Chapter 17

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As Lynn and Jenna kiss Lynn can hear multiple clicks from across to street which rip her back to reality, they only did this for that picture, but why are they still going. Lynn finally decides to softly pull away and Jenna gets the hint and they stop the kiss. Lynn opens her eyes again and they are met with Jenna's just inches away. "Did you think he bought it." Jenna whispers and again Lynn remembers why they are actually doing all of this. "Ehm, yeah I heard some clicks off the camera I think." Lynn whispers back as she rubs her arm. Jenna then smiles and hugs Lynn. "Thank you so much for helping me, you're a great friend." She whispers. "Always!" Lynn smiles as she hugs Jenna back and again she hears some clicks from across the street. "But let's get going now I don't need to be photographed all the time." Lynn chuckles. Jenna laughs before grabbing her arm and leading the way. Lynn directs them through a few random alleys so they are sure to lose the paparazzi until they finally end up back home. As they enter there is a bit off a weird tension, but Lynn just tries to ignore it and also what happened minutes ago. As they walk back into the living room they sit down on the couch. "So, how was the kiss." Jenna asks, clearly she doesn't want to ignore it. "It was fine I guess." Lynn says a bit uncomfortable which Jenna immediately picks up on. "Fine? I think it was a bit better than fine, so what's up?" Jenna jokes. "It's nothing trust me." Lynn says a bit absent thinking about it. "Was it because you didn't expect me to use my tongue." Lynn hears from her side. Jenna's guess is right on the money but it's not like she would ever say that. "No not that it's just you're my friend and it's a bit weird to kiss you like that." Lynn makes up, she rubs her arm getting more uncomfortable by the second and being afraid that Jenna does figure out why she is acting weird. "Yeah I guess I can see that, still I appreciate the help more than I could admit." Jenna laughs, her laughs infects Lynn and they end up both laughing making Lynn feel better again.

"So is there anything else we want to do today?" Lynn asks. "Well there is this other thing I came across while I was searching for things to do," Jenna says as she opens her phone and scrolls through a site with all kinds of activities nearby until she stops and clicks on one link before handing Lynn the phone "it is a karaoke bar nearby and I don't know about you but seeing some drunk people embarrass themselves sound pretty fun to me." Jenna laughs, Lynn chuckles and looks at the website of the bar, she has seen it once or twice but never actually went to it. "Yeah sure why not, sounds fun." Lynn smiles as she hands Jenna her phone back. "Okay so why don't I whip up some early dinner and then we could go to the bar earlier." Lynn says as she stands up and walks to the kitchen to see what she has. "Okay it looks like I could make some burritos if you're up for it." Lynn says from the kitchen. "Yeah sounds good." Jenna smiles.

So Lynn spends a while making burritos while Jenna keeps searching for the picture that might have went up already, after Lynn is almost done she hears Jenna yell excitedly from the couch. "Yes! I found it, and it only took like what... 30 minutes, maybe an hour for it to get posted." She says. "Wow they are pretty quick with it, what does it say?'' Lynn asks while continuing with the food. "Jenna Ortega's new fling is the headline." Jenna laughs. Lynn puts the food on some plates and brings them over to Jenna. "Okay if this would be real, I would definitely be more than a fling." Lynn laughs too as she looks at Jenna's phone and sees the picture of them kissing. "Sure you would, but what else can they expect of a super star, we also have needs you know." Jenna says sarcastically. Lynn rolls her eyes and laughs as she is again reminded that she is actually with a super star, or at least a popular actress, but since she has known Jenna she just doesn't see an overly confident celebrity in her, she just sees a nice, kind, funny and amazing woman. "Yeah here it says: Actress Jenna Ortega has been spotted in a small city having what seems to be a relationship with a local here, apparently she is not afraid to show that she is in love." Jenna reads out. Lynn chuckles with her mouth full of burrito before reading along with Jenna. The article mostly just says what can be seen in the picture: that Jenna is kissing an 'unknown woman' after they had coffee in the restaurant in the background. "Wow it spreads quickly." Jenna then says with her mouth full. Lynn looks up and sees all kinds of news sites with the headlines from: Jenna Ortega's new girlfriend to Jenna Ortega and her mystery fling. "Oh I like that, a mystery fling." Jenna laughs as she softly elbows Lynn's arm. Lynn just rolls her eyes again and continues eating. Jenna reads a few more articles about the picture and both of them laugh at what kind of things these sites come up with. Still, Lynn feels a bit weird that she is now all over the internet but what does it matter, she did it to help her friend and she is happy she did.

When both of them have finished their plates they clean up really quick. "Okay if we change now we could be early and find a good spot." Jenna says as they walk towards Lynn's room. "Sure sounds good to me, I just got a new outfit anyway so why not wear it right now." Lynn smiles as she opens the bags with the outfit Jenna made inside them. Jenna digs around in her suitcase and before Lynn can turn around Jenna is already taking her clothes off, and for some reason Lynn is not able to look away, she can feel that weird feeling again as she looks at Jenna. Just then Jenna turns around and scrapes her throat. "Do you like the view?" Jenna asks with a smug face. "If you're gonna get horny over me at least do it while were in the bed okay?" Jenna then puts on the smirk that Lynn knows all to well by this point of their friendship. "Ha ha, like I would ever do that." Lynn sighs as she turns back around to undress herself, but when she glances behind her, she can see that Jenna is still looking at her. "Do you have to watch me get dressed?" Lynn says as she turns around and covers her body. "I was just looking at you, you have a pretty good body underneath those sweatpants and hoodies." Jenna says with the same smirk. Lynn just turns around and ignores her, sometimes Jenna can really get on her nerves with all over her teasing.

When both of them finish changing Lynn is wearing the outfit that Jenna made for her earlier this day and Jenna is now wearing skinny jeans a sweater with one side revealing her shoulder, and only her shoulder, so for some reason she took off her bra with Lynn right behind her. Jenna is still styling her hair while Lynn is already waiting for her at the front door. "Come on then, you wanted to be early." Lynn says as Jenna finishes her hair and now also gets ready to leave. And as always they leave the building walking side by side, the sky is already dark and the streetlights are on. When they exit the building the streets are pretty crowded and Lynn knows that this could be a hell of a night.

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