Chapter 9

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"Well that was quite a day." Lynn says with a sigh. "A lot of walking!" Jenna laughs, Lynn laughs along with her. "So what are the plans for this evening?" Jenna asks. Lynn thinks for a second, they don't want to do something outside because they are both pretty tired and they had lunch not to long ago so they don't really need to eat. "Maybe we could watch some movies?" Lynn suggests with a shrug. "Yeah sure which ones then?" Jenna asks as she throws Lynn the tv remote. "How about the scream franchise?" Lynn searches for the franchise as she hears Jenna groan a little next to her. "As long as it's not the fifth one." "Oh yeah I forgot you were in that one, well then we will just watch the first four ones okay?" Lynn selects the first movie before grabbing the same blanket they were under yesterday. She throws it over them and Jenna puts her arm around Lynn's shoulder in the same way as the night before. During the movie Lynn clearly notices that Jenna is way better with scary movies than her, Lynn jumps at every jump scare there is and at one point even closes her eyes at a scary part, but Jenna in the meantime is just enjoying the movie and calming Lynn down most of the time. The first movie blows by pretty quickly and when the credits roll it's already two hours later and the sun is starting to set.

 "Hungry?" Lynn asks as she looks at Jenna with a smile but still a pretty spooked face. "Sure, what did you have in mind?" Jenna asks. "Well- I still have some pasta that I could make." Lynn gets out from underneath the blanket and walks over to the kitchen where she grabs a bag of pasta. "Do you really want to cook for me? We'll see how I like it." Jenna says with an critical tone. A smile appears on Lynn's face as she hears that she is being challenged. "You should know that my pasta with red sauce is amazing." Lynn grabs a few pans and preps some other stuff. "I'll be the judge of that." Jenna smirks and crosses her arms over each other. Lynn starts to cook away as Jenna walks over to the bar to watch Lynn works. Within thirty minutes Lynn is carefully dividing the pasta on two plates and pouring the sauce over it. "Here you go miss Ortega." Lynn says in a formal tone as she places one of the plates in front of Jenna. "Why, thank you." Jenna responds in an equally formal tone. Lynn sits down next to het with her own plate. "This actually looks very good." Jenna says as she looks at the plate in front of her. "Actually? Why don't you taste it and see how good it is." Lynn looks at Jenna in anticipation as Jenna scoops up a little pasta and slowly eats it. After a few seconds of suspenseful waiting Jenna finally opens her mouth: "Lynn, this is the best pasta I have ever eaten!" she excitedly starts eating more. "That's what I tought! But thank you, I learned it from my mom and just made a few altercations." Lynn smiles at the hungerly eating Jenna before diving in herself. They both eat until their plates are completely empty, Lynn picks them up and puts them down in the sink. "That was delicious Lynn, I am stuffed!" Jenna rubs her belly as she stands up.

"Want to continue our movie marathon?" Lynn says as she walks over to the couch with the television still on and ready to play the second scream movie. "With pleasure!" Jenna sits down next to Lynn on the couch before throwing the blanket over them and putting one of her arms over Lynn. Lynn smiles as she feels the comfort of Jenna's arm around her, she turns on the movie and they start to watch. Much as the last time Lynn gets scared at most parts and Jenna is barely phased by it. But at one of the jump scares Lynn feels Jenna get scared too, she looks over to her and she is wide eyed staring blankly at the screen, Lynn can't help but burst out laughing at the frozen Jenna. "Jesus Christ I did not see that one coming!" Jenna yells out after a few seconds, she then looks at the laughing Lynn and then also starts laughing. For the rest of the movie Lynn feels a lot better because of the little laughing break they had. When the credits start to roll Lynn grabs the remote to turn it off, when she turns around Jenna is letting out a deep yawn. "Looks like someone is tired." Lynn jokes as she stands up. "How could I not be, it has been a pretty long day." Jenna sighs as she stretches. "Shall we get ready for bed then?" Lynn asks as she walks out of the living room and towards her bedroom. "I call dibs on the shower!" Jenna yells quickly before grabbing new underwear out of her suitcase and running over to the bathroom. Lynn just rolls her eyes and smiles as she sits down on her bed. When the shower turns on Lynn looks back on what an amazing day they have had today, and also how in a few minutes they will be fast asleep in each other's arms. Lynn never realized that she actually liked cuddling this much until Jenna showed up, but Jenna has also given her more like the love for walking or for wearing some fancy clothes now and then. And she honestly can't wait for the rest of the week they get to spend together. Just then she hears the shower turn off again so she grabs her regular sleep clothes and some fresh underwear and waits for Jenna. "Your turn." Jenna says as she walks out of the bathroom and jumps into the bed, she pulls out her phone as Lynn stands up and walks into the bathroom. After she is done showering and getting dressed Lynn walks back into her room where Jenna is still on her phone but she looks a little more irritated. "You okay?" Lynn asks as she sits down next to Jenna in the bed. "Yeah I'm fine, just tired that's all." Jenna says before putting her phone down, she looks over at Lynn as if she is waiting for something. "Soooo-" Jenna begins. "So what?" "So are you going to put your arm around me or what." Jenna smiles. "Oh yeah of course." Lynn puts her arm around Jenna as she cuddles up against her. "Goodnight Lynn." Jenna says before closing her eyes. "Goodnight Jenna." Lynn whispers as she leans back and closes her eyes.

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