Chapter 15

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As Lynn starts waking up she can hear the crowded street below her window; she opens her eyes; checks on Jenna who is still soundly asleep and sort of murmuring in her sleep and looks at her alarm clock. "1 AM already?" Jenna thinks to herself as she lets her head fall back onto the pillow. She looks back down at Jenna and smiles, she thinks about how lucky she actually was she met Jenna, Lynn knew who she was before they met but since a few days Lynn actually knows her, she has a bond with her. But she wonders if Jenna is as happy as she is, Jenna grew up acting, she made a career for herself, and now she is with Lynn in a random apartment. Jenna is probally used to living in a big mansion with a pool and all the room she needs and now she is cramped up with Lynn. Lynn stares at the ceiling thinking some more but the longer she thinks, the more she starts to doubt that Jenna is having a good time or is happy to be here at all. Just as she is about to try to get up Jenna starts waking up, she stretches and her eyes slowly open and as she opens them she immediately sees Lynn staring at her. "Enjoying the view?" She asks still sleepy. "No I was just looking what was making all that noise, but it was just you." Lynn says, Jenna rolls her eyes and smiles. "Can't a girl just have a nice dream?" "Oh yeah? What were you dreaming about then?" Lynn asks. Jenna is silent for a second before letting go of Lynn and stepping out of bed. "None of your business." She smiles sarcastically. She then grabs a few clothes from her suitcase and starts getting dressed "So what is todays planning?" she asks while putting on her pants. "I don't know, but we'll think off something, maybe we could even go out this evening." Lynn also gets out of bed and walks to her closet to grab some clothes before entering the bathroom to shower, Jenna thinks for a second before responding: "Yeah I'd like to do something in the evening for a change." Jenna yells through the door as Lynn is undressing. "Okay I'll search for something to do this evening and maybe you can think of something else to kill the time before that." Lynn finally says before stepping into the shower and turning it on.

After Lynn in done showering she puts on a green hoodie with black jeans and walks into the living room where Jenna is sitting dressed in a black sweater and black sweatpants while looking at her phone with a sour face "Is it your ex again?" Lynn asks a bit soft as she remembers what Jenna told her yesterday morning. "Yeah last night he send me a bunch of text, he was probably drunk or something." "Can I ask what he send?" Lynn asks even softer. Lynn looks a bit unsure but then gestures for Lynn to sit next to her. "Well things like: 'you'll never find someone to love you.' and 'You have a face only a mother could love.' So yeah not very nice." Jenna reads. Lynn gets angrier with every message she sees. Then an idea pops into her head. "Give me your phone." She says. "What, why?" "Just give me your phone." Lynn almost orders, Jenna slowly hands over her phone and as Lynn gets the phone she opens the camera and takes a deep breath before grabbing Jenna's face and kissing her deeply while taking a selfie. "Send him that." Lynn says as she pulls away. "Lynn... you just-" Jenna says with a shocked and confused face. "Don't mention it, your ex is a terrible person and I just wanted him to know that he is wrong." Lynn says blushing herself. "But you just... yesterday you were freaking out when I did it but you just do it to me like it's no problem, I don't think that's very fair." Jenna jokes returning to her normal state of mind. "Well I actually had a reason to do it, you didn't." Lynn shrugs as she stands up and walks over to the kitchen "So do you want some French toast or something?" Lynn asks before Jenna has the ability to respond, Jenna just sighs and rolls her eyes before saying: "Sounds great." Lynn starts making the toast while Jenna smiles at her phone. "So what did he think of that." Lynn asks from the kitchen. "Oh he hates it alright, he is asking who you are and if we are really together." Jenna tells Lynn. "Ok tell him that we are actually together and that you knew me when you were younger." Lynn says still focused on making breakfast. Jenna chuckles and types on her phone before putting it down on the table. "You are suprisingly good at this." Jenna laughs. "I just watch a lot of movies and shows I guess." Lynn laughs too and puts the French toast on the plates before bringing them over to Jenna. They both sit down and start eating.

When they finish the toast Lynn also makes two cups of coffee while putting the plates away. "So has he responded already?" Lynn hands Jenna one of the cups and sits down next to her. "Let's see." Jenna picks up her phone which has exploded. "Oh yeah he has, it looks like he is very, very mad. But he doesn't believe us." "Ah who cares, let's just forget that guy and have a nice day." Lynn smiles. "That sounds perfect." Jenna responds and turns her phone back off. "So did you find anything to do today." Lynn asks. "Yeah I read somewhere about this very popular brownie place so I tought we could get some and then have a late lunch." Jenna suggests, Lynn smiles and takes a sip of her coffee. "Yeah that sounds great!" she smiles "Shall we go then?" Lynn asks. "Yep let's go." Jenna smiles. They walk to the hallway and put on their shoes and coats before leaving the building. "So what way do we need to go, I'll just follow you." Lynn says. Jenna searches for something on her phone while saying: "Sure, just don't check my ass out too much okay." She smirks. "Ha, ha. Like that would ever happened." Lynn rolls her eyes but they subconsciously stop perfectly on Jenna's ass. Lynn quickly looks away and Jenna starts walking so she quickly walks after her. They need to walk for a few minutes until they reach the place, they enter and there are not too many people so they can order pretty quickly. Lynn looks at the menu and sees that they have hundreds of different brownie's. "How am I supposed to choose." Lynn says to Jenna. "I'm taking the Oreo brownie, it sounds pretty good." Jenna responds. "I guess im taking that too." Lynn says before they reach the cashier. They order and Jenna quickly offers to pay before Lynn can even argue about it. They need to wait a few minutes and then they receive their 'freshly backed still warm brownie's' as the cashier put it. They walk out of the store and find a small bench near a little stream that runs through the street. They both dive in and are surprised by how amazing it is. "Holy mother of god this is good." Lynn laughs. Jenna also laughs as she hears Lynn say that. They both laugh and just eat on the bench. "Hey Lynn," Jenna says without looking up. "thank you for helping me with my ex." She says. "Of course no problem, he is just a dick who doesn't deserve love." Lynn says, Jenna laughs and looks up. "Your right." Jenna smiles. Lynn puts her arm around Jenna and they laugh for a little and both finish their brownie's.

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