Chapter 16

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They stand up and throw away the napkins they got with the brownie's before walking into the busy street. "So do you want to just walk around for a while see if there's anything to do?" Jenna asks. "Yeah sure I'd like that." Lynn smiles but as she looks over to Jenna Lynn can see that there is something bothering her, and she doesn't really need to think hard about what it is: her ex. "Hey why don't we go look at some other outfits, I saw how much you liked picking out that dress for me, maybe it will cheer you up." Lynn says as she reaches her arm around Jenna in a comforting way and pointing at the same clothes store they were earlier this week. Jenna's face lights up as she hears that and she immediately starts walking faster. Lynn laughs and walks alongside Jenna as they enter the store. "I guess I'll leave you to your process." Lynn chuckles as she can see that Jenna is already scanning the store for possible clothes for Lynn. Jenna then starts walking around to different brands and different styles looking at some clothes here and there but each time she walks on to look at other things. Lynn just walks after her a bit nervous about what Jenna is going to pick for her. They walk around the store for a while going from one corner to the other, all the while Jenna is focused on looking for an outfit. Lynn is just happy that she isn't thinking about her ex anymore. Lynn looks around the store at a few other people but one in particular stands out to her: a man with a jacket and a cap on, Lynn is wondering why he is looking around at the woman's section in a clothes store but she doesn't get time to think too long about it because she hears Jenna call her from a little further: "Hey Lynn, I got it! Come her with your flat ass and try it on." Lynn rolls her eyes and walks towards Jenna who is happily waiting at the dressing rooms. "So what is it that you have brewed up for me." Lynn chuckles as she approaches. "That's the surprise, now get in a stall and try it on."

Jenna says as she hands Lynn the clothes. Lynn just rolls her eyes and walks past her into one of the stalls. The first thing is a pair of blue jeans with the knees ripped open; the second is a white crop top and lastly a long knitted white jacket for over her outfit. Lynn looks at the clothes for a second knowing she would never wear something like this but she knows she is doing it for Jenna, and who knows, maybe she'll even like it, so Lynn slowly starts getting changed into Jenna's outfit. When she is finished she finally looks into the mirror and her jaw drops. "This actually looks pretty damn amazing." She whispers to herself. She straightens out her hair a bit and takes a deep breath before opening the door, when she steps out Jenna is waiting on the bench in front of the stall. "So, what do you think." Lynn says a bit nervous, but when she looks at Jenna she can see that her jaw dropped even wider than her own did. "Wow you look.... Incredible!" Jenna almost yells out. Jenna stands up and walks around Lynn looking at the clothes. "It looks even better than I imagined!" She says still in awe of the outfit. Lynn starts blushing and looks to the side where the entire mirror is a wall and again she is shocked by how good she actually looks in this. "Well what do you think about it then?" Jenna asks "Honestly, at first I didn't think this kind of style was for me but now that I see myself in it I think I love it, really Jenna thank you, I might get more of this now." Lynn laughs before embracing Jenna, Jenna also laughs and hugs her back, but when Lynn looks into the mirror again she sees the man she saw earlier quickly looking away, she just shrugs it off once more and lets go off Jenna. "Okay I'll change back into my normal clothes and then we can buy it and maybe have a coffee." Lynn says before walking back into the stall. "Sounds like a plan." Jenna says. Lynn takes off her new outfit and changes back into her regular clothes, she leaves the stall and together with Jenna they walk to the check-out where they decide to split even tho Jenna wanted to pay again.

They walk to the restaurant they now have had been multiple times and sit down at the same table as the last few times. They both order a cup of coffee which get brought to them pretty quickly. "So are you happy with the new style I invented for you.'' Jenna chuckles. "Well I wouldn't exactly phrase it like that but yeah I like it.'' Lynn says before taking a sip off her coffee. When she looks back at Jenna she sees her staring outside with a frown on her face. "Is there something wrong?" Lynn asks. "Yeah, is it just me or id that the same guy that was following around at the clothes store?" Jenna says as she points at the same man from before sitting on a bench across from the restaurant, only this time with a camera in his hands. "Yeah you're right, so you noticed him too, do you think he is a fan." Lynn asks. "Not really, I would say he is trying to make some picture off me and sell it to news or gossip sites." Jenna says a bit annoyed. "Why would he do that, I don't think the headline: 'Jenna Ortega buying clothes and drinking coffee.' would do that well." Lynn chuckles, Jenna also chuckles and thinks for a second until it seems to hit her. "No I think I know what headline he is going for: 'Jenna Ortega and her new girlfriend.', so I don't think he is only taking pictures off me." Jenna explains. Lynn thinks about what Jenna just said but it does make sense. "Oh no, Oh no no no! I don't want to get in a newspaper or something." Lynn says a bit anxious. "Yeah like it would be so terrible to be called my girlfriend." Jenna says pretending to be offended. "Well I don't want to be another one off your flings." And as soon as Lynn says that she sees Jenna's expression change to one she knows, she is thinking about her ex again. "Or do I," Jenna looks up at Lynn who is smirking. "what if we pretend that we are together, let him take and sell his pic, and then your ex really gets to see that you have moved on." Lynn explains. Jenna's stares at Lynn before opening her mouth: "Lynn Hutton you are insane..... let's do it!" Jenna then says. "Okay then, when we walk out I will have my arm around you, we will walk a few meters and pretend to talk before you pull me in for a kiss." Lynn says, Jenna listens carefully with a big almost proud grin. "Sounds great, but still you are too scared to kiss me." "No you are just way better at that kind of stuff so I'll let you lead." Lynn responds. Jenna just smiles before calling one off the passing by waiters to pay, Jenna does pay this one and when they stand up Jenna gives Lynn one final reassuring look before Lynn reaches around Jenna and puts her hand on her waist. They walk out and as Lynn glances past the man she sees him hastily grabbing his camera. "Ok we just walk a little more aaaand stop!" Jenna says. Jenna then turns to Lynn and Lynn to Jenna. "Here we go." Jenna says, Lynn gulps and then she feels Jenna reaching her hands behind Lynn's neck and pulling her in. Lynn just closes her eyes and moves towards Jenna until their lips meet. Lynn feels herself turning red and just as she is about to pull away she feels Jenna's tongue against her lips. "Oh shit she must really want this to look real. Ok then, for Jenna." Lynn thinks before parting her lips. She just relaxes and let's Jenna lead as she has been doing this entire time, but now with so much more intensity.

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