Chapter 34

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"Jenna Jeez, why can't you just take a joke!" Lynn runs over to the light headed Jenna. "Here sit down." Lynn helps Jenna over to the couch. "I'm okay, I'm okay. Just need to rest for a while." Jenna chuckles. "Why don't we get some fresh air, let's take a small walk." Lynn grabs her and Jenna's shoes and coat and brings it over to Jenna. They get dressed and Lynn helps Jenna stand up just in case. "This isn't necessary Lynn. I'm good." "I know but at least we can tell ourselves that we did something other than drink and celebrate today."

Lynn opens the door and they walk downstairs onto the busy streets. The air is grey and bland again but the streets are filled with people doing last minute shopping or going out to celebrate together. Some people are laughing and some people are hurriedly running around. Lynn and Jenna walk among the people, some look at Jenna knowing who she is or recognizing her. After a few minutes of walking it gets calmer, they walk out of the center past the restaurant the ate earlier this week. "Where are we going?" Jenna asks. "To the park, it's nice and calm so we can talk there." "What is there to talk about?" They walk around the corner of a street and approach the park. It has a big lake with a fountain that Lynn finds majestic. The trees are empty with all the leaves that have fallen off. "Well we still haven't really talked about what happens after this week." Lynn answers. "Yes we have." "But we still haven't come to an answer, like what are we going to do?" they enter the park and walk towards the center. "Here let's sit down." Lynn sits down on a bench, Jenna pulls her coat down a little not wanting to get dirt on her pants. "Well what do you want?" Jenna asks looking out over the park at the few small groups of people talking. "I want to see you, I want to do things with you because you're my best friend." "And you are mine, this week has felt like a lifetime of event but the distance is something that is hard to conquer." "Well what do we do then?" Lynn rubs her templates thinking hard about anything that can just make sure she doesn't loose Jenna. She can't, Jenna is one of the best things that happened to her after her mom of course. "You know what?" Jenna starts, Lynn looks up at her "How about you repay the favor. After this week, you will come to me. We will go back to my place and you'll stay there for the week. If you want that of course." Jenna says getting excited over the idea. "That sounds great! Yes! Yes we'll do that. I'll stay with you and see what it's like to live like a celebrity. We can figure things out after that. For now this sounds great!" Lynn says exited. She immediately starts thinking about Jenna's house and what it will look like. How different will her life be compared to Lynn's. "Well then that's settled. You will come live at my house for the next week and I'll make sure it will be the best week of your life. I promise." Jenna reaches out her hand to shake Lynn's. Lynn laughs and shakes it excitedly. "Deal!" "Oh I'm already excited! I am going to plan every thing you have to do. Half of the time we'll be in LA. God, there is so much I want to do with you!" Jenna stands up pacing back and forth in front of Lynn. Lynn also can't believe it. She is going to Los Angeles, with Jenna! She can't believe it. "So do you think you caught your breath?" Lynn chuckles still processing that she is going to live with Jenna. "Yeah, yeah I think I have. I need to do so many things." "Sure, I first of all have to tell my mom. I don't travel often, let alone to LA." "You go do that, I'll have to arrange a few things." Jenna is already starting to be secretive and Lynn is already starting to qeustion if she should fully trust her. She would like to say: "What's the worst that could happen." but Lynn doesn't even want to think about what could happen with this unpredictable woman. "Let's go back home." Jenna says with the widest smile on her face. "Yeah let's." Lynn smiles along with Jenna as she grabs her phone. "I'll call my mom right away, this might be the most sudden thing I have ever done." Jenna nods and almost skips back towards the centre. Lynn calls her mom who answers after a small while. "Hey Lynn what's up." "Hey mom, are you busy?" "No not at all. Do you have any updates with Jenna?" Lynn's mom asks in a curious voice. It sounds like she even tried to be quieter to keep other people from hearing. "Well kind of actually. Jenna and I were talking about what we wanted to do after this week and how we want to continue our friendship. We haven't come up with a permanent solution but we have something." Lynn smiles as she looks at Jenna. "Well what is it, don't keep me waiting like this." Lynn's mom asks even more curious. "Jenna prosed for me to join her on her way back, so that next week I can stay with her like this week she stayed with me. So I'm going to LA!" Lynn says feeling a bit nervous about what her mom will think about it. "Lynn you're kidding me." Lynn's mom says. Her voice is monotone so it is very hard for Lynn to know what she is thinking. "No." Lynn softly says. "That is great! You are going to Los Angeles with Jenna!" her mom yells through the phone. Lynn lets out a relieved laugh. "Yeah I am really exited about it! We both are." Lynn smiles at Jenna who is happily smiling next to her. "Hey miss Hutton!" she yells towards the phone. "Hey Jenna!" Lynn's mom says. Lynn hands Jenna her phone with a smile. "Yeah I got everything covered. She will stay with me. I'll pay for the tickets." Jenna says into the phone. Jenna talks to Lynn's mom as they walk back home. Lynn has to laugh a few times and is kind of loving the way people look at them. She enjoys the attention, Lynn is not like that but she really feels noticed. Something she didn't think she liked. "Okay bye, bye." Jenna hangs up the phone and hands it back to Lynn. They're just outside of Lynn's building so they walk in right as Lynn puts the phone in her pocket. Life just feels like a movie right now and Lynn couldn't be happier.

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