Chapter 6

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 "Well I really enjoyed that Lynn! Thank you for showing me this amazing spot." Jenna says as she sits down on a bench that's next to the road. Lynn sits next down to her as she pulls out her phone. "I enjoying it too, it's nice spending time with you. It may sounds weird but when I talk to you it feels like we have known each other for years." She says while opening the uber app. "Now that you mention it, I think I feel the same. It's like I can be myself around you- with flaws and all." Jenna says looking around at the passing cars. "Yeah exactly! That's probally why I let you stay at my place only after knowing each other for 15 minutes. But I hope you know I like everything about you Jenna- including your flaws." Lynn says slightly blushing as she puts her phone back into her pocket after ordering the uber. Jenna looks at Lynn with a smile "don't get all emotional with me now." Jenna says as she elbows Lynn. Lynn can see that Jenna doesn't really know how to deal with a compliment like that for some reason, so she just acts along with her. "Im not! Im just telling you that even tho you have a lot of flaws you are still pretty decent." Lynn says trying to insult Jenna. "Mmm sure you are." Jenna says with squinted eyes while nodding slightly. They both laugh for a minute before the uber arrives. They both get in the backseat and great the driver. "So where is the happy couple going?" the driver asks as he starts driving. Lynn looks up at the driver slightly shocked. "Oh actually we-" Lynn starts before she gets interrupted by Jenna who pulls herself close to Lynn, she hooks her arm underneath Lynn's and puts her head on her shoulder. "Oh we are just going home." Jenna smiles at the driver. "Oh that's nice, I presume you two went on a walk?" the driver asks as the forest they walked in are pretty popular to hike in. "Yeah we were, it was amazing but now we just need to get home and relax a little." Jenna says still smiling, she puts great emphasis on the relax. Lynn notices what she is doing and looks over at Jenna who is looking up at her with a grin. "What are you doing?" Lynn whispers down to her. "He thinks we are a couple, so I decided to play along with it." Jenna says with a wink as she puts her head back on Lynn's shoulder. The driver stays silent as he clearly understands what Jenna is hinting at. They sit in silent for the rest of the ride, but Jenna doesn't move. Even tho It's a pretty uncomfortable situation Lynn still enjoys having Jenna against her like this. She can't help putting her head on top of Jenna's. they sit like this for the last part of the ride.

When the car stops in front of the building Lynn lives in they both get out and thank the driver. They walk in the building up to Lynn's appartement and Lynn opens the door. As soon as Jenna walks in and closes the door behind her Lynn turns around. "Can you tell me why the hell you pretended to be my girlfriend in front of a random guy?!" She asks. "Come on Lynn calm down, as I said he taught we were a couple, so I decided to act out the scene. Kind of like improv you know?" Jenna says while walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch. "Ok I sort of get that you want to act and all but I don't know how to do any of that, why did you have to pull me into this?" Lynn asks following Jenna to the couch and sitting down next to her. "Without you it wouldn't have worked. But you're right and I am sorry that I did it, but you can't tell me you didn't enjoy it! You put your head on mine and I know that wasn't to act." Jenna says with a teasing tone. "I didn't! I am only tired that's all!" Lynn says defensive as she crosses her arms. "It's ok Lynn im just messing with you! And I don't mind it either, I mean we slept like that so it's no big deal to do it for a few minutes is it?" Jenna says with a laugh. "Ok yeah I guess so, just nevermind that." Lynn says trying to sound mad, but she can feel a smile creeping onto her face.

"I don't know about you but im starving!" Jenna says after a minute of them sitting in silence. "Yeah me too actually, I guess one protein bar isn't really enough for lunch." Lynn laughs stupidly. "Well I never got the change to have lunch at that restaurant yesterday. Maybe we can go there." Jenna suggests after thinking for a second. "Oh yeah you're right, that sounds like a good idea. I'd love to go there again, it was really good yesterday." Lynn says with a smile, she knows she is talking about the food but she can't help but think that was the only good thing that happened there yesterday. She met Jenna there, THE Jenna Ortega who is now also spending the week with her. "Well let's get going then!" Jenna says with her contagious excitement. "Ok, ok just let me put something else on." Lynn says as she gets up and walks to her room. Jenna follows her and walks to the suitcase that is laying down in the corner of the room, she rummages through her clothes and other stuff for a little while before she takes a pair of ripped jeans and a white sweater out and holds them up to her body as she turns around to Lynn who is also trying to find some clothes. "How about this?" Jenna asks as she looks down to the clothes. Lynn turns around and checks out the clothes for a second. "Yeah looks great!" Lynn says with her warm smile. She grabs a pair of beige cargo pants and a white crop top. "Mmm that would look hot on you." Lynn hears from behind her, as she turns around Jenna is in her underwear because she was halfway through changing. "Jesus Jenna im right here!" Lynn yelps as she quickly turns around. "Jeez this again, it's just underwear Lynn, it won't kill you to see me in it." Jenna says in a sarcastic tone. Lynn turns back around acknowledging Jenna's point. "Ok but the comment was unnecessary." She says. "What can't I say you look good?" Jenna says as she turns back around to put her jeans on. Lynn can hear the smile on her face by her tone. "Yeah because that's exactly what you said." Lynn says with an eyeroll as she takes of her jacket and shirt underneath that she was still wearing from the hike. She picks up the tank top as she can her Jenna giggle behind her. "What?" Lynn asks without turning around. "Oh nothing, it's just that you were all awkward a second ago and now you are also standing in your bra." Jenna giggles. "Well at least im discreet about it." Lynn huffs as she puts on the tank top. As she hears Jenna put on her sweater she quickly takes of her old pants and puts the cargo pants on. She doesn't really mind being half naked with her back turned to Jenna it's just that Jenna would make some weird joke and then she would get embarrassed. Lynn turns around to look at Jenna who is now also finished changing. "Well are we ready now?" Jenna asks as she rubs her belly. "Yeah, calm down we can go." Lynn says as they walk out her room to the hallway to put their shoes on.

A Special AppearanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora