Chapter 24

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"Lyyyyyynn." "Lynn wake up!" Lynn hears as she opens her eyes. "Lynn get your phone!" Jenna groans against Lynn's side. Lynn rubs her eyes and reaches over Jenna to grab her phone, it's her mom again. "It's my mom." Lynn says still sleepy. "I don't care I wanna go back to sleep." Jenna murmers holding on to Lynn. "You can, I've got to take this." Lynn tries standing up but Jenna holds on to her. "Jenna I have to take this, let me go." "But you feel so good, five more minutes." Jenna tries holding on to Lynn but she finds a way to get away. Jenna groans as she falls back in bed, Lynn walks out the room and picks up her phone. "Hey mom! What's up?" Lynn paces towards the living room. "What's up!? You have a super star sleeping in your house that's what!" Lynn's mom screams from the other side of the phone. "Weeell yeah, actually in my bed but I swear mom there's nothing happening between us." "Your bed!? Oh but there is nothing happening, is that also why there are pictures of you two kissing out on the internet!" "Mom, I already explained all that. Please, I love you but you need to just accept it. Jenna and I are friends, we will stay friends because what happened this week was just to mess with her ex." Lynn groans into the phone. She looks outside at the empty streets, it is still pretty early so not too many people are around. "You told me that yeah, but I can't help but see something in my daughter as I see her kissing someone." "Mom gross, there was nothing to be seen except for a friend helping her friend." Lynn starts walking back towards her room. "If you say so honey but just hear me out. I can see that you like this girl, you can decide for yourself in what way but just make sure that you won't lose her okay." Lynn walks back into her room and sees Jenna already back asleep. "Never," Lynn smiles "but listen mom it's still early so I'm going back to bed for a little bit." "Okay honey, have fun with Jenna. And say hello to her from me." Lynn's mom finally says before hanging up. Lynn keeps looking at the sleeping Jenna and gets in bed with her. Jenna reaches her arms around her as she feels Lynn getting back in bed. "My mom says hello." Lynn smiles as she gets comfortable. Jenna smiles against Lynn's body "Shush give me my 5 more minutes." Jenna yawns. Lynn just keeps smiling and closes her eyes, it doesn't take long before they both fall back asleep.

"Lyyyynn, Lyyyyyyynn." Jenna whispers as she tugs on Lynn. "Whaaat." Lynn yawns as she opens her eyes. "Could you make me some coffeeee?" Jenna smiles up at her. "Really? The second time you wake me up today and you asks me for coffee?" Lynn groans as she sits up. Jenna let's go of Lynn and sits next to her. "Yes, I think somehow I did catch something last night but you didn't." Jenna says still looking tired, Lynn does notice that she has a bit of a raspy voice. "Okay fine." Lynn rolls her eyes and gets up. She walks over to the kitchen as Jenna stays in bed. Lynn grabs two cups and puts them under her coffee maker, she starts it and it loudly starts grinding up the beans. A little while later she has both the cups in her hands and is walking over to her room. "Here you go." Lynn hands Jenna one of the cups and sits down next to her, Jenna takes it with a big smile and takes a big sip. "So somehow you were affected by the cold but I wasn't? I was literally wearing shorts." "I don't know miss perfect immune system, I guess I am just a little bit weaker than you, not that I ever thought differently." Jenna says with a wink. Lynn rolls her eyes and also takes a sip. "Maybe you should just grow a little." Lynn snaps back sitting upright to make her appear even larger, not that it is really necessary because Lynn is clearly larger but she still finds it funny. "Ha, ha good one. I just enjoy being smaller, and sometimes a little weaker." Jenna says with her teasing grin. "Oh so you're like that huh?" Lynn takes another few sips as she looks at Jenna. "Yeah I am. You into that or something." Jenna leans a little closer to Lynn and smirks even more. Lynn just groans, they both finish their coffee and put them away. "So what are we going to do today? We can't stay in bed forever." Lynn says as she gets up with the cups. Jenna also gets out of bed and goes over to her suitcase. Lynn puts away their cups and walks back over to Jenna who is now wearing a simple pink hoodie with grey sweatpants. "Do you have anything you want to do?" Lynn asks now walking over to her closet. "No I don't, do you?'' Jenna follows Lynn. "well I still need to do some preparations for New Year's and it is in two days so maybe you could help me. And let me change in peace." Lynn pushes Jenna out and closes the door. "Yeah that could be usefull, I do want to have some good food for then and I will pick the champagne." Jenna says from the other side of the door. Lynn grabs some black jeans and a grey with black sweater and changes into them. "Okay then we will make a deal," Lynn says as she opens the door "I will pay for the groceries like food and normal drinks and you can pick your own champagne which I won't doubt will be any cheaper than the one we head yesterday." "What can I see I just have an expensive taste, but I think you know that by now." Jenna leans against the wall opposite of her closet. They both walk into the living room and Lynn grabs a piece of paper and a pen. "Okay so we need: something for dinner; some snacks for after dinner; some normal drinks and your champagne." Lynn writes down the list. "Yeah sounds good, and we already have our matching outfits and I am going to do your hair and make-up again." Jenna says leaning over Lynn's shoulder. "What? Why's that?" Lynn asks. "Well I have to look at you all night long so I want you to be extra pretty." Jenna smiles. "Okay whatever, so are you ready?" Lynn takes the list and stuffs it in her coat. "What no! I still need breakfast. I'm hungry." Jenna grabs Lynn's arm and pulls her back. "How are you, I am still a little full from yesterday." Lynn says as she walks into the kitchen to grab some bread. "I just have fast metabolism." Jenna smiles as she sits at Lynn's bar. "Sounds like you have a lot!'' Lynn puts some bread in her toaster. "I know I'm that great." Jenna plays with her hair. "Weeeeeell.'' Lynn laughs. Jenna reaches over to hit Lynn's arm while laughing. The toast jumps out of the toaster and Lynn puts it on some plates, she hands one to Jenna and takes one herself. "Thanks!" Jenna quickly digs in and starts eating.

After they both finish Lynn puts their plates onto the countertop. They both put on their shoes and coats and walk out Lynn's place. "There is a grocery store close to here so we can go there." Lynn says as they walk out the building. The streets are already busy with people who seem to have the same idea. "Well let's go!" Jenna says exited before they start walking. 

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