Chapter 14

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"What are you talking about?" Jenna asks with a small chuckle as she walks further into the room to see that the kitchen counter is covered in different ingredients and kitchen equipment. "Well you tought me some yoga so I think it's fair that I repay the favor," Lynn says as she walks into the kitchen area "by teaching you how to cook!" "Lynn that really isn't necessary, I suck at cooking." Jenna's face shows that she appreciates the gesture but she is doubting herself. "Well that's why I want to teach you." Lynn pushes Jenna into the kitchen, she just looks confused at all the ingredients on the counter. "What then?" Jenna asks. "Well, you clearly aren't advanced enough for big recipes so I thought something a bit less complex would be a good pick." Lynn grabs a book from the closet and puts it down on the counter before flipping through some pages, she eventually stops at a page which has as title 'Italian pizza'. Jenna looks over Lynn shoulder as she sees the page. "You know that doesn't look to bad." Jenna nods as she reads through some of the instructions. "See! We can do this, together." Lynn says confident as she holds out her hand over her shoulder. "Together." Jenna smiles as she shakes Lynn's hand. "Okay so what's first?" Jenna asks oblivious to the entire process.

Lynn first starts explaining about the hygiene, like washing their hands and all of the things they will use before and after. Then she goes on to the dough, Lynn also has to read the instructions in the book while helping Jenna with the actual making. They struggle for a while as Jenna keeps messing up making her more annoyed which makes Lynn only more amused. Eventually they finish the dough while laughing, next was the tomato sauce which Lynn decided to just use some canned sauce. They take turns pouring a bit over the dough and then spreading it out. After they finish spreading the entire bottom with sauce they need to do the cheese, so firstly Lynn explains how to use the cheese grater without cutting of your own skin, something she thought wouldn't be necessary but while she was grabbing the toppings from the fridge she hears a sharp gasp and then a "Fuck!" as she looks up at Jenna who is waving her hand from side to side she immediately knows what happened. "God I even explained it!" Lynn says with a slight chuckle, she starts rummaging through a cabinet to find band-aids. "Shut up, as I said I suck at cooking." Jenna mumbles. Lynn emerges from the cabinet with a band-aid which she sticks on to Jenna's hand. "There you go. But for the record, you have been doing a good job at it so far." Lynn smiles as she picks up the cheese grater to wash it and then to finish with the cheese. "Okay to finish off our beautiful pizza we must choose our toppings." Lynn says as she presents all the choices. Before she can even list up everything Jenna grabs a handful of Jalapeños and spreads it over the pizza. "What can I say I just love spicy foods." Jenna shrugs, Lynn chuckles and spreads a few slices of peperoni over the pizza. "And now all we have to do is cook it. Luckily the oven still works so it won't take too long." Lynn declares as she puts the pizza on a plate and into the oven, she adjust the temprature and time before finally pressing the start button. "Welp what are we gonna do now?" Jenna sighs as she sits down on the couch. "Well we still have some movies to finish." Lynn says as she walks over to the couch herself. She picks up the remote and selects the third scream movie before sitting down next to Jenna. Right as Lynn sits down Jenna puts her head on her shoulder, and the first thing that shoots back into Lynn's head is the kiss of this afternoon. Lynn starts getting a little nervous and looks over at the oven which still has about 30 minutes on it, she is wondering if she should ask Jenna about the kiss. She said it was a joke but what kind of joke is that?" Lynn thinks to herself. "Thinking about me naked or something?" Lynn hears from next to her ear. "What no! of course not, im just watching to movie." "But you didn't even flinch the slightest at the last jump scare, and as far as I know you would react a bit more I'd say." Jenna jokes. "Ah just be quiet I'm trying to watch." Lynn whispers. "Yeah, yeah sure..." Jenna starts before she gets interrupted by a shush from Lynn.

They sit in silence for the rest of the movie, of course Lynn jumps at most scary parts and Jenna keeps giggling from beside her but they don't really talk until they hear a few loud beeps. "Ooooh pizza is ready!" Lynn says as she pauses the movie and stands up. She gets the pizza out of the oven, cuts it in a few pieces and puts them on a plate. She brings the plates over to the couch as she admires the pizza's. "Well I must say we did a pretty good job, it actually looks pretty good." She says as she puts down the plates and sits down next to Jenna again. Jenna looks surprised as she sees the pizza, she picks up a piece and immediately starts eating. Lynn chuckles and also starts eating. "Damn this is good!" Jenna says exited "Thank you for helping me with this, I really appreciate it." Jenna says as bit softer, before Lynn can respond Jenna reaches for the remote and turns the movie back on. They mostly just eat and Lynn gets scared again at some parts but the pizza is a nice distraction. Jenna finishes her pizza first so Lynn offers her another piece, she gladly takes it and they share the rest of Lynn's slices. When the credits of the movie start to roll Lynn notices how tired she actualy is and before she even gets the chance to ask Jenna how she feels she hears a loud yawn from beside her. "Well I guess we are both a bit tired," Lynn chuckles "you can shower if you want I'll go in the morning." "Yeah thanks." Jenna smiles while picking up he own plate to put it in the kitchen before going to take her shower. As soon as Jenna leaves the room Lynn falls back onto the couch with a sigh. "That was quite the day." Lynn says to herself as she looks out the window. She cleans the table and puts the dishes in her dishwasher before walking to her room to change into her night shirt and shorts, she gets into bed and scrolls a bit on her phone until she hears a few small knocks from the bathroom. "Eeehm Lynn? Could you maybe do me a small favor." Jenna yells from the bathroom in a bit of an uncertain tone. "Yeah sure what do you need." Lynn yells back as she walks towards the bathroom. "Well I may have forgotten to grab a clean pair of underwear before I locked myself in here," Jenna says from behind the door "So could you maybe grab me a pair from my suitcase?" Lynn just thinks for a second and then bursts out laughing. "Come on, yeah I know it was stupid. Ha Ha very funny." Jenna says sarcastically "Now hurry up!" "Okay I'll do it, as long as you're not gonna try to make me see you naked." Lynn laughs a she walks to her room, she rummages around Jenna's suitcase and finds a bra and a pair of panties. "Okay I got them." Lynn says still giggling. "Okay just put them on the ground and go back to your room." Jenna says. Lynn does as instructed and as she closes the door to her room she yells: "Okay you're good!" to Jenna. She gets back in bed and a few moments later Jenna walks in bright red and quickly turns out the lights and gets in bed. "So I guess you just want to go to sleep?" Lynn chuckles. Jenna just grabs Lynn's body tightly and closes her eyes. Lynn just smiles and puts her arms around Jenna. "Good night Jenna." Lynn whispers. "Good night." Jenna whispers back. Lynn smiles as she actually feels how tight Jenna is holding on and closes her eyes to drift away to sleep.

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