Chapter 51

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Jenna had already ordered an uber so they don't have to wait long before it shows up. Jenna gives an address and sits down, Lynn gets in next to her. She has butterflies in her stomach. "I don't think I've ever been this excited to go shopping." "Well this is LA, city of dreams!" Jenna sarcastically says. "No but it is fun, lots of shops and other fun things. Just be warry of all the weirdos out there." Jenna continues. "We'll probally run into a few, could be fans, could be creeps or just druggies. What a great city right!?" Lynn laughs after Jenna says this but she does get pretty scared. "Really? Never really thought about those things." Lynn says, looking out the window at the passing landscape. "Yeah not many people do, but trust me it'll be okay." Jenna puts her hand on Lynn's leg, trying to comfort her. "Thanks." Lynn smiles. Lynn loves seeing Jenna be all sweet and stuff, it is way different from how she was acting when they first met, but Lynn doesn't mind. As long as Jenna is not forcing herself to do uncomfortable things. "You're sweet Jenn, but you know you can ease yourself into the couple-y stuff right?" "I know, but you looked scared. So I thought a little comforting would be nice." Jenna smiles slightly. Lynn leans over and presses her lips against Jenna's cheek. "Thank you." Jenna blushes slightly. "Why do you have to do it here?" Jenna whispers, slightly embarrassed. "Oh but when you did it, and lied to the driver that we were a couple, it was okay?" Lynn chuckles. "Yeah! That was funny okay, I like seeing you squirm from embarrassment. I don't like it when you do it to me!" Jenna laughs.

They drive for a while longer until they enter the city center. Lynn looks at all the large buildings that surround them. She looks at all the people walking on the streets, and at all of the cars that fill the road. The car pulls over and they get out after thanking the driver. "Wow, this is...a lot!" Lynn says, with a big wide smile on her face. She hears Jenna giggle from beside her. "What?" Lynn looks over at the giggling Jenna. "Nothing, you just look stupid like that." Jenna says. Lynn bumps against her with a laugh. "Yeah, yeah. So where are we off to?" Lynn asks. "I know a few places." Jenna says. She pulls out her phone and starts walking. Lynn quickly follows her. The city around her feels so surreal. She has only seen it in movies and series before this week. It is amazing, breathtaking. So they walk, past building way taller than the ones back at Lynn's place. Eventually Jenna stops in front of a store. "When I get clothes for myself, I usually go here. They have good clothes, and they're nice." Jenna smiles. She walks inside. Lynn follows her, the store already looks expensive. "Jenna are you sure? I don't think I can afford this all." "Lynn please, I told you. This entire week will be on my expenses alright. Pick whatever you want." Jenna ensures. "I know but I feel kind of bad spending your money." "Don't, I want to buy you these things. Just let go, enjoy yourself." Jenna smiles. That beautiful smile of Jenna's always brings Lynn warmth. So Lynn starts looking around the store, there are all kinds of different brands with different clothes. It takes Lynn some time, but eventually she finds this super soft sweater that looks amazing. "Do you like this one?" Jenna asks. "I do, how much is it?" Lynn reaches for the price tag, but before she can Jenna snatches the sweater from her. "I'll worry about that Lynn." Jenna smiles. So Lynn again keeps on looking.

Eventually Lynn ends up with three shirts, a pair of pants and two sweaters extra. Jenna pays for the clothes and thanks the staff. "Here you go, your new clothes." Jenna says with a wide smile as she hands Lynn the bag of clothes. Lynn can tell that Jenna enjoys paying for Lynn, she has no idea why she would ever do it but she does. "Your insane you know that right?" Lynn jokes. "Yeah, but so are you." Jenna giggles. Lynn reaches her arm around Jenna. "I love you." Lynn says as they walk out together. Jenna leans her head on Lynn as they walk the streets. Past a few stores where they look through the windows at some of the clothes. Nothing really strikes Lynn as something she needs to have.

That is until they walk past a jewelry, something catches Lynn's eyes. "Hey Jenna, can I ask you for a favor? Could you maybe get us some bagels or something? I'll wait here, still have to call my mom." Lynn says. "Are you sure? I don't want to leave you here alone after I got you scared." "No it's okay, I can handle myself." Lynn hugs Jenna. "Go, I'll be right here." "Okay, I'll be back in a few then." Jenna waves Lynn goodbye as she walks around the corner. Lynn waits a few more seconds and then walks into the jewelry. "Excuse me, but how much is the chain on display over there?" Lynn asks one of the employees. She needs to get it for Jenna, it would fit her perfectly. Plus, it would be nice to sort of pay Jenna back with a gift of her own. The employees tells Lynn the price, it's a lot. But Lynn can afford it, she needs to get this for Jenna. So she does, she buys the necklace. Lynn asks the employee to giftwrap it and pays. She hides the little bag under her new clothes and steps outside.

Lynn grabs her phone, she used her mom as an excuse but now would be a good time to call her. "Hey mom." Lynn smiles as her mom picks up. "Hey baby! How is Los Angeles? How are you doing? And how is Jenna?" Lynn's mom excitedly asks over the phone. Los Angeles is great. I'm very good and so is Jenna. We're out shopping right now." "Oh is she there too?" "No I had to get her away for a second, I just bought her a necklace." "Oh how sweet of you Lynn, well I better get back to work because I'm kind of busy but you two have fun!" Lynn's mom says quickly before hanging up. Lynn still thinks her mom works too hard but she is such an incredible woman. "Hey!" Lynn feels someone grab her. She quickly jumps back but is met by Jenna. "I got us bagels!" "Jezus Jenna you scared me." "I know, there's no fun in not taking that opportunity. Now how about we go sit somewhere to enjoy our bagels?" Jenna asks with her warm smile.

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