Chapter 27

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"Hey Jenna, Can I ask you a question?" "Yeah what's up?" "Why did you leave instead of talking to me?" Lynn sits with a blanket over her and Jenna, Jenna's legs are over Lynn's while she leans against the armrest. "I don't really know, honestly never really had anyone to talk to when I was younger." "Don't you have siblings?" "Oh I do. Two brothers and three sisters. All more perfect and successful than me." Jenna is looking down at her hands while talking. Lynn realises that it's hard for Jenna to open up like this, but she appreciates that she is able to do it for her. "You know that's not true, I don't care what your family thinks. You are the best Ortega that has ever lived! You are an actress that has been in multiple movies and shows." Jenna chuckles slightly as she hears this. "Really, now you don't have to run away to deal with problems on your own, no matter where you are. If you have something you want to talk about you call me, okay?" Jenna looks into Lynn's eyes with a warm smile. "Deal! And hey, if you ever have something I am always available." Lynn thinks for a second, she still feels kind of bad for unlocking Jenna's phone and reading her messages while she was asleep, "Good to know!" Lynn quickly says. "Anything on your mind right now?" Jenna looks at Lynn in a suspicious tone. "Nope, nothing at all." Lynn lies. "Suuuure, but anyway, what now?'' "I don't really know, we could just stay in for the rest of the evening and relax. I do know something fun we can do." Lynn smirks as she gets the remote. "I know you didn't want to watch the Scream movies with you in them, buuuut..." Lynn selects Scream five while looking over at Jenna with begging eyes. Jenna rubs her right temple while thinking "Fine, only because you're a good friend." Jenna sighs. "Yay! Thank you Jenna!" Lynn smiles as she presses play on the movie.

Lynn still finds the movie scary but she laughs every time Jenna comes on screen because she makes a small sigh from embarrassment. Lynn honestly hasn't seen a lot of Jenna's acting in movies but it is amazing, maybe she's is a bit biased because she now knows Jenna but still. "hey wanna order something?" Jenna asks. "Yeah sure, what were you thinking?" Lynn keeps watching the movie as she answers "How about Mexican?" Jenna pulls out her phone and searches something up. "Here I'll pick something for you." Jenna smiles. "It better be good okay." Lynn says after getting scared again, she notices that she is less scared of these movies since she started watching them with Jenna. They watch the movie a little longer until it ends. "Okay a few more minutes until the food is here, I'll grab some drinks okay?'' Jenna has an mischievous smile. "Yeah sounds good, I'll put on the next movie then!" Jenna rolls her eyes at Lynn and goes to the hallway, Lynn hears her rummage around in a bag with...bottles. "What are you grabbing Jenna?'' Lynn asks. Jenna then comes back into the living room holding two sixpacks of beer. "What! Where did you get that from!?" Lynn stands up in shock and confusion. "I bought them today in the grocery store, where else?" "I know but why did you buy them? Why do you want to drink them." "Lynn, I have had a pretty bad day. That guy this morning and my mom. To be honest, all I want to do right now is forget it and feel nice and drunk." Lynn wants to speak up but honestly, she feels the same. This day was very eventful and it would be nice to really relax right now. "Fine, only because of everything today." Lynn sighs. Jenna smiles widely and puts the sixpacks on the table. The doorbell rings and Jenna runs over to answer the door, she buzzes the delivery driver in while Lynn opens two bears for them. Jenna takes the food and puts it on the table. "Okay Lynn, these are Carne Asada taco's. I used to love these as a kid. So you're in luck. Because I got you some." Jenna smiles as she unpacks the food. "Okay let's give it a try." Lynn smiles.

They eat, and drink... a lot. It doesn't take long before the food has been eaten and both of them are on their fourth beer. "You have been chugging these Lynn, maybe you needed this more than you thought." "Yeah sure miss problems. I had to defend you from that stupid guy in the grocery store and who comforted you while you were dealing with your mom?" "You did." "Exactly! So I don't want to hear anything." "Okay, but there is one thing. When I asked you earlier if something was up you acted weird, is there something?" "Well, I kind of did something I regret but it doesn't really matter anyway." Lynn feels that the beers are starting to influence her judgement of the situation. "No come on now you have to say it." Jenna laughs. "Okay fine! When you were asleep you got that message from your mom and I kind of opened your phone to see what it was, but you told me everything after so I would know it anyway." Lynn chuckles. "You did what? You opened my phone while I was asleep? You read my private messages? And you think that's okay because I told you after!? Are you insane!" Jenna yells. Lynn feels put on the spot, it is her own fault and she knows she shouldn't have drank. "I mean I would get to know it one way or the other so it's not that bad.'' "Not that bad? You invaded my privacy! You went to my phone and didn't tell me about it!" "Jenna I'm sorry." Lynn speaks soft and filled with guilt and regret. "No! You know what I can't deal with this right now. I'm going to bed, I'll just sleep on the couch." Jenna says as she starts walking out of the room. "No Jenna! You can sleep in my bed, I'll take the couch." Lynn yells after her as she stands up. "Fine, but don't think this comes close to making up for what you did." Jenna says, her look towards Lynn feels like daggers shooting straight through her, and before she knows it Jenna is out of sight. "Shit, why did I do that." Lynn says as she falls back onto the couch. Lynn cleans up the table and puts the remaining beer in her fridge. She takes the blanket she and Jenna were under earlier and grabs a few pillows to support her head, she then turns of the lights and lies down, still dressed and still feeling stupid and wrong. As Lynn is thinking she hears Jenna turn on the shower, why was she so stupid. She was curious but does she really have so little self-control that she can't even leave some else's phone alone when they get a message. The room spins as Lynn closes her eyes, she can't sleep. She feels cold and alone. The warmth of Jenna she has grown to like so much is not there next to her. She is laying on her uncomfortable couch because she screwed up. This was her own fault. Lynn tries thinking of ways she can make it up to Jenna, but she can't think of anything that would make up for her invading Jenna's privacy like that. "I am stupid, I am so super stupid." Lynn mumbles to herself "I finally meet someone I can connect with, I finally have a friend who I care about and who cares about me, or at least I had one. I hope she doesn't leave or something, I can't take that. But she is going to leave, if not because of this then she will leave after New Years. God that is going to suck, then it all goes back to me by myself. Alone as always." Lynn's voice start cracking. A tear falls down her cheek, Lynn cries until she falls asleep. Lying in the dark on her couch, by herself while Jenna sleeps in her bed. Why is she so stupid.

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