn says without looking up at Jenna. "Yeah I guess so, but when we broke up I was still very busy with work so I didn't have time to deal with it." Jenna shrugs. Then an idea pops into Lynn's head, she got a gift card for all kinds of activities in the city and she never used it. "Hey I'm pretty sure I actually have a gift card that we could use at a spa if you're up for it." Lynn looks at Jenna to see her reaction, she is met by a small smile from Jenna who is looking up at her. "Yeah, I'd love that." Jenna smiles. "Well get ready then!" Lynn says excitedly, Jenna also gets exited as Lynn can see the sparkle she has in her eyes when she is happy return. Lynn feels nice knowing she is making Jenna happy, it makes her happy. So they leave the building while Lynn orders another uber because this one is on the edge of town. When they wait outside of Lynn's building next to each other, Lynn suddenly feels Jenna's arm wrap around her waist, Lynn is shocked for a second but as she feels Jenna's warmth against her Lynn puts her arm around Jenna. They stand their holding each other while they both smile with glee. 

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