Chapter 47

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"Okay so first, a picture." Jenna smiles as she gets her phone out of her purse. "Excuse me, could you take a picture of the two of us?" Jenna asks to the couple sitting next to them. They give a warm smile and agree. "Of course! You two look beautiful." The woman says while taking Jenna's phone. "Okay let's lean in a little." Jenna smiles at Lynn. Lynn is getting even more nervous. They look at each other and slightly lean over the table close to each other, they both look to their side at the camera. "Okay smileee!" The woman says before taking a picture. Lynn holds herself still so she doesn't ruin the picture. But when the woman suggest a second picture, Lynn feels soft warm lips against her cheek. Lynn feels herself turn bright red, and then she watches the woman take a picture. "Great! Thank you so much." Jenna says taking back her phone. Lynn is flustered as she sits back down. Jenna is looking at her phone with a giant smile. "D- did they come out okay?" Lynn asks with a chuckle. "Oh yeah, these are great!" Jenna says, she turns around the phone and shows Lynn the first picture. "Oh that one's nice, I look a bit weird but I like it." Lynn smiles "You always look a little weird, but I like that too." Jenna smirks. She then swipes to the next picture and sees Jenna kissing Lynn's cheek. Lynn is bright red and Jenna has a big grin on her face. "Ooooh wow, I look ridiculous!" Lynn says. "Yeah but don't you think this is cute? I like you when you're flustered." Jenna smiles. "Fine you can post it if you like it." Lynn smiles and rolls her eyes. "Okay great! Now for dinner," Jenna grabs the menu "oh my god, we are getting caviar. You need to taste it!" Jenna says. "Really? Caviar, isn't that like, super expensive?" Lynn asks. "Yeah I know but don't worry about that, I work so I can buy these expensive things. So we'll do the: Osetra Karat Caviar." Jenna reads. Lynn looks at the menu to see that one time that Caviar is 285 dollar. "Holy shit! I don't even know if I have ever eaten out and get a number as high as that on the bill." "That's why I'm treating you today." Jenna raises her glass of wine. "To you, because you have made me feel better than I have ever felt before." Jenna says, it comes out a bit slow but Lynn can't help but tear up. "To us," Lynn also raises her glass "because you've given me a chance to explore more than my own town, and that you have given me, a random girl, the chance to be together with someone as amazing as you." Lynn's voice is shaky and she sees that Jenna is getting emotional too. They're both on the verge of crying, but they laugh, the happiness they feel isn't like anything Lynn could ever have imagined. They clink their glasses together and take a sip. "Wow, this... this is the best wine I've ever tasted!" Lynn says as she puts her glass down. "I know, I do have a good taste don't I?" Jenna laughs.

After a while a waitress comes to their table to take their orders. Jenna orders the caviar twice to save Lynn the trouble of pronouncing the name. Jenna also orders a soup and Lynn a salad as appetizers. "Now to get back to my post, what do I need to say. Do you want to introduce yourself or should I? do I do this?" Jenna opens her Instagram and presses new post, she adds both the pictures they took earlier this evening. "How about I do it, I'd like to introduce myself." Lynn says. "Really? You don't have to if you don't want to?" "No it's okay, I want to do this." Jenna hands Lynn her phone and Lynn has to think, this is the biggest post Lynn will ever make. About the most important thing in her life, Jenna. So Lynn starts typing.

"Hey everyone, you might have seen me with Jenna in the past couple of days. It has been speculated that I am Jenna's girlfriend. And I am, me and Jenna are together. My name is Lynn Hutton and I've met Jenna not too long ago. But ever since we met I am living the best life. Because of Jenna I am living the life I could've never imagined. So you guys will see me and Jenna together more often, and we wanted to let you guys know ourselves what is going on. Bye :)" Lynn types, as soon as she hands it back to Jenna and she starts reading it, Jenna starts crying. She keeps reading as tears roll down her eyes, the small smile on Jenna's face is what Lynn needs to know that she likes it. "So, what do you think?" Lynn asks. "It''s amazing. Thank you Lynn." Jenna smiles. She types a few more things and hits post after taking a deep breath. "There, it's done." Jenna smiles. "Wait what did you add? You typed something else!" Lynn takes out her phone and opens Instagram. The first thing that pops up is Jenna's post, Lynn looks at the pictures there and the already pilling up likes. Then she goes to the caption, she sees her text but above it there is something she didn't write.

"Hey guys, I have someone I want to introduce to you. She is very important to me and I love her." It reads. The moment Lynn reads that her heart stops. She looks up at Jenna who is smiling shyly at her. Lynn breaks down and stands up to embrace Jenna. Jenna start crying too and holds Lynn tightly. "I love you Jenna, thank you for saying it, even if it's like this. It means a lot to me." Lynn says. She quickly sits back down so they don't cause a big scene. "Of course, I want you to feel the love you deserve. I'm sorry I can't give you the full experience." Jenna says, smiling but a bit sad as she talks. Lynn grabs Jenna's hand over the table. "Hey, you are everything I want and everything I need. I don't care that you're taking it slowly, I get it and I am okay with it. I love you, everything about you.'' Lynn smiles.

While they continue to wait for their food Lynn keeps checking Jenna's Instagram. Her fans are blowing up the comments with people congratulating them and people wishing them the best. Lynn loves seeing how many people like Lynn. The reactions are amazing and Lynn loves every second of it. "Well, now you're officially my girlfriend. How does it feel?" Jenna asks with a smile. "Amazing, I'm proud of it and I love you." Lynn says with a wide smile.

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